Assessment Information Welcome to your Student Assessment Workbook for BSBWOR501 Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development. This Workbook is where you will write all your responses...

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Assessment Information Welcome to your Student Assessment Workbook for BSBWOR501 Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development. This Workbook is where you will write all your responses for the knowledge questions and simulation tasks. Please refer to the Student Assessment Guide for more information. This assessment has the following two events: Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions: There are six questions that will provide us with evidence of your general knowledge of tools and techniques for prioritising your work and undertaking professional development. Assessment Event 2 – Simulation: My Study Unlimited You will complete a number of tasks that will provide us with evidence of your skills with your planning and implementation of a work plan and professional development with a unit from your course of study. To complete the Simulation, you will need to refer to the following resources: Work Plan Template This is an Excel template to be used in Task 2.1 to produce a work plan. College Student Plan This plan provides information on how the College is intending to support students and is used in Task 1.2 Competing Demands Prioritisation Template You will use this template when prioritising between competing tasks in Task 2.3 Please note that your responses for both assessment events can (where appropriate) use dot point format. See below an example of a dot point response and a full sentence response. Dot point format Presentation Plan includes the following: · outcomes · needs of the audience · context. Full sentence format When you are preparing for a presentation, there are a number of tasks that must be carried out. These are listing the outcomes that you want to achieve, followed by the identification of the needs of your audience. When you have completed these two tasks you then check on the room that you will be conducting the presentation in. To Achieve Competence To be deemed competent for this unit, you will need to meet the following requirements: · complete all the questions and tasks listed in the Student Assessment Workbook · meet all the requirements listed in this Student Assessment Guide · your responses to the questions and tasks must be relevant, accurate and specific · submit your completed Student Assessment Workbook to your Assessor within the set timeframes · your work must be in your own words · where you use an external source of information, you must provide citation. Pre-assessment Checklist Your assessor will go through the assessment for this unit, BSBWOR501 Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development. It is important that you understand this assessment before taking on the questions and tasks. To confirm that you have been given this overview, we ask you to complete the following Pre-Assessment Checklist. You are required to carefully read each checklist item provided below and tick either ‘Y’ to confirm your understanding or ‘N’ if you disagree. In case you disagree with an item, please provide your reason under the ‘Comments’ column. When you have done this, we ask you to sign this Pre-Assessment Checklist. This acknowledges that your Trainer/Assessor has discussed all of the information with you prior to undertaking this assessment. Pre – assessment Checklist Comments Y N I, the student, understand the purpose of the assessment. Y N I understand when and where the assessment will occur, who will assess and in what format the assessment will be submitted. Y N I understand the methods of assessment. Y N I understand what resources are required to complete this assessment. Y N I understand the performance level required for each assessment event. Y N I understand that it must be my own work. I have been explained and understand the serious consequences in case this work is found plagiarised. Y N I understand the process if I am deemed not yet competent. Y N I understand the feedback process and the appeals process. Y N The assessor has discussed with me if I have any special needs and if so what arrangements have been made. Student Full Name Student ID Student Signature Date Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions The information contained in this section lists the questions that you will need to develop a written response. These questions are theoretical and provide evidence of your understanding of work prioritisation techniques and professional development methods. Note you must answer these questions in your own words. Remember, you must get a satisfactory result with each question to be deemed satisfactory for the whole of Assessment Event 1. Question 1 Describe methods that could be used for achieving a healthy work-life balance. Insert your response here: R 1. describe three strategies to maintain a healthy work life balance R 2. word count is approximately 50 words. Question 2 Describe types of work strategies that can improve individual performance. Insert your response here: R 1. describe five types of work strategies that will improve performance R 2. word count is approximately 50 words in total. Question 3 Using the table below, describe the principles and techniques for each of the listed work planning principles: R 1. provide an explanation of the principle R 2. word count is approximately 25 words per explanation R 3. provide two techniques for each principle R 4. word count is approximately 25 words per technique. Insert your response in the table: Explain the following principles: Explain the techniques: Personal goal setting: Performance measurement: Time management: Personal development plan: Question 4 Explain a learning styles model and how it relates to behaviour. Insert your response here: R 1. provide an explanation of one model R 2. word count is approximately 30 words R 3. provide an explanation on how style leads to behavior R 4. word count is approximately 50 words. Question 5 Explain management development opportunities that an individual could undertake. Insert your response here: R 1. explain three management development opportunities R 2. word count for each development opportunities is approximately 30 words. Question 6 In the table below, explain the concepts and techniques with self-awareness and personality trait identification. R 1. word count for concept is approximately 75 words R 2. word count for technique is approximately 75 words. Insert your response into the table: Concept of personality trait identification Techniques Concept of self-awareness Techniques Assessment Event 2: My Study Unlimited Simulation In this assessment, you will undertake a number of tasks associated with prioritising your work and then developing a professional development plan as Student. In this simulation, you will perform the following actions: · establish goals that are aligned to the College · prioritize tasks in the development of a work plan · plan and implement your professional development. Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with this set of requirements that underpin this simulation. This includes understanding the background of the simulation and the criteria you will be assessed on. These are located in the Appendix of this document. Task 1: Establish personal work goals In this task, you will demonstrate your skills in developing and implementing a work plan covering a period of one week, for the achievement of a current unit of competency (excluding BSBWOR501) within the qualification that you are enrolled. 1.1 Establish work goal Insert your response here: R 1. develop a work goal for a unit of competency: · must relate to performance · provide a rationale for this goal · summarise how this goal will be achieved R 2. word count is approximately 100 words. 1.2 Ensure work goal aligns to the College plans and student responsibilities and accountabilities Insert your response here: R 1. review and summarise the key goal of the College’s Student Plan (separate document) R 2. review and summarise three key responsibilities for students R 3. explain how your work goal aligns to the College plan and student responsibilities R 4. the word count is approximately 90 words in total. Task 2: Set and meet own work priorities In this task, you will develop a detailed work plan to achieve your goals, plans and activities identified in task 1. This will involve using technology to prioritise tasks, monitor results and make contingencies to achieve goals. In addition, you will maintain a work life balance that manages stress which is sustainable in your role as a student. 2.1 Develop a Work Plan Insert your responses into the Work Plan Template which is a separate document provided to you by your Assessor. R 1. list a minimum of five tasks that need to be achieved in the two weeks and enter these into the Work Plan Template R 2. list what outcomes are required for each task R 3. list potential contingencies if a task is not achieved R 4. word count is not critical. 2.2 Implement Work Plan and measure personal performance Insert your responses into the Work Plan Template which is a separate document provided to you by your Assessor. 2.3 Prioritise competing demands Insert your responses into the Competing Demands Prioritisation Template which is a separate document provided to you by your Assessor. 2.4 Monitor and implement contingencies in the Work Plan Insert your responses into the Work Plan Template which is a separate document provided to you by your Assessor. 2.5 Maintain appropriate work-life balance Write your response here: 2.6 Ensure stress is effectively managed Write your response here: 2.7 Ensure health is managed Write your response here: Task 3: Develop and maintain professional competence In this task, you will demonstrate your skills to plan and implement strategies to develop your professional competence for the unit that you selected in Task 2. This will also include delivering a session where you will seek feedback from key stakeholder(s) on your current performance. 3.1 Assess personal knowledge and skill against competency standards to identify development needs Write your response here: 3.2 Seek feedback from stakeholders on your knowledge and skill Upon the receipt of the feedback from your two stakeholder(s)s, make the necessary adjustments to your self-assessment: 3.3 Use self-assessment and stakeholder(s) feedback to plan competence development Write your response here: 3.4 Implement your Personal Development Plan Write your response here and attach the evidence from the stakeholder(s)s: For Assessor Use Only Appendix B: Observation Check Sheet for the Observation The criteria below are the actions that the student must demonstrate in their Observation. Assessors, tick ‘S’ if the student demonstrates a particular performance requirement to a satisfactory level and
Answered Same DayAug 17, 2021BSBWOR501Training.Gov.Au

Answer To: Assessment Information Welcome to your Student Assessment Workbook for BSBWOR501 Manage Personal...

Saloni answered on Aug 19 2021
141 Votes
Pre-assessment Checklist
Your assessor will go through the assessment for this unit, BSBWOR501 Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development. It is important that you understand this assessment before taking on the questions and tasks. To confirm that you have been given this overview, we ask you to complete the following Pre-Assessment Checklist.
You are required to carefully read each checklist item provided below and tick either ‘Y’ to confirm your understanding or ‘N’ if you disagree. In case you disagree with an item, please provide your reason under the ‘Comments’ column.
When you have done this, we ask you to sign this Pre-Assessment Checklist. This acknowledges that your Trainer/Assessor has discussed all of the
information with you prior to undertaking this assessment.
    Pre – assessment Checklist
    I, the student, understand the purpose of the assessment.
    I understand when and where the assessment will occur, who will assess and in what format the assessment will be submitted.
    I understand the methods of assessment.
    I understand what resources are required to complete this assessment.
    I understand the performance level required for each assessment event.
    I understand that it must be my own work. I have been explained and understand the serious consequences in case this work is found plagiarised.
