Microsoft Word - MNG92100_Ass_3_Case_Study_S1_2019_ver1.0.docx MNG92100 Strategic Asset Management Session 1 2019 Page 1 of 7 Assignment 3 Case Study Critical Analysis Due Date: 29th of May 2019 9:00...

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Microsoft Word - MNG92100_Ass_3_Case_Study_S1_2019_ver1.0.docx MNG92100 Strategic Asset Management Session 1 2019 Page 1 of 7 Assignment 3 Case Study Critical Analysis Due Date: 29th of May 2019 9:00 AM Length: Report: 3000 words maximum. Slide deck: 10 slides maximum. Discussion board: 3 substantial meaningful posts at minimum Format: Report (Word doc. only), PowerPoint slide deck and audio, Discussion Board posts. Weighting: 40% of total unit marks Submission: Through turn it in the Assessment Details section of the unit Black Board site and in the Discussion Board for your tutorial group. Referencing Harvard (provide appropriate in text citations and a reference list) Mandatory 1. You must deliver three items: i. A written business-style report; ii. A brief (3 to 5 min.) oral presentation (audio) about key aspects of your report embedded in the PowerPoint slide deck (10 slides maximum); and iii. A group of collaborative Black Board posts within your tutorial group (at least 3) relating to your assignment. Note: Failure to submit the audio presentation results in a maximum mark for the assignment of 40%. MNG92100 Strategic Asset Management Session 1 2019 Page 2 of 7 The task Consider the idea that a disaster is the last thing that happens in a series of related precursor events. For a major asset to fail, there could be contributory aspects of that failure coming from each part of the asset life cycle. Thus, a major asset failure may have its origins in the requirements definition phase, the design phase and the operating phase. As Asset Managers, we are charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the community from major asset failure, however, to do so, we must manage risks emerging from every part of the asset life cycle. In this assignment, you are required to conduct a critical analysis of a case study from a strategic asset management perspective. The combined written business style report and PowerPoint slide deck with audio must: 1. focus on strategic asset management in an engineering context; 2. demonstrate your critical analysis of a particular case study; and 3. demonstrate your ability to design and articulate an appropriate strategic asset management plan covering the entire asset life cycle. Hence, you will need to present a critical analysis, explain your chosen methodology and give clear and appropriate advice, based in evidence, on how as an asset manager you would improve the asset management practices in relation to the chosen case study. You may choose any suitable case study OR choose from the list of suitable case studies shown below: • Deepwater Horizon disaster of 2010 • Jnaneswari Express train derailment of 2010 • Samarco Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) failure of 2015 • India Power Blackout of July 2012 • Milwaukee cryptosporidiosis outbreak of 1993 • SEQ Water’s response to the millennium drought • The asset data management aspect of any of these cases If you choose your own case study, you must gain the written approval of your Tutor first. You will need to satisfy your Tutor that the chosen topic has sufficient scope and importance such that the development of a suitable strategic asset management plan would usually be the responsibility of a dedicated engineering or asset manager. MNG92100 Strategic Asset Management Session 1 2019 Page 3 of 7 The combined report and PowerPoint slide presentation The written report shall be no more than 3000 words. The PowerPoint slide deck of no more than ten A4 slides will contain bullet point summary text and illustrative diagrams, charts, tables or photographs to maximize communication effectiveness. The slide deck must focus on key issues, key facts and key points of your conclusion and recommendations. Format of business style report • The report is to be written with an Introduction section and then headings and sub-headings that are similar to those which you have used in your PowerPoint slide deck. Typically, in the written report you would use more sub-headings as you would be providing more detail in written prose whereas in the PowerPoint slide deck that information might be summarized in dot-point format. • The objective of the structure is to achieve the best possible communication with the reader. Use headings to ‘sign-post’ what is coming and to provide a ‘skeleton’ of report contents. Relevant journal articles provide a clue about headings and sub-headings. • Attach the standard cover-sheet that SCU requires all students to place on the front of all assignments. • Commence your report with a title-page. The title-page is the front page that all authors put on the reports and submissions that they write as professionals. The title-page contains a title, plus your name as author and the submission date. • The Header must contain your name and your student number. • The Footer must contain the Unit number i.e. MNG92100 and the page number. Page numbering commences after the title-page. PowerPoint slides • The PowerPoint slide deck must contain a title page with the title of your paper, your name and student ID. • Include a summary page to outline the contents of your presentation in bullet point form. • Introduce your case study in summary format including an illustrative photograph or representation. • Compose remaining slides to take the audience through all the parts of your report. Insert relevant photos, tables, graphs, and charts. Audio • The