MBA401_Assessment2_T1_2020 Page 1 XXXXXXXXXXKaplan Business School Assessment Outline Assessment 2 Information Subject Code: MBA401 Subject Name: People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership Assessment...

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hello, i need to make a video presentation ,

MBA401_Assessment2_T1_2020 Page 1 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline Assessment 2 Information Subject Code: MBA401 Subject Name: People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership Assessment Title: Individual Video Presentation Assessment Type: Video Presentation Length: 5-7 Minutes (+/-10%) Weighting: 30 % Total Marks: 30 Submission: Via Moodle (Vimeo) Due Date: Monday, Week 10 at 11.55pm Your Task Create an individual video presentation that explores the topic of “effective leadership” within a contemporary business environment Assessment Description In recent weeks you have been exposed to a range of content exploring people and organisation’s; leadership and performance; leadership behaviours, styles development and effectiveness and strategic leadership. For this video presentation, you are required to select a business leader of your choice (it can be from Australia or overseas). However, it cannot be from the organisation/company that you chose in Assessment 1. You CANNOT select Political, Religious or Sports Leaders. Your choice of a “business leader” will provide you with an opportunity to analyse their contribution to the success of the business. Your presentation should address the following questions: 1. Describe at least two (2) key factors that in your opinion make your chosen leader successful? 2. Identify at least two (2) keys ways that you can measure their effectiveness? 3. How has their performance as a leader contributed to organisational/company success? Assessment Instructions To ensure the success of your video presentation, you should take account of the following: 1. You are required to appear on the screen and ensure that your voice can be clearly heard; 2. Record the video in a quiet location so that background noise and interruptions are minimized; 3. You are required to create a series of Powerpoint slides with talking points to assist your presentation; 4. Talk to the camera instead of reading notes or your Powerpoint slides; 5. Be creative, a good presentation is not just about the content but the way that you present it; and 6. Practice numerous times beforehand and/or with a friend so that you are confident. You should refer to at least three (3) relevant theories/concepts that you have covered in the subject in your presentation to support your answers. You are required to demonstrate your use of references/resources in your video. Discuss with you lecturer ways in which you can do this. Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria. Page 2 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline Important Study Information Academic Integrity Policy KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy. What is academic integrity and misconduct? What are the penalties for academic misconduct? What are the late penalties? How can I appeal my grade? Click here for answers to these questions: Word Limits for Written Assessments Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded. Study Assistance Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information. Page 3 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline Assessment Marking Guide Criterion Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction Clear description and discussion of at least 2 key factors that made the chosen leader successful /5 Background, context and discussion of the key theories not or insufficiently, stated Background, context and discussion of the key theories mentioned but not completely stated Background, context and discussion of the key theories mentioned but only partially stated Background, context and discussion of the key theories almost clearly and fully stated Background, context and discussion of the key theories all clearly and fully stated Clear identification and discussion of at least 2 ways that you can measure their effectiveness /5 Background, context and discussion of the leaders key measures of success not or insufficiently, stated Background, context and discussion of the leaders key measures of success mentioned but not completely stated Background, context and discussion of the leaders key measures of success mentioned but only partially stated Background, context and discussion of the leaders key measures of success almost clearly and fully stated Background, context and discussion of the leaders key measures of success all clearly and fully stated Quality of the discussion of performance and organisational success within the overall context of leadership /5 Performance and organisational success factors are poorly evaluated and analysed from a theoretical and practical perspective. Performance and organisational success factors are partially evaluated and analysed from a theoretical and practical perspective. Performance and organisational success factors are mostly evaluated, and analysed using both theory and practical perspective. Performance and organisational success factors are clearly evaluated, and analysed using both theory and practical perspective. Performance and organisational success factors are very clearly evaluated and analysed using both theory and practical perspective Quality of video presentation (including the development/use of .ppt’s) /10 Ideas were poorly expressed. Delivery, presentation and the development/use of ppt’s were poor Ideas were reasonably clearly expressed. Delivery and presentation and the development/use of ppt’s were satisfactory Ideas were clearly expressed. Delivery and presentation and the development/use of ppt’s were very good. Ideas were very clearly expressed. Delivery and presentation and the development/use of ppt’s were excellent. Ideas were extremely clearly expressed. Delivery and presentation and the development/use of ppt’s were outstanding Demonstrated use of at least 3 relevant theories /5 References not included in the video presentation Minimal use of references used in the video Partial use of references in the video presentation Good use of references in the presentation Excellent use of references in the presentation Assessment 2 Information Subject Code: Subject Name: Individual Video Presentation Assessment Title: Video Assessment Type: Weighting: Total Marks: Via Moodle (Vimeo) Submission: Monday, Week 10 at 11.55pm Due Date: To ensure the success of your video presentation, you should take account of the following: 1. You are required to appear on the screen and ensure that your voice can be clearly heard; 2. Record the video in a quiet location so that background noise and interruptions are minimized; 3. You are required to create a series of Powerpoint slides with talking points to assist your presentation; 4. Talk to the camera instead of reading notes or your Powerpoint slides; 5. Be creative, a good presentation is not just about the content but the way that you present it; and 6. Practice numerous times beforehand and/or with a friend so that you are confident. You should refer to at least three (3) relevant theories/concepts that you have covered in the subject in your presentation to support your answers. You are required to demonstrate your use of references/resources in your video. Discuss with you lectu... Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria. People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership 30 Presentation Length: MBA401 30 %
Answered Same DayMay 10, 2021

Answer To: MBA401_Assessment2_T1_2020 Page 1 XXXXXXXXXXKaplan Business School Assessment Outline Assessment 2...

Moumita answered on May 11 2021
154 Votes
Slide 1
Business Leader
Jeff Bezos
Born in January of 1964 Jeff Bezos is an American industrialist and the founder, CEO,
and president of the world’s largest e-commerce company
In 2017 Bezos was declared as the richest person on the earth and is net worth is assumed to be around US$ 150 billion in 2018.
He is first centi-billionaire in the Forbes wealth index and is regarded “as the richest man in modern history”.
Two factors for success
The key factors for the success of Jeff Beoz and his company Amazon can never be summed up in tow points but there are few key factors that have made him and the enterprise success and moreover a sensation 
The vision
Bezos launched a company with the vision to make it the largest online platform in the world. The far sight of Bezos made him remain ahead of the competition to date.
He tapped into the system much before his rivals did and continued to overall growth with getting into new sector ad industries and always welcomed changes in the company’s market. Which in the end helped him broaden the horizon of his market share.
Customer satisfaction
Bezos like may other successful business leaders has led his focus on customer satisfaction.
His main goal was to earn huge profits but he devoted all his revenues in creating a platform that makes the customer come first this meat that the customers...

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