    I understand the process if I am deemed not yet competent.
    I understand the feedback process and the appeals process.
    The assessor has discussed with me if I have any special needs and if so what arrangements have been made.
    Student Full Name
    Student ID
    Student Signature
Assessment Task 1
Answer 1
Three strategies to maintain healthy work life balance -
· Focus on my strengths and be realistic with it. Outsource things you are not good at and be twice productive with the strengths.
· Maintain a balanced work time and personal time .
· Remain Focused and punctual about the work given
Answer 2
Five type of work strategies that will improve individual performance -
· Avoid distractions and be dedicated.
· Review personal benchmark on regular intervals.
· Set goals and objectives and maintain to complete deadlines
· Improve communication skills by self practising or taking a course for it.
· Finish what is started. Never leave any work in between, and jump to a next/another one. Finish the assigned task before taking up a new.
Answer 3
    Explain the principle
    Explain the technique
    1. Personal goal setting
It is a process of thinking about the future and setting certain goals and objectives to achieve the vision of the future .It should be well defined, achievable and have a sense of challenge, show commitment and should be reviews on regular intervals.
The goal should be SMARTER -
· Specific-exactly what one wants to achieve.
· Measurable- a benchmark that marks the success.
· Achievable-realistic
· Relevant- connect the goal to the vision
· Time bound- a deadline
· Evaluate- a check on the progress
· Readjust- flexible to change goals, if required.
The HARD METHOD- it should be heartfelt (emotional attachment), animated ( expectations), required( a sense of urgency to achieve) and difficult .
    Performance measurement-
· Have a clear purpose- vision, goals, objectives, customer and employee expectation.
· Think in systematic way
· Work with the right behaviour
· Right decision making
· Build with honesty
    Performance measurement-
· 360 degree feedback in employee training development
· Performance appraisals- it is powerful for aligning the goals of the individual with the strategic aim of the organization.
    Time Management
· Planning
· Organizing
· Remaining flexible
· Avoid distraction
· Do one thing at a time
· Delegate responsibilities
· Keep a healthy and stress free environment.
    Time management
· Plan a day in advance how the time has to be spend and priority work should be done before.
· Use of planning tools like pocket diaries, calender, electronic planner and review planning tool on a daily basis. Keep a backup system.
    Personal development plan
· Acknowledge all emotions that comes form within.
· Understand priorities
· Challenge to be honest
· Seek out respect
· Accept the fact that there is life after failure.
    Personal development plan
Set goals and prioritize the list of goals recognize threat and opportunities, develop skills to increase knowledge.
Answer 4
David Kolb’s model of experimental learning stated that we keep on learning on a continuous basis and in the process of this, we build certain strengths. He described four learning styles accommodating, converging, diverging and assimilating.
The model define different type of people learning- first, accommodating -the one who is keen on learning, converging- they understood theories ans wanted to test in practise ; diverger apply personal experience and practical ideas ; assimilator develop new theories of their own new theories. This shows different behaviour pattern how a person respond to a certain situation.
Answer 5
Management development opportunities-
On the job programme- Technical training in the given to the employee to be capable of taking responsibility of a position held by the superior. Job rotations, promotions and transfers are the scenario for these training
Off the job programme- this refers to the specialized courses based on management and executive education offered by universities. External management development programme also includes management seminars, conferences and workshops conducted by management associations or educational institutions.
Continuing education- Few organizations sponsor the higher education for the employee. So that they grow and are able to serve the company in a better way.
Answer 6
    Concept of personality trait identification
    Personality trait identification reflect people characteristics of of behaviour, thoughts and feelings . Personality trait imply that consistency and the stability. It define the basic dimension on which people differ. One of the important feature of personality trait is that it reflect continuous distribution rather than a specific personality trait. The big five personality are openness, agreeableness, extroversion, conscientiousness and neuroticism.
    · Interview to gather information. Like in an interview during job selection is taken to assess the personality traits of the individuals.
· Rating scale used by the observer
· Self reports
· Personality inventories
· Projective technique
· Behavioural observations of the individual -how they react to a certain situation.
    Concept of self awareness
    The ability to see yourself clearly and objectively It refers to better understanding of ourselves and able to see ourselves as unique and separate individuals. Our ability to know our emotions ,reactions, strengths, weaknesses, triggers, motivators and other other characteristics. Greater self awareness motivates us towards better employee and better leadership capabilities. Three types of self awareness are indexical, detached and social self awareness.
    · Perform daily self reflection.
· Perform meditation and other mind calming activities.
· Take a psychometric test to be aware about...

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