Vocabulary Story #10. Write a story(real or you can create one) about the Presidency of the United State using all 9 words. It can be any form of the words, and the words can be...

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Vocabulary Story #10. Write a story(real or you can create one) about the Presidency of the United State using all 9 words. It can be any form of the words, and the words can be repeated(develop-development; apply-applied). The words are attached below.1. AGGRESSIVE 2. DEFEAT 3. ENOUGH 4. DEVELOP 5. RISK 6. SUCCESS 7. RESEARCH 8. APPLY 9. PRACTICAL
Answered Same DayJan 27, 2021

Answer To: Vocabulary Story #10. Write a story(real or you can create one) about the Presidency of the United...

Shefali answered on Jan 27 2021
148 Votes
The Presidency of United States has been always in talks and popular topic in the town, e
specially, if we talk about 45th American politician Donald John Trump. He became the first U.S. President without any military or government service. He was born in June 1946 in New York, United States. In 2015, he announced his Candidacy of President. He registered as a Republican and he switched numerous times[footnoteRef:1]. [1: Michael A. Peters "Truth and Truth-telling in the Age of Trump." Review of Contemporary Philosophy 17 (2018): 20-30]
Before entering politics, he was a television personality and businessperson. He became president in year 2017. He applied First Step Act, which seeks reform in Criminal Justice System. Donald Trump focused on his efforts, on the major development projects in Manhattan, in partnership with Hyatt, including the renovation of the Commodore Hotel as well as in the development of Trump Plaza was considered by the president[footnoteRef:2]. [2: Corina Lacatus and Gustav Meibauer. "Introduction to the special issue: Elections, rhetoric and American foreign policy in the age of Donald Trump." Politics (2020): 0263395720935376]
He signed an order to scale back financial regulation, orders to implement a federal hiring freeze, appointed Supreme Court judges. Also orders the rolling back rules and regulations made during Obama administration and researches about new amendments. He issued...

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