Find an article from any business, marketing, public relations or advertising trade journal that discusses an issue(s) faced by US companies selling their products in international markets. The UD...

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Find an article from any business, marketing, public relations or advertising trade journal that discusses an issue(s) faced by US companies selling their products in international markets. The UD library has subscriptions to many of these publications. The article must be published within the last 3 years.Your deliverables:- Post a pdf copy of the article.- Explain what issue the company is dealing with;- is it avoidable or unavoidable?- Explain what you think is the best tip or advice offered by the article.
Answered 23 days AfterSep 07, 2021

Answer To: Find an article from any business, marketing, public relations or advertising trade journal that...

Deblina answered on Sep 09 2021
147 Votes
Running Head: An Insight on Assertive Communication in Workplace         1
An Insight on Assertive Comm
unication in Workplace         2
Table of Contents
Insight on Assertive Communication in Workplace    3
References    5
Insight on Assertive Communication in Workplace
According to Robert Bolton, assertive communication reflects a communication in which an individual can effectively express his feelings, thoughts, and beliefs openly and honestly without violating the dignity of own self and others. It primarily ensures that an individual can verbally and nonverbally communicate his negative and positive feelings without experiencing any kind of anxiety or guilty and does not violate the dignity of others. It is evident from the discussion by the author that assertive communication is significantly important because it helps to meet our needs and it also fosters to meet the needs of another person too (Bolton, 2009).
Hence, it can be contemplated that assertive communication can effectively build a sound relationship by satisfying every participator in a particular...

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