CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence) Project v XXXXXXXXXX/01/19) CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence Name Email address Assessment © 2017 Australian Institute of Personal Trainers Pty Ltd and its...

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Create and document an action plan for developing and improving your self and your social awareness (e.g. spending time with cultural leaders or conducting research). The plan can be submitted to the assessor as proof of performance. Usethe key findings you found in your reflection diary as part of this personal development plan.

CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence) Project v1.1 (2018/01/19) CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence Name Email address Assessment © 2017 Australian Institute of Personal Trainers Pty Ltd and its licensors (AIPT) Commonwealth of Australia Copyright Regulations 1969 Warning - This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of AIPT, pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. All rights are reserved and you must obtain the prior written permission of AIPT for the republication or redistribution of any content. Do not remove this notice. Project Part 1 For this assessment task, you are required to plan a learning experience that encourages contributions by all cultural groups represented at your workplace and provide opportunities for all children and families who use the service to share cultural information and support diversity. The experience you develop must promote participation by all cultural groups represented at your workplace and meet the objectives of the National Quality Framework, National Quality Standards, and Early Years Learning Framework or another relevant approved learning framework used at your workplace. You must document your experience using the following Learning Experiences Development Activity Sheet, making sure that your experience includes opportunities for: Families to share their cultural heritage, knowledge, and experiences, including customs, celebrations, and beliefs Promoting linguistic diversity Children and their families to experience and appreciate cultural diversity Developing positive attitudes to inclusion and cross-cultural understanding Developing secure and respectful relationships between children, families, and other adults Learning Experiences Development Activity Sheet Provide an outline of the group learning experience Learning experience requirements List the learning materials you require. Outline the set-up requirements of the physical learning environment. Outline how the learning experience promotes participation by all cultural groups. Outline how the learning experience encourages all families who use the service to share their cultural knowledge, background, customs, and traditions. Outline how the learning experience provides the opportunity for children and families who use the service to broaden their cultural diversity experiences. Outline how the learning experience promotes positive attitudes to inclusion and cross-cultural understanding. Outline how the learning experience promotes secure and respectful relationships between children, families, and other adults. Explain how your learning experience is consistent according to the Early Years Learning Framework, in particular Outcome 2. Identify the legislation under the National Quality Framework that applies to your workplace. Explain how your learning experiences responses to the National Quality Standards, in particular Quality Area 6 – Collaborative partnerships with families and communities. Part 2 For this assessment task, you are required to implement at your workplace the learning experience that you planned in Part 1. This is an Observation Assessment, meaning a third party, usually a supervisor or colleague, who has personally seen you implementing learning experience needs to sign and write their opinion about your work using Observation Checklist 1. To prepare to implement your learning experience, you will need to show that you have made suitable arrangements ahead of time. This is to ensure that: Children and families are available to participate in the learning experience The required learning materials are accessible The learning environment is organised with the required resources and materials While implementing your learning experience, you will need to show that you have promoted a positive mindset towards inclusion and encouraged both cross-cultural understanding and an appreciation of diversity. On at least two occasions, you will need to show that you have: Used the diverse backgrounds of children and families within the service to broaden children’s perspectives Encouraged linguistic diversity Applied oral communication skills to establish constructive and trusting relationships with all children and families and demonstrated open, inclusive, ethical, and respectful exchanges with children and families