Vision and Organizational Change [NACE: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8]Locate one scholarly article that discusses vision in relation to specific companies going through organizational change. The change could be...

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Vision and Organizational Change [NACE: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8]

Locate one scholarly article that discusses vision in relation to specific companies going through organizational change. The change could be growth, decline, or some form of restructuring. Select a company that is featured in the article, and go to that company’s website to view the vision statement for the organization. Using the vision statement of your chosen company, discuss the following points:

  • Evaluate the article and describe the current vision statement and the change occurring within the organization.

  • Does the vision statement meet the challenges of the overall change initiative?

  • Possible revisions that could be made to the vision statement to meet the image of the organization after changes have been implemented.

Answered Same DayDec 19, 2022

Answer To: Vision and Organizational Change [NACE: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8]Locate one scholarly article that...

Ayan answered on Dec 19 2022
40 Votes
Table of contents
Vision and Organizational Change    3
References    5
Vision and Organizational Ch
    To all the more precisely represent organizational changes; this article covers how businesses are refreshing their vision statements. Google has been selected as the model firm since it is encountering a significant organizational transformation as a result of the joining of another parent organization, Alphabet. As per the website, Google has a distinctive culture. The culture of cooperation Google most reminds me of, as I would see it. Making an atmosphere that is "inclusive, collaborative, and inventive" is something Google is dedicated to doing (Men, Yue & Liu, 2020). They cherish their workers and have a level culture as opposed to a progressive one. Google emphasizes diversity, relationships, dedication, synergy, teamwork, and trust, just like in the collaboration culture (Muttaqin, 2020). They deal with their staff members like members of the Google family and are devoted to assisting them in living satisfying lives outside of work. A fantastic illustration of a collaborative culture is demonstrated by their obligation to diversity and employing locals in every one of the countries where they carry on with work. Google's ongoing mission is to coordinate the world's information and make it universally useful and accessible. The...

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