A1d: The literature review Specifications Due Date : Wednesday 24th October at 3.00pm Melbourne time. Mode : Individual written literature review Word limit : 2000 words Includes title, subheadings,...

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A1d: The literature review


Due Date: Wednesday 24th October at 3.00pm Melbourne time.

Mode: Individual written literature review

Word limit: 2000 words

Includes title, subheadings, in-text citations & keywords,

Excludes figures/tables, their captions & reference list.

Worth: 25%

Submission: Submission of a .doc or .docx file via Moodle.

Late Work: 10% of total available mark will be deducted per 24 hours or part thereof.

After this assignment students should:






§ Have demonstrated the ability to refine a research question within a broader topic;

§ Understand the purpose and structure of a scientific literature review and be able to write a coherent review on a single topic using a language and style suitable for a non-specialist scientific audience (i.e. another science student);

§ Be able to find, read and critically evaluate recent scientific literature;

§ Understand the purpose and importance of referencing and citations;

§ Be able to evaluate and give feedback on an essay prepared by another person;

§ Demonstrate the ability to write well, using correct grammar and spelling;

§ Be able to follow instructions on formatting and style.

Step by step guide

1.Refine an appropriate scientific question.

This must be based on one of the broad topics given to you at the start of semester. You should have already done this for your annotated bibliography assignment. Discuss your topic with your tutor.

2.Find appropriate resourcesto prepare a literature review.

Using appropriate library and scientific databases. You will probably need to read over 20 articles in order to select 15 or so to cite. You can use the articles that you used in your annotated bibliography and the press release if they are still relevant to your topic.

3.View the

literature review examples

4.Prepare a concise, written scientific literature review(2000 words).

Use a professional style using language that is appropriate for a scientifically educated but non-specialist audience, e.g. other SCI2010 students. Define technical terms and avoid using jargon.

Logically order content using the following structure:



1. Informative and original title (included in word count)

2. Abstract (up to 100 words and is included in word count)

3. Five or six keywords that do not appear in the title (included in word count)

4. Introduction (included in word count)

5. Main text with sub-headings (included in word count)

6. A discussion of the material presented (if not integrated under the subheadings) (included in word count)

7. Conclusion (included in word count)

8. Reference list (not included in word count)

9. Figures, tables and their captions (not included in word count.

Consider summarising information in tables or creating diagrams to explain complex ideas or inter-relationships between ideas. This is not essential but they can be useful to sort out your ideas.Tables must not be used as a substitute for written text.

5. Cite as you write.

Cite at least 15 articles.



§ At least 10 of these must be relatively recent (2013-2017) peer-reviewed primary scientific articles.

§ In addition to the 10 + peer reviewed primary scientific articles, you may include a maximum of three review articles for background and general context but you should refer to the original study, not reviews, when discussing specific findings.

§ You may also choose to use some older references published prior to 2013 to add context.

§ However, please note that when usingmore than 15 articles, 2/3 (or more) of your cited articles for A1dmust be relatively recent (2013-2017) peer-reviewed primary scientific articles.

When sourcing articles you should be drawing from a range of journals and those written by a range of authors. Do not rely too heavily on one author or journal as this may introduce bias.

In-text citationsareincluded in your word count.

Textbooks and reference books should be avoided.
Do not cite anything from the Internet, newspapers or magazines
. Official reports, that is, from the United Nations, NASA or the World Health Organisation, may be used sparingly and typically have a formal way of referencing and therefore do not need a URL.

Bonus literature review tips

Information and exercises on writing for science can be found on Monash’sLanguage and Learning Service website.

If you are aiming for adistinction or higherin your final literature review, the following suggestions may be helpful:

· Use more than the minimum number of references (18-25) in order to increase breadth and/or depth.

· Make sure your aim and scope are not too broad. It is easier to write a good literature review if your aim and scope are reasonably specific and tightly defined.

· Synthesise issues from the literature rather than presenting them as a list of disconnected paragraphs.

· Explain the scientific processes or mechanisms involved in what you are talking about – not just the patterns that result from these.

· Include quantitative information. For example, how many participants were involved in the study? What is the uncertainty or range in the measurements? By what percentage did factor X cause observation Y to increase?