Applied communication skills to help children create strong identities and connections to their own world Applied oral communication techniques to interact effectively during differing cultural situations, helped children understand alternate worldviews, and celebrated diversity Applied communication techniques to interact with children and families in a culturally appropriate manner Established a secure environment and respectful relationships between children, families, and other adults Project 2 Part 1 For this assessment task, you are required to plan a group learning experience to explore with children the different cultures, customs, backgrounds, and traditions of each child in your workplace as well as to celebrate their cultural diversity. The experience that you develop must promote an understanding of alternative worldviews and help children establish a strong sense of cultural identity and security and a link to their own world. The group learning experience must also meet the cultural competence requirements as set out in the Early Years Learning Framework, or another relevant approved learning framework used at your workplace, as well as your workplace’s standards, policies, or procedures for developing learning experiences. You must document your experience using the following Group Learning Experiences Development Activity Sheet. Learning Experiences Development Activity Sheet Provide an outline of the group learning experience Learning experience requirements List the learning materials you require. Outline the set-up requirements of the physical learning environment. Outline how your group learning experience will look at the different cultures, customs, backgrounds, and way of life of each child within their cultural group. Outline how your group learning experience promotes an understanding of alternative worldviews. Outline how your group learning experience helps children establish a strong sense of cultural identity and security and a link to their own world. Outline how your group learning experience helps to establish positive attitudes towards inclusion and cross-cultural understanding. Outline how your group learning experience is inclusive of all of the different cultures represented at your workplace and provides a supportive and inclusive environment for all children. Explain how your group learning experience allows children to resolve issues as a group. Explain how your group learning experience encourages a positive approach to inclusion and cultural diversity. Explain how your group learning experience encourages establishes respectful interaction. Explain how your learning experience meets the cultural competence requirements as set out in the Early Years Leaning Framework. Part 2 For this assessment task, you are required to implement at your workplace the learning experience that you planned in Part 1. This is an Observation Assessment, meaning a third party, usually a supervisor or colleague, who has personally seen you implementing learning experience needs to sign and write their opinion about your work using Observation Checklist 2. To prepare to implement your learning experience, you will need to show that you have made suitable arrangements ahead of time. This is to ensure that: Children and families are available to participate in the learning experience The required learning materials are accessible The learning environment is organised with the required resources and materials While implementing your learning experience, you will need to show that you have provided a supportive and inclusive environment for all children. On at least two occasions, you will need to show that you have: Explored with children the different cultures, customs, backgrounds, and traditions of each child at your workplace Applied communication skills to establish constructive and trusting relationships with children and promoted an understanding of alternative worldviews Applied communication skills to assist children establish a strong sense of cultural identity and security and a link to their own world Applied communication skills to encourage children to respect all cultures and celebrated cultural differences Applied communication skills to effectively interacted with children in a culturally appropriate manner Allowed children to resolve issues as a group Observed and monitored interactions and participation Identified any additional cultural support needs and consulted with your peers in relation to these specific needs Quality outcomes Ensure the following for your submission: i)It is grammatically correct. ii)It is error free. iii)It is written in simple English. There are no word limits for Parts 1 & 2 of each project. You can write as much as you need to in order to answer the whole question. Tip: Read all text aloud in order to identify any gaps and correct them. Ask another person to proofread your work in order to check for accuracy before you submit. 5
Answered 9 days AfterOct 10, 2021

