Final Assignment: PPT PRESENTATIONFor your final week, you are to prepare a power point presentationfor senior high school students.Your presentation is about law and ethics in health care, for...

Final Assignment: PPT PRESENTATION

For your final week, you are to prepare a power point presentationfor senior high school students.Your presentation is about law and ethics in health care, for students who are preparing to study and enter the health care professions.

Provide at least 3 entries of core information on each of the following topics: health carecontracts,negligence,employment legalities,public duties to report, a list ofthe 5 Schedules of Controlled Substances, and basic rules of dealing withdeath and dyingin the health care profession.

In addition to the above, include a slide or threeon ONE topic or subject of your choosing. It could be anything we have discussed or read about, a news item or story on a relevant topic, a personal observation, or any thing thatyou find interestingabout law and ethics in health care.

Your assignment will be marked on mastery ofof each of the six listed topics, divided equally by each of the three primary learning points per topic:

  • Point #1- accuracy - (5% , per topic, of total grade)

  • Point #2- comprehensiveness (each topicincluded from the list above(5% , per topic, of total grade)

  • Point #3 - relevance of the topic as a primary learning point of the topic (5% , per topic, of total grade)

  • TOTAL: 15% per each of six listed topics =90%

  • yourfinal optional topicwill be marked worth 5%

  • Plus, overall


    visualappeal - 5%

TOTAL = 100%.Thisassignment is worth 25% of your total grade.

For the number of slides, I'm thinking about 15-25. This should be a difficult assignment, but not impossible to complete in 7 days. Additional "speaking notes" are useful if you wish to provide clarification for a particular slide, but are not required.

P.S. Before hitting submit, READ THE DIRECTIONS one more time! Just like on the job, for that last minute quality check.

Due onSunday midnight 12/24/23.

Dec 15, 2023

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