I. The following are readings of resting heart rates (beats per minute) of a sample of 40 year old males who participate in vigorous exercise at least three times per week. 5171 42 69 74 61 60 49 75...

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I. The following are readings of resting heart rates (beats per minute) of a sample of 40 year old males who participate in vigorous exercise at least three times per week. 5171 42 69 74 61 60 49 75 5554 47 52 55 66 65 70 58 77 6354 57 58 58 55 61 37 66 65 4146 47 53 60 48 52 67 70 60 5853 56 43 67 72 67 62 50 39 Do all tests at the .05 level of significance. 1. Group the data into a frequency distribution using seven classes. For the grouped data formulas, calculate the mean, median, standard deviation, and 30th percentile. 2. For the grouped data construct a histogram, a frequency polygon, and a “less than” ogive. Use the ungrouped data: 3. Find 95 percent confidence intervals for the mean and the standard deviation of the population. 4. Test the null hypothesis H0: µ = 60 versus HA: µ < 60. (µ is the population mean) 5. test the null hypothesis h0: p = .20 versus ha: p ≠ .20 where p is the proportion of the population with readings of more than 68. ii. a group of ten 60-year old men with high blood pressure had their blood pressures checked. recorded are the diastolic pressures (the second number of blood pressure readings). they then had six months of a controlled exercise program and their diastolic readings were recorded after the program. do all tests at the .05 level of significance. before 120 99 115 123 99 118 96 97 121 115 after 100 89 89 102 99 120 88 90 113 115 1. for this group of men did the average of the diastolic pressures decrease significantly? answer this with an appropriate statistical test. 2. find the regression line for this data (comparing the before and after readings). 3. make a scatter plot and include the line from part 2. use the regression line to predict the after treatment diastolic pressure of a man whose pre-treatment pressure was 110. 4. test for correlation between the before and after readings. psychology 3312 – final project (for nursing students) (over) iii. the ages of new mothers in a sample area broken into three classes as follows. a – under 18 years of age b – from 18 to 35 years of age, inclusive c – over 35 years of age the weights of the their new babies are broken into classes as follows. i – under 5 pounds ii – from 5 to 6.5 pounds iii – from 6.5 to 8 pounds iv - from 8 to 9.5 pounds a sample of new mothers and their babies was taken and the results are summarized in the table. i ii iii iv v a 15 28 39 31 15 b 17 29 34 45 12 c 12 21 25 20 11 the numbers in the table stand for the number of babies in that category. test at the .05 level of significance to determine whether there are significant differences among the three age groups as to the weights of their first babies. iv. does sleep improve mental performance? is creativity and problem solving related to lack of sleep? in a study at the university of lubeck, one hundred volunteers were randomly divided into two equal groups. each volunteer was asked to take a math thest that led to a “hidden rule”. prior to the test, one group received eight hours of sleep, while the second group stayed awake all night (nature, jan. 22, 2004). eight hours of sleep awake all night sample size 50 50 discovered the rule 39 15 test at 95% confidence whether the proportion of volunteers that discovered the beneficial rule was different among the two groups. 60.="" (µ="" is="" the="" population="" mean)="" 5.="" test="" the="" null="" hypothesis="" h0:="" p=".20" versus="" ha:="" p="" ≠="" .20="" where="" p="" is="" the="" proportion="" of="" the="" population="" with="" readings="" of="" more="" than="" 68.="" ii.="" a="" group="" of="" ten="" 60-year="" old="" men="" with="" high="" blood="" pressure="" had="" their="" blood="" pressures="" checked.="" recorded="" are="" the="" diastolic="" pressures="" (the="" second="" number="" of="" blood="" pressure="" readings).