follow all the instructions mentioned in the brief. TOPIC- TARGETING THE TRANSCRIPTOME IN CANCER.

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follow all the instructions mentioned in the brief. TOPIC- TARGETING THE TRANSCRIPTOME IN CANCER.

CW1 Brief CW1 Brief_L5_BRB_2022/23 Read this assessment brief carefully, it tells you how you are going to be assessed, how to submit your assessment on-time and how (and when) you’ll receive your marks and feedback. Module Code ASC_5_BRB_2123 Module Title Bioinformatics and Research Skills for Biomedical Scientists Lecturer Valentina Caputo % Of Module Mark 50% Distributed 24/01/2023 Submission Method Submit online via this Module’s Moodle site Submission Deadline CW1 (50%) 09/05/23 11:59pm Release of Feedback Feedback will be available online from 30/05/2023 Release of Marks Provisional marks will be available in the Gradebook on Moodle from 02/06/2023 Assessment: Research proposal - Each student will be assigned a project title to write a well-supported research proposal. Assessment Details: Assessment of your work will consider A. Content, quality, and organization of your scientific writing. You have an opportunity to apply the subject knowledge that you have acquired and reinforced during this semester and module. This will be assessed according to the following standards (see the marking criteria at the end of the document): 1. Research Systematic Identification and use of academic and relevant resources. 2. Subject Knowledge Understanding and application of subject knowledge. Contribution to subject debate by updated research 3. Critical Analysis Analysis and interpretation of sources, literature and/or results. Structuring of issues/debates. 6. Practical Competence. Skills to apply theory to practice or to test theory B. The quality of your scientific writing Structure, quality and clarity of argument, coherence, use of evidential support and referencing, spelling, grammar and punctuation. This will be assessed according to the following strands: 7. Communication and Presentation Clear intention in communication. Audience needs are predicted and met. Presentation format is used skillfully. Work should be relevant and reflect the discussions in the class and within the groups. 8. Academic Integrity Acknowledges and gives credit to the work of others follows the conventions and practices of the discipline including appropriate use of referencing standards for discipline. Type: Research Proposal Resources: Computer practical Tutorial on statistical analysis 1. Group Discussions 2. Meetings with the supervisor 3. Open access scientific literature Word Count: Research proposal. As a guide, aim for 2000 words. Plus, or Minus 10%. References, tables, and appendixes will not count towards word count totals If the total word limit is exceeded, a 5% penalty will apply for every 5% extra. Presentation: Your proposal must contain these sections (bullet points): · Broad Summary Statement of project (~150 words) A few paragraphs on the bigger picture of the research question. It should be attention grabbing and easy to read. Avoid references when possible. · Specific aims and Hypothesis (~100 words) State clearly the main hypotheses to be tested, which should address interesting and specific issues. Contain at least 2 aims and several specific objectives Should list aims using numbers and include specific objectives as sub-points. · Background and Significance (~600 word) Review of the relevant literature for the title and its sub-domains. This section should cover the big picture of the research question, with explicit statement on the potential scientific impact of the study. State the addition to the literature if successful Detail previous experiments and observations that informed your project. Discussions should be organised around themes and concepts (always use subsections). · Preliminary data (~100 words if included) Demonstrate that the proposed procedures and initial observations are reasonable. This section may be absent if not relevant. Be brief and straight to the point using images, graphs, and tables. · Methods and Experimental Design (~750 words) State in clear terms the research design, what materials, subjects and samples will be obtained. Clear effort to analyse the statistical power of the proposed work. State how the data will be stored and protected from damage/abuse. Clear statements on the reagents, kits, software and machines for data collection. The analysis procedure and why should be given. When possible, limitations and alternatives solutions should be mentioned. All identifiable confounders should be addressed and the gaps in the design should be discussed. Must complete and get ethics approval. · Expected results and possible caveats (~200 words) The expected outcome of the proposed experiments should be described with possible interpretations. It should fit with the background and significance section. Give the caveats in your results and alternative approaches that may be used to address them. · Broad conclusion and implications (~250 words) Give a few paragraphs on the bigger picture of the research question given the expected results. It should have a clear statement on how the proposed research will advance the field. Avoid references when possible. · Timeline of work (~50 words + Gantt Chart) Use a Gantt Chart to document the duration of experiments and activities that will be conducted. · References (unlimited word count) Most reference in text and at the end predominantly peer reviewed articles. It is largely inappropriate to use web pages, such as Facebook or New articles. At least 5 peer- review articles. Only one review paper per each 5 article is allowed · Work must be submitted as a unique word document (.doc/docx). · Course work should be done in Arial font size 11 (or larger if you need to), with a minimum of 1.5 line spacing. All the pages need to be numbered. · Your student numbers must appear at the front of the coursework. Your assigned project title must appear at the front of the coursework. Your name must not be on your coursework. Referencing: Harvard Referencing should be used, see your Library Subject Guide for guides and tips on referencing. Regulations: Make sure you understand the University Regulations on expected academic practice and academic misconduct. Note in particular: · Your engagement will be consider. Please ensure you meet your supervisor in group or individual meetings · Your work must be your own. Markers will be attentive to both the plausibility of the sources provided as well as the consistency and approach to writing of the work. Simply, if you do the research and reading, and then write it up on your own, giving the reference to sources, you will approach the work in the appropriate way and will not give markers reason to question the authenticity of the work. · All quotations must be credited and properly referenced. Paraphrasing is still regarded as plagiarism if you fail to acknowledge the source for the ideas being expressed. TURNITIN: When you upload your work to the Moodle site it will be checked by anti-plagiarism software. 