audio is a communication tool that takes the place of you being able to make a face-to-face presentation. Note: Please do not import the audio recording from another device such as a phone. We have discovered this audio cant be imported to Turnitin. • Remember the audio is not a repeat of the content of the written report but is a spoken reinforcement of what you have on your PowerPoint slide deck. The audio is to bring focus on key aspects of your PowerPoint slide deck and should be shaped to influence the listener to accept your conclusions/recommendations. MNG92100 Strategic Asset Management Session 1 2019 Page 4 of 7 Collaboration posts via the discussion board: As part of this assignment, you are encouraged to write about your project to other participants within your tutorial group. The objective is for you to help each other with sources of information. Each post should be substantial (at least several sentences or a paragraph – a single sentence is insufficient). It should contain meaningful and relevant information that would potentially be of real assistance to the other participants. Alternatively, the posts could be reflective or probing of another post in such a way that it adds value to a previous post via additional relevant information or a new interpretation. • Posts can share sources of information including official reports, inquiries and examinations into the original disaster. • Posts can also share useful peer reviewed articles about asset management including “Strategic Asset Management Plans” (SAMPs) and their implementation, asset management strategies for different parts of the asset life cycle, asset management maturity models for organizations seeking to improve the way assets are managed and asset management strategy for particular industries such as Power, Water or Rail. • Participants can seek to recruit like participants by providing information to attract about a particular case study to attract other participants. • Another way in which participants can earn marks is to begin the discussion thread in your own tutorial group. • Yet another valuable contribution is in the form of an intelligent question. Please be aware that a single sentence question is insufficient. There must be several sentences to frame the context of the question. • Another contribution to your participants could be in the form of educating your colleagues about how to record an audio in the PowerPoint slides and to disseminate this information to your colleagues via the discussion board. • Time will be devoted to making posts in the discussion board at our EMAS classes, so if you aren’t sure how to do it, simply come to an EMAS class on Tuesdays in room C/5.19. • A pass grade in this activity will be a minimum of 3 substantial posts but more posts with more meaningful contributions will earn higher marks. • Please refer to the marking rubric for detailed grading information. MNG92100 Strategic Asset Management Session 1 2019 Page 5 of 7 General guiding information: • Start writing early and start posting on the discussion board early. • Discuss often with your Tutor and your group. • Ensure that you visit the library for assistance and finding the best possible journals and other materials. • You must read widely and deeply. • Focus mainly on the current academic literature i.e. post 2010. • Please use your imagination by providing graphs, tables, charts, and images. • References, tables, charts, and appendices are not included in the word count. • Please review the attached Marking Rubric so that you meet all the requirements. • Have regard to the ‘Grasp of core unit theory’ marking criteria. For the highest marks for that criteria you must demonstrate deep, accurate understanding. To be able to go deeply into issues and still stay within the 3000 word limit you must limit the number of issues upon which you focus and make use of diagrams, tables and figures. • The English expression Marking Criteria reflects business requirements. Check your work, or have another person check your work, for errors in grammar and even those mistakes all authors make because they have been working on the same paper for ‘too long’. MNG92100 Strategic Asset Management Session 1 2019 Page 6 of 7 MNG93100 Marking Rubric: Assignment 3 (Report) Excellent 85%‒100% Very Good 75%‒84% Good 65%‒74% Satisfactory 50%‒64% Unacceptable 0%‒49% WARNING! 1. Failure to meet the minimum academic references will automatically result in a maximum mark of 40% for the complete assignment 2. Failure to include or do an appropriate audio presentation will automatically result in a maximum mark of 40% for the complete assignment Response to assigned topic, the understanding of relevant theory, explanation of research methods and audio: (about 80% of total mark for the assignment) Analysis: The Assignment demonstrated exceptional critical analysis techniques. The Assignment demonstrated very good critical analysis techniques. The Assignment demonstrated good critical analysis techniques but with some errors. The Assignment demonstrated critical analysis techniques but with some errors
Answered Same DayMay 14, 2021MNG92100Southern Cross University

Answer To: Microsoft Word - MNG92100_Ass_3_Case_Study_S1_2019_ver1.0.docx MNG92100 Strategic Asset Management...

Archana answered on May 17 2021
148 Votes
Deepwater Horizon Disaster 2010
The deepwater Horizon Disaster was a calamity that shook the orgnzational set up, bringing in damage and havoc. The purpose of the study is to look at probable causes that gave rise to the disaster, and the organizational changes that could be brought about to make significant changes within the organizational structure.
