Homework #3CENG 4351 Fall 20221) Download the file “turtle_goto_goal.py” from blackboard2) Modify the code according to the instructions in the file to make the turtle move to a desired location...

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Homework #3 CENG 4351 Fall 2022 1) Download the file “turtle_goto_goal.py” from blackboard 2) Modify the code according to the instructions in the file to make the turtle move to a desired location (goal location) 3) Install the code into your colcon_ws or whichever ros2 workspace that you have so that you can “ros2 run my_py_pkg turtle_controller_node” and demonstrate that the turtle will move to your choices of goal locations. (Watch the attached video Homework_3.mp4 to see the action).
Answered Same DayOct 31, 2022

Answer To: Homework #3CENG 4351 Fall 20221) Download the file “turtle_goto_goal.py” from blackboard2)...

Nidhi answered on Nov 01 2022
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