Assignment 1 (20 marks) Question 1. A shop works a 400-minute day. The manager of the shop wants an output of 200 units per day for the assembly line that has the elemental tasks shown in the table....

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Assignment 1 (20 marks) Question 1. A shop works a 400-minute day. The manager of the shop wants an output of 200 units per day for the assembly line that has the elemental tasks shown in the table. Do the following: a. Construct the precedence diagram. b. Assign tasks according to the most following tasks rule. Break ties with the greatest positional weight rule. c. Assign tasks according to the greatest positional weight rule. Break ties with the most following tasks rule. d. Compute the balance delay for each rule. Which one yields the better set of assignments in this instance? Task Length (min) Immediate Predecessor a 0.5 - b 1.4 a c 1.2 a d 0.7 a e 0.5 b, c f 1.0 d g 0.4 e h 0.3 g i 0.5 f j 0.8 e, i k 0.9 h, j m 0.3 k Question 2. Five departments are to be assigned to locations B through F

Sheet1 cycle time (minimum)maximum of the task times cycle time (maximum)summation of task times cycle time (calculated)operating time / desired output rule of task allocation : 1. longest processing time 2. shortest processing time 3. most number of following tasks 4. greatest positional weight tie breaker rule : 1. longest processing time 2. shortest processing time 3. most number of following tasks 4. greatest positional weight min no. of workstations summation of task time / cycle time 2.53 work station time remaining eligible task DELL: DELL: ref: precedence diagramfit task DELL: DELL: check individual task time against time remainingassigned task DELL: DELL: refer rulesrevised time remaining Idle time 11a, c a, ca(0.1)0.9 0.9b, ccc(0.7)0.2 0.2b 0.2 21bbb(1.0)0 31ddd(0.5)0.5 0.5eee(0.2)0.30.3 0.5 % Idle time = summation of idle times / (actual number of workstation * cycle time) 16.6666666667 % efficiency 83.3333333333 cycle time (calculated)14 N(min)3.21428571434 work station time remaining eligible task DELL: DELL: ref: precedence diagram DELL: DELL: check individual task time against time remainingfit task DELL: DELL: check individual task time against time remaining DELL: DELL: refer rulesassigned task DELL: DELL: refer rulesrevised time remaining Idle time 114a, d, fa, d, ff(5)9 9a,d,ga,d,ga(3)6 6b, d, gb, gg(6)0 214d, bd, bd(7)7 7b, eb, eb(2)5 5c, ec, ec(4)1 1e1 314eee(4)10 10hhh(9)1 1i1 414iii(5)99 11 % Idle time = summation of idle times / (actual number of workstation * cycle time) % Idle time = summation of idle times / (actual number of workstation * cycle time)19.6428571429 %efficiency =80.3571428571 Assignment 1 (20 marks) Question 1. A shop works a 400-minute day. The manager of the shop wants an output of 200 units per day for the assembly line that has the elemental tasks shown in the table. Do the following: a. Construct the precedence diagram. b. Assign tasks according to the most following tasks rule. Break ties with the greatest positional weight rule. c. Assign tasks according to the greatest positional weight rule. Break ties with the most following tasks rule. d. Compute the balance delay for each rule. Which one yields the better set of assignments in this instance? Task Length (min) Immediate Predecessor a 0.5 - b 1.4 a c 1.2 a d 0.7 a e 0.5 b, c f 1.0 d g 0.4 e h 0.3 g i 0.5 f j 0.8 e, i k 0.9 h, j m 0.3 k Question 2. Five departments are to be assigned to locations B through F in the grid. (For technical reasons, department 6 must be assigned to location A.) Transportation cost is $2 per foot. The objective is to minimize total transportation cost. Information on interdepartmental work flows and distances between locations is shown in the following tables. Assign departments with the greatest interdepartmental work flow first.
Answered 2 days AfterMar 20, 2023

Answer To: Assignment 1 (20 marks) Question 1. A shop works a 400-minute day. The manager of the shop wants an...

Banasree answered on Mar 22 2023
31 Votes
To construct the precedence diagram, we can use the information given in the table to create a network diagram that shows the sequence in which the tasks must be completed.
The nodes of the network diagram represent the tasks, and the arro
ws connecting the nodes represent the sequence in which the tasks must be completed. The duration of each task and its immediate predecessors are also indicated in the table.
Using this information, we can create the following precedence diagram:
In this diagram, the task nodes are represented by rectangle box, and the duration of each task is shown in parentheses next to the task node. The arrows connecting the task nodes indicate the order in which the tasks must be completed. The immediate predecessors of each task are shown above the task node. The task e has two immediate predecessors, b and c, and task j has two immediate predecessors, e and i. These dependencies are indicated by multiple incoming arrows to the task nodes.
To assign tasks according to the most following tasks rule, prioritize the tasks based on the number of immediate successors that each task has. The task with the most immediate successors should be given the highest priority.
In case of ties, use the greatest positional weight rule to break them. This means that prioritize the task with the highest immediate predecessor, i.e., the task that comes first in the precedence diagram. Using this approach:
Task a has no immediate successors, so it is assigned first.
Task e has two immediate successors (g and i), which is the highest number, so it is assigned next.
Tasks b, c, and d each have one immediate successor, so they are tied for the next priority. Among these, task b has the highest immediate predecessor (a), so it is assigned next, followed by tasks c and d.
Task i has one immediate successor (j), which is the same as tasks b, c, and d, but it has the highest immediate predecessor (f), so it is assigned next.
Task j has one immediate successor (k), so it is assigned next.
Task f has one immediate successor (i), so it is assigned next.
Task h has one immediate successor (k), so it is assigned next.
Task k has one immediate successor (m), so it is assigned next.
Task g has no immediate successors, but it has already been assigned as part of the e branch.
Task m has no immediate successors, so it is assigned last.
The final task assignment, with the assigned tasks in parentheses, is:
a (a) -> b -> c -> d -> e (e) -> g...

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