Assignment Part A Provide a 1000 word overview of the concepts of corporate social responsibility and sustainability reporting, utilizing at least 3 refereed journal articles. Refereed journal...

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Part A

Provide a 1000 word overview of the concepts of corporate social responsibility and sustainability reporting, utilizing at least 3 refereed journal articles. Refereed journal articles are articles published after they have been reviewed by other scientists, knowledgeable in the field of inquiry, to determine whether the studies they describe are of reasonable quality and the conclusions reported are supported by the evidence. Reputable scientific journals use a process of peer review before accepting a paper for publication. You can access such articles through the University of Greenwich Library Databases and Electronic Information Resources.

Part B

Identify two recent corporate social responsibility reports of two UK companies and compare and discuss (up to 1000 words) how environmental and social issues form the corporate social responsibility strategy of the organisations. Particular emphasis should be placed on the reporting of Health and Safety issues within the CSR reports.

General Instruction

The work is to be word-processed and appropriately referenced using the Harvard system of referencing. The length must not exceed 2000 words, excluding appendices, bibliography, etc. A word count must be included.

Answered Same DayNov 21, 2019

Answer To: Assignment Part A Provide a 1000 word overview of the concepts of corporate social responsibility...

David answered on Dec 27 2019
141 Votes
Table of Contents
Part A:    3
Overview of concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability reporting-    3
Part B:    5
Identify two recent corporate social responsibility reports of two UK companies and compare and discuss how environmental and social issues form the corporate social responsibility strategy of the organisations.    5
References:    9
Part A:
Overview of concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility
and Sustainability reporting-
Concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability:
A research-informed model for corporate social responsibility: towards accountability to impacted stakeholders by Dyann Ross, utilising this journal, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility related with the responsibility of caretaking of the surrounding environment and responsibility for the social wellbeing. According to Crane et al. (2013), the first article reflects the understanding of the corporate social responsibility of the mining company in Australia, where the Alcoa i.e. the mining company only focused on the profit of the company and only the development of the particular mining organisation. The mining company never looks after the development of the individuals residing nearby the mining sectors. The organisation also accused of showing inequalities in social development and the inequalities shown by the stakeholders towards the development of the society and the environment. The volume of pollution caused by the particular mining company affected the nearby residents and the extensive noise and air pollution disrupted the environmental balance of the particular geographical region. The government also did not respond to the appeals of the innocent residents of that region. Thus, negative approach and negative practice of corporate social responsibility shown towards the common people of the society
The sustainability of an organisation heavily depends on the development of the company and respecting the decisions of the several stakeholders of the company. Sustainability of an organisation also depends upon the performances of the particular organisation in the present times and keeping the future goals intact.
The second referred journal article also highlight the responsibility of a gold mine organisation in Ghana, where the particular private sector never focuses on the development and improvement of the health and social care condition of the poor people residing alongside the gold mines and those people or individuals, who have also give away their land to the owners of the organisation.
The sustainable development for the gold mine company always comprises of the well being of the surrounding environment and the development within the organisation and that includes the development and improvement of the workers and employees of the gold mine organisation (, 2017).
Motivations for providing CSR-mediated initiatives in mining communities of Ghana: a multiple-case study by Richard Kwasi Boso, Sam K. Afrane and Daniel K.B Inkoom, utilising the journal:
The corporate social responsibility of the gold mine organisation seems not so constructive and the urge to work for the development of the environment and society seem diminishing. The socio economic improvement and development in Africa primarily consists of the contributions of the goldmines and other mining industries. The moral responsibilities of the gold mine organisation did not aim for the development of the surroundings and that includes the social and the environmental factors. The particular gold mine collects huge profit from the global market and despite the earning of huge profit, the organisation never looks after the conditions of the poor families residing within the perimeter.
The third referred journal comprises of a case in Ghana, where the particular country considers possessing democracy and the development witnessed by the local inhabitants seems incredible. The introduction and popularity of mobile phones and internet over a period in Ghana seems incorrigible. According to Strand et al. (2015, p.15), the various corporate houses and the other organisations always emphasise on the development of the society and environment. Few of the mining industries lack the responsibility for the society and the environment in Ghana. Several reports suggest that proper corporate social responsibility practiced by various companies or organisations aids to the development of the stakeholders, the employees and the surrounding environment.
Corporate social responsibility and international business: examining the nexus and gaps from a developing economy perspective by Robert Ebo Hinson, Frederick...

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