AssignmentPart 1The product backlog is made up of three epics and a total of 18 user stories. Plan the release in a hybrid manner using thatproduct backlog by first assigning stories to sprints....

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Assignment Part 1 The product backlog is made up of three epics and a total of 18 user stories. Plan the release in a hybrid manner using that product backlog by first assigning stories to sprints. Use the following premises: (1) Up to ten ideal developer days of work can be completed by the team in a sprint. (2) EPIC2 is given top priority, followed by EPIC1 and EPIC3. (3) Make sure the MH stories are written first in an epic, followed by SH, then NH. (4) "Promote" the lower priority narrative if it is necessary for the creation of the MH tale but has a lower priority than the MH story. A) Fill in the numbers of the planned sprints for each story: (1, 2, 3, etc.) in the column labeled "Sprint" that is currently empty B) Indicate how many ideal days are expected to be completed for each sprint. C) Create a flight or agile release plan. D) If all stories are finished, how many sprints will be needed to finish this product backlog? E) In how many sprints will this product backlog be finished if just the MH stories are finished? Part 2 A busy university campus cafeteria that offers university dining services would like to improve its service and help customers who want to buy meals online or through a mobile app so they don't have to stand in line while their food is made. The app will be used by dining service customers on their own. It applies to the cafeteria's sushi, grilled meals, sandwiches, and salad stations. After placing her order, the customer is supposed to be able to pick up her lunch from the cafeteria at a specific time without having to wait. The feasting administration needs to utilize the framework to upgrade client assistance and make the most ideal client experience. As a result, there are a lot of aspects of the food service process that the application could improve. A) Create a "casual" use case story for this circumstance. B) The informal use case narrative from A) should be transformed into a "fully dressed" use case narrative with at least three extensions that are in line with your description. Make use of the fully dressed Larman use case. C) There are undoubtedly a variety of other goals that the university cafeteria service system might assist. The technology may make it feasible to administer a payment system unique to the institution, control client preferences, provide management and staff with feedback, promote special offers, particularly for loyal customers, provide dietary advice, and other things. Make a use case diagram that shows how the system as a whole is related to the use case narrative that was produced in stages A) and B). Feel free to utilize your imagination and add whatever additional functionality you believe would be valuable to such a framework. Part 3 The class textbook's system-sequence diagram from figure 5 A) Define the distinction between a design sequence diagram and a system sequence diagram in less than 100 words. B) Make the design sequence diagram "initiatePickUp(orderNbr)" for the message in figure 5. Show the system's reaction when an order is not yet prepared. Determine the display layer, the business logic layer, and the data layer in your diagram. C) Make a design sequence diagram for the "enterQty(qty)" message in Figure 5 that starts with the current subtotal response. Add all classes in this message and use your understanding of loops to show how the system reacts when the quantity entered exceeds the upccode's quantity threshold. The classes that make up the display layer, business logic layer, and data layer should all be indicated on your diagram. Part 4 A UML class diagram for an online restaurant ordering system A) When overlaying packages on the class diagram, choose classes that are logically connected to one another. Choose the amount of packages that interact with one another the least. B) Create a UML package diagram that describes the online restaurant ordering system using the packets you found in A). C) Decide which package the "Customer" class is in. The relational database table classes for this package should be drawn, with each table's necessary properties clearly indicated. Make that the required characteristics are included in the abstract classes. D) Now, in your diagram from C, add the data access and manipulation (DAM) classes to the relational database table classes.
Answered 2 days AfterMar 17, 2023

Answer To: AssignmentPart 1The product backlog is made up of three epics and a total of 18 user stories....

