-Watch the film “How many people can live on planet Earth?” (~50 min) by BBC Horizon, 2010. XXXXXXXXXXTurn in a one page, typed summary of the film....

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-Watch the film “How many people can live on planet Earth?” (~50 min) by BBC Horizon, 2010.

- Turn in a one page, typed summary of the film.


Answered Same DayNov 13, 2019

Answer To: -Watch the film “How many people can live on planet Earth?” (~50 min) by BBC Horizon, 2010....

David answered on Nov 30 2019
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November 16, 2017
How Many people can l
ive on Planet Earth
This documentary movie is presented by the BBC Horizon which discusses about the rise in human population in the past 50 years. The reason why the population has increased in so many years is due to control of death rates and massive reduction of diseases such as cholera, smallpox, malaria and measles. It discusses about the biggest threat to humans living on Planet earth stating we are our biggest enemies. Since the speed with which we are multiplying we will be nine billion in number by 2050. The current population is 7 billion approx and by the...

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