writing practice

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writing practice

10:34 wll @ < back="" pulse="" course="" home="" content="" communication="" v="" assessments="" v="" brightspace="" help="" may="" 2024=""> Reflective Writing Practice - Due { Tasks ~ Reflective Writing Practice - Due May 12, 2024 11:59 PM © ADMN1999:Field Placement for Administrative sims. Professionals-24MAYMNOC1 View Completed Task Think about something that happened recently (at school, at work, etc.) that caused you to feel surprised, frustrated, successful, or unsuccessful, etc. It doesn't matter if it went well or if it went badly. Use the What? So What? Now What? reflection model that you learned about in your pre-placement learning to reflect on this experience. Your reflection must include the headings for: What? + What happened? + What were your expectations before the experience? + What was your approach? « What was easy/hard about the experience? So What? + What did you learn? + How did your knowledge and understanding change? Now What? + What are you going to do as a result of the experience? + How might you put into practice what you have learned? This is an individual activity. This is not an activity that Al (such as ChatGPT) can be used for. You are reflecting on something that actually happened to you. Using Al to write this assignment may result in an academic misconduct charge, which could result in your failing your field placement course before it even starts. This is a required assessment for this course. Failing to complete this assignment may result in failing your field placement. 8 Reflective Writing Practice © Due May 12a 11:59 PM @ Ends May 12,2024 11:59 PM owvalleycollege.ca/d2l/Ims/dropbox/user/folde Rubric Name: Reflective Writing Practice = Print oy Pass Fail Criterion Criteria 1 point 0 points Score 3 Reflection includes What, So Reflection does not 71 Reflection 0 What, and Now What. move beyond basic description. Reflection attempts to analyze beyond simple description, Reflection needs to be creating an analysis of the revised based on student's understanding of instructor feedback. self and others. Total [ /1 Overall Score 10:34 wll @ < back="" pulse="" course="" home="" content="" communication="" v="" assessments="" v="" brightspace="" help="" may="" 2024=""> Reflective Writing Practice - Due { Tasks ~ Reflective Writing Practice - Due May 12, 2024 11:59 PM © ADMN1999:Field Placement for Administrative sims. Professionals-24MAYMNOC1 View Completed Task Think about something that happened recently (at school, at work, etc.) that caused you to feel surprised, frustrated, successful, or unsuccessful, etc. It doesn't matter if it went well or if it went badly. Use the What? So What? Now What? reflection model that you learned about in your pre-placement learning to reflect on this experience. Your reflection must include the headings for: What? + What happened? + What were your expectations before the experience? + What was your approach? « What was easy/hard about the experience? So What? + What did you learn? + How did your knowledge and understanding change? Now What? + What are you going to do as a result of the experience? + How might you put into practice what you have learned? This is an individual activity. This is not an activity that Al (such as ChatGPT) can be used for. You are reflecting on something that actually happened to you. Using Al to write this assignment may result in an academic misconduct charge, which could result in your failing your field placement course before it even starts. This is a required assessment for this course. Failing to complete this assignment may result in failing your field placement. 8 Reflective Writing Practice © Due May 12a 11:59 PM @ Ends May 12,2024 11:59 PM owvalleycollege.ca/d2l/Ims/dropbox/user/folde Rubric Name: Reflective Writing Practice = Print oy Pass Fail Criterion Criteria 1 point 0 points Score 3 Reflection includes What, So Reflection does not 71 Reflection 0 What, and Now What. move beyond basic description. Reflection attempts to analyze beyond simple description, Reflection needs to be creating an analysis of the revised based on student's understanding of instructor feedback. self and others. Total [ /1 Overall Score
Answered Same DayMay 10, 2024

Answer To: writing practice

Parul answered on May 11 2024
10 Votes
By the virtue of this reflective assignment, I'm going to share my thoughts and insights gained from being involved in a construction project.
Let's first dive into What part of the scenario. So, I recently participated in the construction project where we were required to convert an old building into a modern office space. The project had lots of demolition work and structural changes, along with the installation of new electrical and plumbing systems.
What were my expectations before the experience?
First, I did anticipate that the project was going to be tough because of the magnitude of the renovation involved. I could sense that some unseen obstacles were bound to arise, given the age of the building and the extent of work at hand.
What was my approach?
Essentially, my way to approach this situation was centred around thoughtful planning of each stage of the project, effective coordination with the team, and...

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