Answer To: CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence) Project v XXXXXXXXXX/01/19) CHCECE001 Develop cultural...

Parul answered on Oct 20 2021
136 Votes
CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence)
Project v1.1 (2018/01/19)
CHCECE001 Develop cultural competence
    Email address
    © 2017 Australian Institute of Personal Trainers Pty Ltd and its licensors (AIPT) Commonwealth of Australia Copyright Regulations 1969
Warning - This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of AIPT, pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act).
The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act.
All rights are reserved and you must obtain the prior written permission of AIPT for the republication or redistribution of an
y content. Do not remove this notice.
Part 1
For this assessment task, you are required to plan a learning experience that encourages contributions by all cultural groups represented at your workplace and provide opportunities for all children and families who use the service to share cultural information and support diversity.
The experience you develop must promote participation by all cultural groups represented at your workplace and meet the objectives of the National Quality Framework, National Quality Standards, and Early Years Learning Framework or another relevant approved learning framework used at your workplace.
You must document your experience using the following Learning Experiences Development Activity Sheet, making sure that your experience includes opportunities for:
Families to share their cultural heritage, knowledge, and experiences, including customs, celebrations, and beliefs
Promoting linguistic diversity
Children and their families to experience and appreciate cultural diversity
Developing positive attitudes to inclusion and cross-cultural understanding
Developing secure and respectful relationships between children, families, and other adults
Learning Experiences Development Activity Sheet
    Provide an outline of the group learning experience
    Learning experience requirements
    List the learning materials you require.
    The Learning material required to create an ecosystem for learning and development
Essential Books and Case Studies
White Paper and Journal Articles
Learning Recording
    Outline the set-up requirements of the physical learning environment.
    A learning environment is amalgamation of physical as well as social qualities that can create an ecosystem of the learning experience. The set-up requirement of the Physical Environment is mentioned below
Proper Lighting
Ergonomic Furniture
Laptop or Desktop
    Outline how the learning experience promotes participation by all cultural groups.
    Cultural Diversity in the workplace offers wide range of opportunities for the employees as well as their families and children to celebrate the unity in diversity. The cultural diversity promotes learning and insights for different culture, racial as well as ethnic groups in the community. Learning needs to respect the diversity by valuing the difference and encouraging families to participate in the cultural programs and activities. It strengthens the self-identity of the children as well as encourage practice in childcare
    Outline how the learning experience encourages all families who use the service to share their cultural knowledge, background, customs, and traditions.
    Learning Experience encourages all the families to share their cultural knowledge, customs, background and traditions. Organization can be defined as collection of people who are driven to work in order to achieve a common objective with collective efforts. Behaviour is the response in form of physical actions or verbal dialogue exhibited by an individual because of the stimulus from the surroundings. Today businesses are continuously in immense completion to reach market first, grab the attention of the customers, make new clients so that business grow and prosper in future. In this era of technology and innovation everyday there is new disruptions taking place making the traditional ways of working obsolete.
    Outline how the learning experience provides the opportunity for children and families who use the service to broaden their cultural diversity experiences.
    Learning experience offer the opportunity to the children and their families to explore different culture, traditions and gain from their value system. Children get exposure to new learnings and new experiences instead of just reading from the books. For instance, employee who was initially based in United States has been posted to India for few years. Then for this employee and his family, all will be exposed to Indian culture submerging themselves into different cultures and traditions like Holi, Diwali and Durga Puja that signifies togetherness and triumph of good over evil. In this short span of few years, children from this family will have tremendous learning opportunities.
    Outline how the learning experience promotes positive attitudes to inclusion and cross-cultural understanding.
    The learning experience offers a great platform to gain new insights and leverage new experiences to broaden the knowledge and skills. Furthermore, diversity shapes behaviour and attitude that can help enhance the understanding of people to comprehend the intricacies of different culture. It also builds empathy in people which is a very important skill to shape future leaders.
    Outline how the learning experience promotes secure and respectful relationships between children, families, and other adults.
    Learning experiences promote secure and respectful relationships between the children, families and other adults. This is because it helps in gauging different cultures and their value systems. One can comprehend about the power distance in the culture or how will the long-term vision of person be aligned or is he comfortable with uncertainty. Once the children are able to understand the hidden aspects of the actions that their classmates or friends take, they are in better position to develop strong friendship and cultivate better bonding
    Explain how your learning experience is consistent according to the Early Years Learning Framework, in particular Outcome 2.
    Basic and very crucial undertaking of education and school institution is to offer children an ecosystem to develop sound understanding about themselves and their surroundings. In order words, developing comprehensively that includes promotion of both non-cognitive as well as cognitive skills. Schools are established as the primary avenues for the overall advancement of the cognitive ability, mindfulness and social-emotional learning (SEL). Social-emotional learning (SEL) ideally explains the process by the virtue of which children as well as individuals attains knowledge and successfully put it into the practice. These skills, knowledge and right attitude is essential for the identification of management of work as well as emotions with reference to the skills, knowledge as well as attitude the learner comprehends the different perspectives from the others like family, friends and surroundings that helps in sharing compassion, pursuit of positive goals, development as well as sustenance of relationships positively.
    Identify the legislation under the National Quality Framework that applies to your workplace.
    National Law and Regulations outline and shapes the legal obligations of the approved providers, educations and nominated supervisors to explain the functions and power of the state...

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