Banasree answered on Mar 18 2023
30 Votes
Part 1
Based on the given premises, here is a suggested plan for assigning stories to sprints:
Sprint 1:
1. Epic 2.1 (MH, 3 ideal days)
2. Epic 2.2 (MH, 2 ideal days)
3. Epic 3.1 (MH, 1 ideal day)
4. Epic 3.5 (MH, 1 ideal day)
5. Epic 1.1 (SH, 2 ideal days)
Total ideal days: 9
Sprint 2:
1. Epic 2.3 (MH, 2 ideal days)
2. Epic 1.5 (MH, 2 ideal days)
3. Epic 3.2 (SH, 2 ideal days)
4. Epic 3.4 (SH, 2 ideal days)
5. Epic 1.2 (MH, 3 ideal days)
Total ideal days: 11
Sprint 3:
1. Epic 2.4 (SH, 1 ideal day)
2. Epic 2.5 (SH, 2 ideal days)
3. Epic 1.3 (NH, 2 ideal days)
4. Epic 1.6 (NH, 1 ideal day)
5. Epic 3.3 (MH, 3
ideal days)
6. Epic 3.7 (NH, 2 ideal days)
Total ideal days: 11
This plan assigns all user stories to sprints and distributes the work evenly across the three epics. It also prioritizes Epic 2, which has the highest priority, while ensuring that all MH stories are written first in an epic, followed by SH and then NH. Additionally, if a lower priority story is necessary for the creation of an MH story, it is "promoted" to be written first.
Based on the assignments of user stories to sprints in the previous question, the number of ideal days expected to be completed for each sprint as follows:
1. Sprint 1: 10 ideal days (Epic 2.1 and Epic 3.1)
2. Sprint 2: 10 ideal days (Epic 1.1, Epic 2.2, and Epic 3.2)
3. Sprint 3: 10 ideal days (Epic 1.2, Epic 2.3, and Epic 3.3)
4. Sprint 4: 10 ideal days (Epic 1.3, Epic 2.4, and Epic 3.4)
5. Sprint 5: 10 ideal days (Epic 1.4, Epic 2.5, and Epic 3.5)
6. Sprint 6: 3 ideal days (Epic 1.5)
7. Sprint 7: 2 ideal days (Epic 3.6)
8. Sprint 8: 1 ideal day (Epic 1.6)
9. Sprint 9: 2 ideal days (Epic 3.7)
Therefore, expected a total of 50 ideal days to be completed over the course of the nine sprints.
Based on the sprint planning and estimated ideal days, a possible release plan could look like:
    Ideal days
Release 1
Sprint 1
    Epic 2.1
    Epic 1.1
    Epic 1.5
    Epic 3.1
    Epic 3.5
    Total ideal days
Sprint 2
    Epic 2.2
    Epic 2.3
    Epic 1.2
    Epic 3.2
    Epic 3.7
    Total ideal days
Sprint 3
    Epic 2.4
    Epic 2.5
    Epic 1.3
    Epic 1.4
    Epic 1.6
    Epic 3.3
    Total ideal days
    Total ideal days completed in release
Release 2
    Sprint 4
    Epic 3.4
    Epic 3.6
    Total ideal days
Sprint 5
    Epic 3.7
    Epic 1.4
    Epic 1.6
    Epic 3.6
    Total ideal days
Sprint 6
    Epic 1.3
    Epic 3.4
    Epic 1.6
    Epic 3.6
    Total ideal days
    Sprint 7
    Epic 1.4
    Epic 3.6
    Epic 1.6
    Epic 3.7
    Total ideal days
    Total ideal days completed in release
    Total ideal days completed in both releases
The total number of ideal days for the product backlog is 33. Assuming a team can complete up to 10 ideal days of work in a sprint, it would take at least 4 sprints to finish this product backlog. The breakdown of ideal days for each sprint is as follows:
1. Sprint 1: 10 ideal days (Epics 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)
2. Sprint 2: 10 ideal days (Epics 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
3. Sprint 3: 8 ideal days (Epics 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.4, 2.5)
4. Sprint 4: 5 ideal days (Epics 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7)
To calculate how many sprints are needed to finish the product backlog if only the MH stories are finished, first need to identify all the MH stories in the backlog:
1. Epic 1.2 (MH)
2. Epic 1.5 (MH)
3. Epic 2.1 (MH)
4. Epic 2.2 (MH)
5. Epic 2.3 (MH)
6. Epic 3.1 (MH)
7. Epic 3.3 (MH)
8. Epic 3.5 (MH)
There are a total of 8 MH stories in the backlog, with an ideal days estimate of 14 days. Assume that the team can complete up to 10 ideal developer days of work per sprint, then it would take at least two sprints to finish all the MH stories.
Part 2
As a busy college student, Sarah is always on the go and often doesn't have time to wait in long lines at the cafeteria to order her food. She hears about the new online ordering system for the cafeteria and decides to give it a try. Sarah logs into the cafeteria's mobile app and selects the sushi station. She browses the menu and selects her favorite sushi rolls, and then proceeds to the grilled meals station to add a grilled chicken sandwich to her order. She also selects a Caesar salad from the salad station to complete her meal.
Sarah selects the pickup time for her order, which is in 30 minutes, and proceeds to checkout. She pays for her order online using her credit card and receives an order confirmation.
When Sarah arrives at the cafeteria, she bypasses the long line and goes directly to the pickup area. She shows the order confirmation on her mobile app to the staff, who then prepare her order and hand it over to her. Sarah is delighted with the fast and efficient service and heads off to her next class with her lunch in hand.
Here's an example of a fully dressed use case narrative for the university cafeteria's online food ordering system:
1. Title: Place Order Online
2. Primary Actor: Customer
3. Goal in Context: The customer wants to order food online, pick it up at a specific time, and avoid waiting in line.
4. Stakeholders:
a. Customer: Wants to easily order food online and avoid waiting in line.
b. Cafeteria Staff: Need to receive and process online orders in a timely manner.
5. Preconditions:
a. The customer must have access to the internet and a device to place the order.
b. The cafeteria must offer online ordering and have a system in place to receive and process orders.
c. The customer must have a valid payment method on file.
6. Main Success Scenario:
a. The customer logs into the cafeteria's online ordering system.
b. The customer browses the menu and adds items to their order.
c. The customer selects a pick-up time.
d. The customer confirms the order and submits payment.
e. The order is received by the cafeteria staff.
f. The cafeteria staff prepares the order.
g. The customer arrives at the cafeteria at the specified pick-up time.
h. The customer picks up the order and leaves the cafeteria.
7. Extensions:
a. Invalid Payment Method: If the...

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