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©Aspire2 International – DBN601 Assessment 1– v.4 2018 Page 1 of 8 New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 6) Course Title Organisation Management Course DBN601 Version 4 Title Assessment 1: Research Based Assignment Level 6 Credits 20 Total Marks [Weighting] 65 [60%] Student Name Student ID Tutor’s Name Week Due Due Date ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Sections 1a/b 1c/d 1e/f 2a/b 3a/b 4a/b Ref Total Total Marks 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 65 Marks Awarded Assessor’s Overall Feedback Student’s Signature: _____________________________ Date: _________________ ©Aspire2 International – DBN601 Assessment 1– v.4 2018 Page 2 of 8 LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSED Learning Outcome Question Mark Allocation LO 1: Demonstrate ethical, social, and culturally appropriate behaviour in organisational management Section 1 30 marks LO 2: Demonstrate professional behaviour in organisational management. Section 2 10 marks LO 4: Demonstrate abilities in self- motivation to improve individual productivity. Section 3 10 marks LO 7: Develop business sustainability at a strategic level for long - term organisational success. Section 4 10 marks References: LO 1, 2, 4 and 7 All Sections 5 marks Total 65 marks General Instructions: 1. “APA” 6th edition referencing and citation are compulsory. 2. Plagiarism would be dealt with zero tolerance and you would fail the assessment. 3. A soft copy of assignment must be submitted on Turnitin by the due date and a hard copy must be submitted to the lecturer on date advised by lecturer. 4. Be advised that any similarity rate 15% or above will result in zero marks as stipulated above. 5. Your work should be free of errors with respect to grammar, spellings and punctuation. Please read and sign the declaration below: I have understood the content and learning outcomes to be assessed I have been advised of the purpose and the process of the assessment I consent to assessment results and materials being used by my establishment I agree to carry out the assessment without assistance from anyone else ___________________________________________ _____/____/____ Student’s Signature Date ©Aspire2 International – DBN601 Assessment 1– v.4 2018 Page 3 of 8 Assessment Instructions Select a business from the list provided to write the assignment on the guideline provided in the next section. - You must cite ALL sources used in writing this assessment. Only genuine primary or secondary academic sources are allowed to be used as references. Blogs, Wikipedia, or other similar non-peer reviewed materials will not be considered or given marks. Use APA citation format (6th edition) when citing sources or references. - You are encouraged to write between 2,000 to 2,500 words (excluding the cover page and references), to ensure a sufficient discussion of each section. - Provide word count at the end of this assignment. - A copy of your report must also be submitted in Turnitin within the deadline. Failure to do so will result to deductions. Note: Different New Zealand businesses can be used for each section. Turnitin Upload Name Sample Organisation (Name: ID) XYZ Company (John Doe: TIZ0000123) ©Aspire2 International – DBN601 Assessment 1– v.4 2018 Page 4 of 8 ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS Answer the following providing analysis justified with relevant academic sources or company information: Section 1: Ethical, Social and Culturally Appropriate Behaviour (LO1 – 30 marks) Ethical behaviour 1a) Provide a quotation from your research that is an example of good (or bad) ethical business practice and explain why you believe it to be a good (or bad) example, based on an authorative source on ethical business practice. (5 marks) 1b) Explain how you might be able to model good ethical business practice if you were employed in a management role by that organisation (with reference to an authorative source on ethical business practice). (5 marks) Socially appropriate behaviour 1c) Provide a quotation from your research that is an example of good (or bad) socially appropriate behaviour and explain why you believe it to be a good (or bad) example, based on an authorative source on socially appropriate behaviour. (5 marks) 1d) Explain how you might be able to model good socially appropriate behaviour if you were employed in a management role by that organisation (with reference to an authorative source on socially appropriate behaviour). (5 marks) Culturally appropriate behaviour 1e) Provide a quotation from your research that is an example of good (or bad) culturally appropriate behaviour and explain why you believe it to be a good (or bad) example, based on an authorative source on culturally appropriate behaviour. (5 marks) 1f) Explain how you might be able to model culturally appropriate behaviour if you were employed in a management role by that organisation (with reference to an authorative source on culturally appropriate behaviour). (5 marks) [All discussions or evaluations are to be referenced to acceptable literature.] ©Aspire2 International – DBN601 Assessment 1– v.4 2018 Page 5 of 8 Section 2: Professional Behaviour (LO 2 – 10 marks) 2a) Provide a quotation from your research that is an example of good (or bad) professional behaviour and explain why you believe it to be a good (or bad) example, based on an authorative source on professional behaviour. (5 marks) 2b) Explain how you might be able to model professional behaviour if you were employed in a management role by that organisation (with reference to an authorative source on professional behaviour). (5 marks) [All discussions or evaluations are to be referenced to acceptable literature.] Section 3: Applying self-motivation in business (LO 4 – 10 marks) 3a) Provide a quotation from your research that is an example of good (or bad) applying self-motivation in business and explain why you believe it to be a good (or bad) example, based on an authorative source on applying self-motivation in business. (5 marks) 3b) Explain how you might be able to model applying self-motivation in business if you were employed in a management role by that organisation (with reference to an authorative source on applying self-motivation in business). (5 marks) [All discussions or evaluations are to be referenced to acceptable literature.] Section 4: Business Sustainability (LO 7 – 10 marks) 4a) Provide a quotation from your research that is an example of good (or bad) professional practice related to business sustainability and explain why you believe it to be a good (or bad) example, based on an authorative source on business sustainability. (5 marks) 4b) Explain how you might be able to model a similar professional practice if you were employed in a management role by that organisation (with reference to an authorative source on business sustainability). (5 marks) [All discussions or evaluations are to be referenced to acceptable literature.] ©Aspire2 International – DBN601 Assessment 1– v.4 2018 Page 6 of 8 References (5 marks Include a list of books, journal articles, web sites, and other communications used in your investigation or cited in your assignment in alphabetical order. Ensure that ALL sources used in your research are cited in your presentation. Use APA 6th edition format in your references. Links, URLs, incorrect, and incomplete citations would not be considered and must be redone. It is recommended for you to use at least 5 academic sources. If your paper severely lacks citation, it is considered a major plagiarism offence.  Sections that lacks citations from genuine sources may receive ZERO marks. (If the section does not require citation or is opinion-based, this may not apply).  Sections copied (whether it has been paraphrased) from other students (enrolled within or outside of Aspire2 International) will receive zero marks. ©Aspire2 International – DBN601 Assessment 1– v.4 2018 Page 7 of 8 Appendix 1 – A list of suitable businesses No. Organisation Website 1. Burger Fuel www.burgerfuel.com/nz 2. Air New Zealand www.airnewzealand.co.nz 3. Tip top www.tiptop.co.nz 4. AA NZ www.aa.co.nz 5. Briscoes www.briscoes.co.nz 6. Farmers www.farmers.co.nz 7. Whitcoulls www.whitcoulls.co.nz 8. Tui Beer www.tui.co.nz 9. Cookie Time www.cookietime.co.nz 10. Trademe www.trademe.co.nz 11. Watties www.watties.co.nz 12. Kathmandu www.kathmandu.co.nz 13. Jetts Fitness www.jetts.co.nz 14. Sistema www.sistemaplastics.com 15. Rebel sports www.rebelsport.co.nz ©Aspire2 International – DBN601 Assessment 1– v.4 2018 Page 8 of 8
Answered Same DayApr 12, 2021DBN601Aspire2 International