10% Turnitin score is the maximum allowed. Learning Outcomes This assessment will fully or partially assess the following learning outcomes for this module. Knowledge and Understanding Develop understanding of main research principles and methodologies for data collection and analysis. How to design a robust inquiry. Current and potential uses of different techniques in biomedical research. Intellectual Skills Explain the fundamental principles, techniques, and applications on biomedical research project. Transferable Skills Develop skills in research, data analysis, experimental designs, and critical scientific writing Demonstrate the ability to work ethically and independently in answering biomedical science questions. How to get help We will discuss this Assessment Brief in class and will cover individual components in group discussions. However, if you have related questions, please contact the lecturers in the MS TEAMS site for the bioinformatics and research skills module as soon as possible. Resources Computer practical Tutorial on statistical analysis Group Discussions Meeting with the supervisor Open access scientific literature 3 Quality Exceeds Expectations (4) Meets Expectations (3) Acceptable (2) Unacceptable (1) Content (70%) Explanation of significance (15%) Present, correct, complete. Writing is dynamic, and engages ready attention Present, adequately complete, correct. Explanation is well written, contains basic info. Present, somewhat incomplete, some errors. Contains necessary info, but awkward. Not present or very limited, or major errors. Significance of research is lost. Summary of research findings (30%) Main conclusions, supporting and evidence are fully explained and are correct interpretations of the paper Main conclusions, supporting evidence are adequately explained, and mostly correct with no or minor technical errors in interpretation. Main conclusions and supporting evidence are partially explained, or have some incorrect interpretations. Main conclusions and supportive evidence are minimally explained, or there are some major errors in interpretation. Inclusion of background information (10%) Relevant background is fully included and is correct Relevant background information is present at adequate levels, and is correct Relevant background information is insufficient, or moderately incorrect. Relevant background information is missing or highly incorrect Explanation of figure/graph/ table (15%) Strong choice of figure, is fully explained, and is a correct interpretation Reasonable choice of figure, is adequately explained, and is a correct interpretation with no or minor technical errors Reasonable choice of figure, is partially explained, and has some incorrect interpretations No figure given, or minimal/no explanation. May have major errors in interpretation. Format and style (30%) References and use of direct quotations (10%) In-text Harvard style citations are used correctly where required. No more than two quotations are used. In-text Harvard style citations are used correctly where required, with no more than two minor formatting errors. No more than two quotations are used. In-text citations are used where required, in an incorrect style; and/or, three quotations are used. Outside material/information is not cited; and/or more than four quotations are used. Structure (5%) Between 725 and 775 words, with correct margins and font. Written in clear paragraphs, structured in inverted pyramid format. Between 725 and 775 words, with minor errors in margins or font. Written in clear paragraphs, structured in inverted pyramid format. More than 775 words or less than 725 words. Errors in margins, font, and/or paragraph structure. Inverted pyramid elements are present, but not in correct order. More than 825 or less than 675 words. Errors in margins, font, /or and paragraph structure. Lacks any organizational structure. Essential information is lost. Language level and clarity (10%) Always comprehensible without having to refer to original paper or other sources; any specialized vocabulary is defined and necessary; language is neither too technical nor too simple. Almost always comprehensible without having to refer to original paper or other sources; any specialized vocabulary is defined and necessary; language is occasionally too technical or too simple. Sometimes comprehensible without having to refer to original paper or other sources; unnecessary specialized vocabulary is used; language is somewhat too technical or too simple. Largely incomprehensible; cannot be understood without having to refer to original paper or other sources; vocabulary is either highly technical or highly simplified. Spelling/ Grammar (5%) No errors in spelling or grammar; all acronyms are defined. Two or fewer errors in spelling; grammar is largely correct; all acronyms are defined. More than two errors in spelling; grammar is somewhat poor; some acronyms are not defined. Frequent errors in spelling or grammar; any acronyms are not defined. Total Mark (100%) Breakdown of criteria:
Answered 4 days AfterAug 02, 2023

Answer To: follow all the instructions mentioned in the brief. TOPIC- TARGETING THE TRANSCRIPTOME IN CANCER.

Bidusha answered on Aug 06 2023
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