MBA642_T3_2020_Workshop_07_v01 MBA642 Project Initiation, Planning and Execution Workshop Week 7 Software Applications for Project Management Copyright Notice COPYRIGHT COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA...

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MBA642_T3_2020_Workshop_07_v01 MBA642 Project Initiation, Planning and Execution Workshop Week 7 Software Applications for Project Management Copyright Notice COPYRIGHT COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969 WARNING This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Higher Education pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Do not remove this notice Week 5 Review • A project can be described by its: – purpose, scope, outputs • Breaking down work activity (WBS) is a process by which the project is subdivided for management and control purposes: – Areas of work – Milestones – Activities and Schedule • Understand the factors that determine technology adoption • Identify different types of project management software • Examine a range of software applications Week 7 Lecture Objectives Technology Acceptance Model Source: Davis, F. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 318–340.. External Variables • System compatibility with the users work • Social influence • User efficiency • Technical capability • Resource availability • Personal attitude Source: Taylor, S., & Todd, P. A. (1995). Understanding information technology usage: A test of competing models. Information Systems Research: A Journal of the Institute of Management Sciences, 6(2), 144–176. Perceived Usefulness “The extent to which a person believes that using a particular technology will enhance her/his job performance” Source: Davis, F. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 318–340.. Usefulness Enhance job performance – Type of projects – Complexity of projects • Workflow included Perceived Ease of Use Source: Davis, F. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 318–340.. “The degree to which a person believes that using a technology will be free from effort” Ease of Use • Understandable (makes sense) • Intuitive to use • Navigation (flow) • Effort to use • Speed • Responsive (actually works) Workshop Activity • In small groups of 2 or 3, discuss the ‘ease of use’ for ‘My KBS’ • Make a bullet point list of easy to use features • Share your results with the class Attitude Towards Use Perceived ease of use + User characteristics + Voluntariness User Characteristics • Experience • Competence • Training • Level of education Voluntariness Is it a mandatory tool? Workshop Activity In context of ‘user characteristics’, in groups of 2 or 3: • ‘MyKBS’ is a mandatory tool, what user characteristics are important to its adoption? • Consider the need for: – Onboarding - the action or process of integrating a new employee into an organization or familiarizing a new customer or client with one's products or services. – Tools such as ‘Walkme’ and Grammarly • Share your results with the class The Intention to Use • Actually attempt to try the software Suppliers measure (AARRR): • Acquisition (number of visitors to website) • Activation (registrations / downloads) • Retention (return visits / open) • Revenue (decide to pay to retain access) • Referral (recommend to others) Actual Usage Frequency of use 1. Organisational factors 2. Organisational considerations Demands of the job 3. Type of projects 4. Work flow 5. Individual responsibilities 1. Organisational Factors • Organisation size • Project size • Project complexity – number of resources – project length – repeatable projects or unique projects 2. Organisational Considerations • Accessibility • Security • Customisable • Integration • Scalability • Cost 3. Type of Project • Task-based • Waterfall (traditional WBS) • Resource-based – Employees – Sub-contractors – Physical (e.g., equipment, materials, facilities) – IP (i.e., documents) • Agile (rapid software development) Functionality • Task management • Resource management • Time management • Communications management • Procurement management • Information management • Quality management WBS • Activity definition & descriptions • Bundling of activities • Identifying areas of work • Functionality: – Add / Modify / Re-organise / Delete – Tagging – Customisations Workshop Activity • In small groups of 2 or 3, brainstorm a list of projects that might be: 1. task based 2. waterfall 3. resource-based 4. agile • What type of projects might be repeatable vs unique? • Share your results with the class The Best Project Management Software as claimed by each magazine Capterra PC Mag Tech24 PMI MS project Zoho Projects Basecamp Mavenlink Wrike Wrike Teamwork Projects SmartSheet Atlassian Workfront Active Collab AcerProject Basecamp Mavenlink Zoho Wrike Podio Teamwork Projects Trello Asana Volerro Jira Jira Trello TeamGantt Asana ProWorkFlow Teamwork Projects Clarizen Podio Teamwork Projects Smartsheet Celoxis Freedcamp Intervals Freedcamp Liquid Planner Wrike Basecamp Workshop Activity • Working in pairs, select one of the software applications on the previous slide and conduct an internet search to determine: – Type of projects supported – Usefulness: functionality offered – Organisational considerations • Share your results with the class Summary • Choose specific software to fit type of projects • Evaluate • Usefulness • Ease of use • Organisational considerations • Organisational factors • User characteristics for successful adoption Next Week • Understand the steps involved in project team building • Know the characteristics of effective project teams and why teams fail • Know the stages in group development • Understand how cross-functional cooperation in teams is achieved. • Understand the nature of conflict and evaluate response