Answer To: ©Aspire2 International – DBN601 Assessment 1– v XXXXXXXXXXPage 1 of 8 New Zealand Diploma in...

Akansha answered on Apr 16 2021
154 Votes
Appropriate Behaviour        1
[Document title]
[Document subtitle]
Table of Contents
Section 1 Ethical, Social and Culturally Appropriate Behavior    2
1A) Ethical Behaviour:    2
1B)    2
1C) Socially Appropriate Behaviour:    3
1D)    3
1E) Culturally Appropriate Behaviour    4
1F)    4
Section 2: Professional Behaviour    5
2A)    5
2B)    5
Section 3: Applying Self-Motivation in Business    6
3A)    6
3B)    6
Section 4 Business Sustainability    7
4A)    7
4B)    8
References    10
Section 1 Ethical,
Social and Culturally Appropriate Behavior
1A) Ethical Behaviour:
Quoting the unethical behaviour of 7 Eleven, is a convenient store in New Zealand “The question is that whether the culture is influencing the ethical perceptions in the workplace scenarios, by using the students enrolled in New Zealand Business College as respondents”. It was found that the business was using the students who were the enrolled students in the New Zealand Business College, to work in the store as sales representative, on low wages and the students were not even allowed to report the case as they fear of getting unrolled from their college. According to the 7 Eleven Store, these students are migrants and it is not unethical on the part of the company to make them work, which is totally unethical. According to mu perception, this is not ethical, as students have enrolled themselves to study in the University, not for working, but still if they are working then they are legitimate to get proper wages as per the work done (Bossuyt, 2016).
If I was employed in the management role of 7 Eleven than for making the store 7 Eleven work under good ethical practice; I would take the following steps as they are the ethical practices as these practices keeps the employees satisfied and demonstrate the moral principles of the business, which should be followed by every business:
1) Maintain Labour Rights: for maintaining the labour rights I being a management member, would follow the norms set by the government of New Zealand, every worker will get education leaves, freedom of collective bargaining, minimum supply of eatables during the working time.
2) Maintaining Working Conditions: This is very important as it’s the right of the worker to get a good working environment. For the students and the other workers as being the part of the management, I will provide a safe and hygienic working to all and will also take care of the employees from the hazardous possibilities in the workplace.
3) Minimum Wages: I will surely look into the matter that all the workers would get at least the minimum adult wage that is $17.70 AN for an hour. This would be the wages for all the workers, if I would be in the management system (Chang, 2017).
1C) Socially Appropriate Behaviour:
Quoting the unsociably appropriate behaviour from Air New Zealand Company “The cases of flight attended being sexually harassed is being noted around since last many years, the question is that why these bullying and harassment occurs when there are strict laws for forbidding it”. Some of the flight attendants, working Air New Zealand have reported that they have been sexually harassed and bullied while the stay of the plane at various stops during the flights. This is a bad example of socially appropriate behaviour because such behaviour is not acceptable in the society and it’s expected by the managers to behave properly with the attendants. The women have their dignity and no one is supposed to cross the limit line (Lai, 2019).
If I would be employed in the organization in the management, then I will model the socially appropriate behaviour by:
1) Employee Contract Act (1991): I will made it compulsory to follow the Employee Contract Act no. 22, so that any such incident do not occur, and if it does it should be reported under the act, as this act suggest to take harsh action against the culprit.
2) Anti-Discrimination Law: Being in the management I will follow the anti-discrimination law in my office that suggests that no employee could be discriminated on the basis of gender. By implementing the law in the office, I might avoid this unsociably accepted behaviour in my organization.
3) Effective Listening: Being a manager in the organization, I will give all my ears to the cases that report any socially inappropriate behaviour and strict action would be taken against anyone who is find culprit (Forsyth, 2019).
1E) Culturally Appropriate Behaviour
Quoting the cultural inappropriate behaviour from the research “People eating habits depends upon the cultural background they belong to, a guest complaint that the Burger Fuel promise to serve ‘HALAL MEAT’ but they did not serve the same”. This is a totally bad example of culturally inappropriate behaviour...

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