· Create your own figures or tables to explain complex ideas or to summarise and synthesise large amounts of information. Remember to include appropriate captions and refer to them in the main text.

· Use the discussion section to include your own interpretation of the material presented.

· Write a concise conclusion that summarises your review and includes a clear ‘take home’ message.

MY Notes

I have already chosen a topic:

Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in women following childbirth

-the journal articles should be relatively new: 2013-17 and CSIRO referencing


Answered Same DayOct 16, 2019SCI2010Monash University

Answer To: A1d: The literature review Specifications Due Date : Wednesday 24th October at 3.00pm Melbourne...

David answered on Dec 28 2019
147 Votes
Running Head: Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in women following childbirth        
Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in women following childbirth    7
Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in women following childbirth
Student’s Name
Enrolment No.
University Name
    The paper discusses about the problem of post-traumatic stress disorder in women after their child delivery. Due to change in value system and social elemen
ts empowerment, there have been several changes which are being faced by the women especially during their difficult hours. In the given paper, there will be discussion about the causes, symptoms, recovery, reasoning and recommendations for the family members and for physicians to help women recover fast from PTSD situation.
Keywords: Pregnancy, trauma, delivery, depression, caesarean, labour pain.
The existence of post-traumatic stress disorder occurs mainly due to the happening of a highly traumatic situation in a person’s life. However, for some women giving birth to a child is also as traumatized as a terrorist attack or a natural disaster leaving marks of stress disorder in her life. Studies have found that 75% of pregnant women show the symptoms of PTSD due to imbalance in their health and being not able to undergo the delivery process. Around more than 3 per cent of the pregnant women have complete problem of PTSD after delivering the child.
Literature Review
    There have been several studies over the development of the PTSD among women who are either about to deliver the baby or have already given birth to a child. It has been researched that 4/5th of women who were having the PTSD went through vaginal delivery without having any medication for pain relief at that time. It means that higher the pain during the pregnancy and child delivery more is the chance to suffer from PTSD. Sometimes women also feel uncomfortable and fearful because of complications that had happened in their earlier case of pregnancies and during the labor period. These are the predictors of existence of symptoms of PTSD in women. It has been a point of discussion whether giving birth to a child should be considered as a “traumatic event” or not. According to Strous, childbirth is an expected event in the life of a women and it is not an accident. The fear and apprehensions attached by the expectant mother is justified and appropriate as she is concerned about the well-being and good health of the child as well as of her own safety during the labor delivery. The study conducted revealed that around 25.9 per cent of the total sample of women had the positive symptoms of having the traumatic disorder after delivery of baby whereas 7.8 per cent had partial symptoms of post-delivery stress disorder and around 3.4 per cent had shown the symptoms of having full-fledged PTSD (Zainab Shaban, 2013).
Symptoms of PTSD
    The symptoms of PTSD include experiencing the flashback time period of labour pains and remembering the whole process of delivery. Also, some women try to avoid the discussion about the time of their pregnancy and child delivery as they feel to be traumatized because of that. Other symptoms include heart palpitations and other kinds of physical reactions like shivering in the body and feeling fearful to have another child as it would also involve the same procedure of child delivery, etc. A wide range of symptoms also exist in the form of nightmares, flashbacks and the situation of hyper vigilance. Women face chronic problems related to sleep, isolation from their friends and relatives, feeling of too much anger and depression. A study by Zaers discusses the rising likelihood of developing the symptoms of PTSD is related to the existence of predisposing factors after birth of a child. It suggests that most of the women report the strongest symptoms of PTSD within the time period of 6 weeks. After a period of six months, the number of cases of PTSD falls down to just 14.9%. It has been recognised on the basis of the several predictors such as late anxiety at the time of pregnancy and stressful behaviour at the time of delivery. Few depressive symptoms were also found in both the cases of 6 months as well as six weeks post delivery period (Massumeh Koochaki, 2017).
An important factor contributing to PTSD is the pain management provided to the pregnant woman at the time of delivery and labor pains. If woman has been given proper treatment of pain through painless child delivery, then there is less chances of developing the symptoms of PTSD. It has...

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