methods. Project Initiation, Planning and Execution Assessment 1 MBA642: Individual Written Report Topic: Construction of Optus Stadium Table of Contents Table of Contents2 Introduction3 Optus Stadium Project Management3 Stages of 5IPECC3 Initiation4 Planning4 Execution4 Controlling5 Closing5 Critical Analysis6 Ethical Considerations6 Conclusion7 References8 Introduction During the construction process of any major project there are many considerations that need to be followed for the success of the project. The project management analysis is about the construction of Optus stadium, a 60,000 seat multi-purpose venue in Perth, Australia, which is committed to provide one of the most welcoming and comfortable environments possible in the area. The views consist of the picturesque Swan River and Perth city in the west and the foothills in the eastern side. In this article the critical analysis of the possible success and failure factors will be done along with the 5IPECC stages which will clearly help to understand one possible success and failure factor. Lastly the ethical consideration will be analysed and how they contribute to the success or failure of the chosen project. Optus Stadium Project Management The purpose of the project management is to properly manage and implement the plan of the project. Demirkesen and Ozorhon (2017) have discussed that the project manager is in-charge of implementing the entire project as to ensure that no loopholes are there. With the help of proper project management plan the project manager will be able to estimate the entire budget allocated for the project and the time that is allotted to finish the project. This proper following of the plan will make sure that the entire project is completed in the allocated time and the project strategic goals and objectives are achieved (Radujkovic & Sjekavica 2017). The projects managers of Optus stadium is absolutely motivated and encourages that there is no need for any force on the team. What it all requires that the motivation and encouragement that will help to improve and enhance the performance of the team as to increase the productivity of the team and to accomplish the targeted completion of the construction on time. Stages of 5IPECC For the success of any work, it is very important to have a proper communication within the team and the organisation. Silvius (2017) have further discussed that a proper and careful communication with the team by the project manager will ensure that the proper guidelines and information regarding the project if conveyed to the team will ensure that the work is done according to the plan and all the necessary steps are accomplished in a proper manner. Initiation During the initiation phase there are many challenges faced by the project manager for any kind of project. Kivila, Martinsuo and Vuorinen (2017) have discussed that it is important at the initial stage to understand the parameters of the project. These parameters are the selection of the site, capital cost, description of stadium, the kind of activities that will be taken place in the stadium, and the summary of the entire stadium work such as the construction work. During the initiation phase it is very important to have a proper project management planning which ensure the success of the project. The failure to consider all the aspect of the project management will lead to the entire failure of the project. The strengths of initiation stage of this project are that the location was chosen at the appropriate place and accessible to the general people. Location plays an important factor because at the initial stages of the construction it is important that all the access to materials is available and can be easily connected with rest of the city. There are considerably no drawbacks faced during the initiation phase of the project. Planning The next phase is the planning phase of the project. Borkovskaya (2018) have further added that the planning phase of the construction will ensure that the integration of the city will be done where the construction of the stadium will take place. The stadium should reflect the lifestyle of the Western Australia as to present an impact over the aspirants. The next step is to ensure that the transportation connectivity is well maintained as that will ensure all the materials are delivered to the site within time. The planning includes that all the necessary requirements of the project are made available such as the materials, workforce and many more other necessary requirements of the project, which will ensure the success of the project. Failure to properly arranging any of the above-mentioned items will lead to the complete failure of the entire project. The strengths of the planning phase is that the project manager has prepared a risk response plan and team, making sure that the stakeholders requirements are met and ensure that the plan prepared for the project is accomplished within the time. The weakness of the planning phase is that there were occasions when the materials did not reached to the site and that raised the issue of delay in the project (Haile 2018). Execution The execution phase is the period when the project is executed or the process of the construction has started. During this phase the entire work as planned during the project planning phase is implemented, however there are possibilities of the slight alteration of time and budget. The success of the project is dependent on the manner in which the project manager manages the entire project plan. Failure to properly comply with the project necessities will lead to the failure of the project (Ma
Answered 9 days AfterJan 11, 2021MBA642

Answer To: MBA642_T3_2020_Workshop_07_v01 MBA642 Project Initiation, Planning and Execution Workshop Week 7...

