Assessment 3 Brief ASSESSMENT 3 BRIEF Engineering Sustainability Woolworths company name 800 words +/–10% The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by the successful completion of the task below...

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Assessment 3 Brief ASSESSMENT 3 BRIEF Engineering Sustainability Woolworths company name 800 words +/–10% The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by the successful completion of the task below include: a) Critically analyse the importance and challenges of ethics and sustainability in the economy and organisations, reflecting on the roles of key sustainability stakeholders; b) Investigate, analyse and evaluate the challenges associated with sustainably and ethically managing an engineering organisation’s strategy and functions, as well as the management capabilities required; c) Critically analyse and apply tools, methodologies, management practices and processes to ensure engineering sustainability compliance and delivery of sustainable outcomes; and d) Create a sustainability strategy to contribute to business continuity. Weighting 30% Total Marks 100 marks Task Summary In response to the background information provided, you and your group will conduct research and draft a 800 words (+/–10%) response on how circular economy concepts can contribute to sustainably treating electronic waste (e-waste). Your response will focus on a nominated country and needs to include examples of business models and innovative technologies which contribute to sustainable e-waste solutions. Please refer to the Task Instructions (below) for details on how to complete this task. Context Engineers Australia (n.d.) contend that a circular economy is an alternative to a traditional linear economy (that traditionally follows the 'make, use, dispose plan). In a circular economy, resources are kept in use for as long as possible, the maximum value is extracted from them while they are in use and the products and materials are recovered and regenerated at the end of each service life. As Engineers Australia (n.d.) states, ‘As engineers in a modern world we have the opportunity to discover and develop sustainable design and engineering methods to improve the reuse, repair, remanufacturing and recycling of products for a circular economy’. The concept of a circular economy is a way of developing a holistic, system-wide approach to the issue of waste, recycling and sustainable development. It addresses recycling and the entire lifecycle of devices. Designers, manufacturers, investors, traders, miners, consumers, policy makers and others all have a role to play in the circular economy. CSIRO (n.d.) emphasises that‘[b]y maximising resource utility and incorporating the concept of circularity during production and consumption (i.e. not just focused on waste management), the circular economy boosts entire economies. For Australia, where currently the value of its natural resources lies only in the raw, unprocessed state, a circular economy is critical in ensuring future prosperity and economic security’. This assessment deals with the recycling of e-waste as part of the move to a circular economy. In 2018, roughly 50 million metric tonnes of e-waste were generated globally. Of this waste, only 20% was recycled/re-used through appropriate channels. E-waste also presents an opportunity for businesses to recover expensive and scarce resources, such as precious metals, rare earths and other critical materials that have a potential value of US$62.5 Billion annually. However current technologies, business models and policy frameworks are not well adapted to enable the recovery of these resources (World Economic Forum, 2019). APA References CSIRO. (n.d.) Circular economy and waste management. Retrieved from %2C%20where%20currently%20the,%2C%20paper%2C%2 0glass%20and%20tyres Engineers Australia (n.d.) Engineering and the circular economy. Retrieved from World Economic Forum. (2019, 24 January). A new circular vision for electronics, time for a global reboot. Retrieved from oot Task Instructions In this assessment, you will use circular economy concepts to generate recommendations that countries can adopt to address e-waste. To complete this assessment, you will research and address the questions and issues (outlined below) in relation to Australia. • Technology • Identify examples of innovative technologies that can facilitate the re-use of e-waste materials. • Identify challenges to the adoption and scalability of technical solutions. The methodology for this assessment is based on desk-based research using secondary sources. You need to prepare for and approach this task by reviewing the content and readings provided in ‘Module 4: Ensuring Engineering Sustainability Compliance’ and conducting research of publicly available information. In structuring the report, please use the following headings as a guide: 1. Introduction Summarise the background information provided on the circular economy and e-waste and the objective of the assignment. 2. Research questions to be addressed Research questions and issues related to business models and technology. 3. Literature Review Summarise the literature review for each research question.
Answered Same DayAug 06, 2022

Answer To: Assessment 3 Brief ASSESSMENT 3 BRIEF Engineering Sustainability Woolworths company name 800 words...

Parul answered on Aug 07 2022
76 Votes
Circular economy is a framework of production to consumption, this comprises of reusing, leasing, repairing, recycling and refurbishing the existing products and materials. Underlying purpose of CE aims to tackle
the global struggles of climate changes, waste, biodiversity loss as well as pollution with a strong focus on design-based implementation of the three principles in the core model. By the virtue of this assignment, I have performed extensive analysis of application of circular economy on Woolworth company. One of the major Australian retail organisations, Woolworths and the company has strong base in the Australian base but also visibility in New Zealand. Woolworths is the retail giant with highest revenue in Australia and second-largest in New Zealand. This company is also the market leader in liquor-retailer in Australia as well as largest operator of gaming-poker machine. In 2008, Woolworths Group was ranked as 19th in the world in terms of scale and scope. One of the important aspects of Woolworths Group has no connection or affiliation with the Woolworths company in USA and UK.
Technically, underlying base of the circular economy is minimising the pollution and waste, circulating materials and products as well as regeneration of nature (CSIRO., n.d.) This is completely opposite to the existing linear economy. Essentially, the overall framework, concept and idea if circular economy is extensively researched in business, academia as well as government for more than a decade now. With drastic changes in climate and deterioration in environment, implementation of circular economy is spreading with huge acceptance and traction. Especially the business counterparts is focused to reduce their carbon emission as well as better enhance the consumption of raw materials. This can also nurture better market prospects as well as fundamentally enhance the sustainability of the consumption. At level of national government, circular economy forms core to the climate and sustainability initiative thereby supporting to combat the global warming along with facilitating the growth for the long-term. This is because for the circular economy, resources are usually utilised as long as possible with maximum value in return....

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