Supervising equipment on the Deepwater Horizon had inured Williams to emergency cautions. Gas levels had been running adequately high to deny any work for instance, for the purpose of causing wielding which will cause more sparkle (Lee, M.R and Blanchard 2012). Consistently, the alert would have
the potential of breaking with gas levels as high as they were. In any case, the alerts had been debilitated in order to shield false alarms from waking people in the midst of the night. Regardless, the emergency assertion that came over the analogous system the night of April 22 was doubtlessly no false alarm. Minutes after the affirmation, he got information of the leak.
Way before there could have been a way of understanding the impacts convincing him and other group people to neglect convey by skipping into the for the most part flaring ocean. As many as 3 workers on board the Deepwater Horizon, 12 were sick, including Williams, and as many 12 were executed. The mechanical assembly expended for 32 hours, combusting the 720,000 gallons of oil that were prepared, leaving a trail of smoke in excess of 30 miles long. The Deepwater Horizon sank on April 21, along with the well and some essential parts of the system that should shield triumphs from occurring (Sutton et al 2013). Beginning at 2010, the Deepwater Horizon disaster was the greatest marine oil spill ever to occur in United States waters. At the point when the especially was beaten on July 13, 2012, around five million barrels of oil (214.8 million gallons) had started to spill into the Government science and structuring bunches rethought their examinations on the rate of oil stream a couple of times, and in August they deduced that between April 20 and July 15, 53,000-62,000 barrels for every day spilled into the Gulf a total that was indistinguishable to a spill the proportion of the 1980 Exxon Valdez every three to four days. Before the Deepwater Horizon disaster, the Exxon Valdez held the maximum record to spill in U.S. waters. It was astounding to various specialists how such a disaster could happen, particularly including an association like BP, which transparently prided itself on its duty to prosperity. It appeared to be certain that, with a true objective to close everything down a couple of key decisions were made, each including various accomplices and trade-offs of time, money, security, and risk control. The open dialog began immediately on whether the result of these decisions showed operational or the official’s issues on the mechanical assembly, and whether these issues were endemic to the oil business, or abided inside substance itself. To be in a position to answer this request, a couple of groups were confined to analyze the basic drivers of the disaster and who among the various players bore commitment in regards to the failure and for its objectives (Shultz et al 2015) .
Strategic asset Management
While toward the starting, the shortcoming was the absence of hypothetical improvement, it's today important, with the multiplication of research in this field many created thoughts and speculations remain absolutely hypothetical and there is then an absence of observational proof of certain hypotheses. An emergency was characterized by such a large number of creators however, up 'til now, there is no normal and shared definition. A few definitions center around the impacts of an emergency on the association. For instance, Coombs (1999) characterized an emergency basically as a circumstance that causes negative or unwanted results for an association. Lee (2016) saw the emergency as ―an occasion that brings, or has the potential for bringing, an association into notoriety and endangers its future productivity, development, and conceivably its very survival‖. Finally, Sutton (2017) saw emergency as an occasion that ―suddenly happens, requests brisk response, meddles with authoritative execution, makes vulnerability and stress, compromises the notoriety, resources of the association, heightens in force, makes outcasts examine the association, and forever changes the hierarchical. A few creators saw emergency the executives as a long haul process and recommended different stages models. Every one of these models by and large think about that dealing with an emergency can be dissected along a period continuum that reaches out from counteracting and getting ready emergency to recouping from emergency. These models speak to then unique way to deal with oversee emergency and vary in term of stages number. Emergency the board was then separated into three phases. The emergency sway/salvage arrange is the event of the real emergency. The recuperation/downfall arrange includes reestablishing partner trust in the association.
It has partitioned emergency the board into three fundamental work classifications: First, pre-emergency arrange which is worried about counteractive action/readiness and intends to recognize what can be said or done to decrease the opportunity of emergency and moderate its mischief on the off chance that it happens; second, the emergency organize as the real reaction to an emergency; and third, the post-emergency arrange worried about the correction, the subsequent data, the exercises learned, and the planning for next emergency. It was likewise proposed a four-organize, social yet non-direct model to deal with an emergency, and considers issue and emergency the board with regards to related exercises and groups of action which must be overseen at various stages (Spiro et al 2012). The four phases are separately emergency readiness, emergency counteractive action, emergency episode the board and post-emergency the executives. We should take note of that the three-organize model is the most known and utilized structure and that, as represented above in the models portrayals a few researchers that have grown more stages model have just partitioned at least one phases into at least two phases.
Key asset Management and engineering context
Key Asset Management is the utilization of Asset Management over the whole utility association/business. This is a comprehensive way to deal with Asset Management. Vital Asset Management begins with the utility corporate technique and mission and proceeds in a brought together and composed...

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