Swati answered on Jan 12 2021
139 Votes
Project Management Software Comparison
Project Management Software Comparison
Project Management is all about managing a project from all aspects which ranges from all activities starting with inception to the closure with the help of structured and scientific methodologies.
Project management software is basically an application which is designed so as to facilitate the delivery of project in an efficient manner. There are seve
ral project management software in market which may help to set more realistic deadline and milestones, keep all members of team focused on deliverables, enhances communication and documentation as well as helps to tie up and automate the interdependent segments of a project.
Thus plays a vital role. In this presentation, I would like to highlight the key features, functions and selection of right project management software. Further, discussion of 3 main software that could be used for my project which is construction of Optus stadium is done. Finally, recommendation is being made for the best fit.
Project Management Software
“Project management application is a suite of tools that help improve production teams’ efficiency. They usually come as cloud-based, multi-user platforms that host features such project planning and scheduling, collaboration, advanced reporting, and project budgeting, among many others. They are meant to ensure that all project stakeholders are constantly in the know and that every project is delivered on time.
There are several types of project management software which are broadly classified as-
On-premise software: The project management application is installed in your company’s office or servers and you pay a one-time proprietary license every year to use the software.
Cloud-hosted systems: These project management tool are web-based tools installed in the vendor’s server. You usually pay a monthly subscription fee to use the software.
Collaborative systems: Such software are designed so that multiple users can simultaneously work and collaborate on a project(s). 
High-end systems: These are systems created as central project management systems for large companies and organizations to deal with complex projects.
Here is list of project management software ranked based on several magazines and newsletters.
It’s the right time to talk about the most important thing while choosing a project management software for your business – features. Without going too much in detail, below down are some are some important features to keep in mind:
Real-time collaboration: These days teams are large in size and projects are more complex in nature. It becomes the need of the hour to have a project management app that lets team members come together on a single platform and discuss tasks in real-time.
File management and document sharing: Look for a tool that acts as an effective file-sharing system and works as a central place to store, organize, and share all your important files so that you can easily collaborate over them.
Time-tracking: Compare project management app and choose that lets you make the most of your time. Also, it should enable you to set time estimates, track time spent on tasks and maintain a record of every minute you spend at work.
Reporting: A project reporting software to get a clear idea of how things are progressing and the resources are being utilized so that you can get rid of risks and inefficiencies in a project.
Workflows and boards: Having workflows and boards mean to have a streamlined task management process where every project task goes through stages and provides better visibility across tasks. It also brings more flexibility to your work.
Third-party integrations: Make sure your project management tool easily integrates with other popular tools. These days every quality project management tool comes with multiple third-party integrations such as Google Drive, Pocket, Box, Ever-note and many more.
Understanding these functions and features of project management software could help to choose the most appropriate one for our project.
Selection of Right software
For years project management software have been helping people plan, prioritize, organize, and track tasks – both personal and professional. With a plethora of tools and project management app comparisons on...

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