Research PaperThe purpose of this project is to research and report on a communications standard that has not been studied in this course. A report must be written based upon external...

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Research Paper

The purpose of this project is to research and report on a communications standard that has not been studied in this course. A report must be written based upon external reference material, describing the theory and operation of the standard that has been studied. A report must be submitted as described below.


Research about the communications standards below:



Investigate the standard on a high level but focus specifically on the radio modulation and transmission techniques that are used. You should not focus on digital data contents, protocol stacks, encryption, error correction, nor software standards.


Be sure to include details about spectrum usage, power levels, and noise performance.


Be sure to footnote and list all external reference material that you made use of in researching your report.


Submit your report as a Microsoft Word file.

Research Paper The purpose of this project is to research and report on a communications standard that has not been studied in this course. A report must be written based upon external reference material, describing the theory and operation of the standard that has been studied. A report must be submitted as described below. Requirement: Research about the communications standards below: Bluetooth · Investigate the standard on a high level but focus specifically on the radio modulation and transmission techniques that are used. You should not focus on digital data contents, protocol stacks, encryption, error correction, nor software standards. · Be sure to include details about spectrum usage, power levels, and noise performance. · Be sure to footnote and list all external reference material that you made use of in researching your report. · Submit your report as a Microsoft Word file.
Answered 2 days AfterMar 23, 2023

Answer To: Research PaperThe purpose of this project is to research and report on a communications...

Amar Kumar answered on Mar 26 2023
28 Votes
Smartphones, laptops, headphones, and smartwatches all utilise Bluetooth, a wireless
communication standard, to share data across short distances. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) was established in 1998 to advance Bluetooth technology, which was created by Ericsson in 1994 and promote Bluetooth technology. The current version of Bluetooth is Bluetooth 5.3, released in 2021.
Radio Modulation and Transmission Techniques:
Bluetooth uses Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) modulation to transmit data over the airwaves. In FHSS, the transmitter and receiver rapidly switch between multiple frequency channels within a specific frequency band. Bluetooth technology uses the unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, and Medical...

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