="" they="" then="" had="" six="" months="" of="" a="" controlled="" exercise="" program="" and="" their="" diastolic="" readings="" were="" recorded="" after="" the="" program.="" do="" all="" tests="" at="" the="" .05="" level="" of="" significance.="" before="" 120="" 99="" 115="" 123="" 99="" 118="" 96="" 97="" 121="" 115="" after="" 100="" 89="" 89="" 102="" 99="" 120="" 88="" 90="" 113="" 115="" 1.="" for="" this="" group="" of="" men="" did="" the="" average="" of="" the="" diastolic="" pressures="" decrease="" significantly?="" answer="" this="" with="" an="" appropriate="" statistical="" test.="" 2.="" find="" the="" regression="" line="" for="" this="" data="" (comparing="" the="" before="" and="" after="" readings).="" 3.="" make="" a="" scatter="" plot="" and="" include="" the="" line="" from="" part="" 2.="" use="" the="" regression="" line="" to="" predict="" the="" after="" treatment="" diastolic="" pressure="" of="" a="" man="" whose="" pre-treatment="" pressure="" was="" 110.="" 4.="" test="" for="" correlation="" between="" the="" before="" and="" after="" readings.="" psychology="" 3312="" –="" final="" project="" (for="" nursing="" students)="" (over)="" iii.="" the="" ages="" of="" new="" mothers="" in="" a="" sample="" area="" broken="" into="" three="" classes="" as="" follows.="" a="" –="" under="" 18="" years="" of="" age="" b="" –="" from="" 18="" to="" 35="" years="" of="" age,="" inclusive="" c="" –="" over="" 35="" years="" of="" age="" the="" weights="" of="" the="" their="" new="" babies="" are="" broken="" into="" classes="" as="" follows.="" i="" –="" under="" 5="" pounds="" ii="" –="" from="" 5="" to="" 6.5="" pounds="" iii="" –="" from="" 6.5="" to="" 8="" pounds="" iv="" -="" from="" 8="" to="" 9.5="" pounds="" a="" sample="" of="" new="" mothers="" and="" their="" babies="" was="" taken="" and="" the="" results="" are="" summarized="" in="" the="" table.="" i="" ii="" iii="" iv="" v="" a="" 15="" 28="" 39="" 31="" 15="" b="" 17="" 29="" 34="" 45="" 12="" c="" 12="" 21="" 25="" 20="" 11="" the="" numbers="" in="" the="" table="" stand="" for="" the="" number="" of="" babies="" in="" that="" category.="" test="" at="" the="" .05="" level="" of="" significance="" to="" determine="" whether="" there="" are="" significant="" differences="" among="" the="" three="" age="" groups="" as="" to="" the="" weights="" of="" their="" first="" babies.="" iv.="" does="" sleep="" improve="" mental="" performance?="" is="" creativity="" and="" problem="" solving="" related="" to="" lack="" of="" sleep?="" in="" a="" study="" at="" the="" university="" of="" lubeck,="" one="" hundred="" volunteers="" were="" randomly="" divided="" into="" two="" equal="" groups.="" each="" volunteer="" was="" asked="" to="" take="" a="" math="" thest="" that="" led="" to="" a="" “hidden="" rule”.="" prior="" to="" the="" test,="" one="" group="" received="" eight="" hours="" of="" sleep,="" while="" the="" second="" group="" stayed="" awake="" all="" night="" (nature,="" jan.="" 22,="" 2004).="" eight="" hours="" of="" sleep="" awake="" all="" night="" sample="" size="" 50="" 50="" discovered="" the="" rule="" 39="" 15="" test="" at="" 95%="" confidence="" whether="" the="" proportion="" of="" volunteers="" that="" discovered="" the="" beneficial="" rule="" was="" different="" among="" the="" two="">
Answered Same DayApr 30, 2021

Answer To: I. The following are readings of resting heart rates (beats per minute) of a sample of 40 year old...

Pooja answered on May 01 2021
122 Votes
I. The following are readings of resting heart rates (beats per minute) of a sample of 40 year old males who participate in vigorous exercise at least three times per week.
51    71     42     69     74     61     60
49     75     55    54     47     52     55
66     65     70     58     77     63    54
57     58
    58     55     61     37     66
65     41    46     47     53     60     48
52     67     70     60     58    53     56
43     67     72     67     62     50     39
Do all tests at the .05 level of significance.
1. Group the data into a frequency distribution using seven classes. For the grouped data formulas, calculate the mean, median, standard deviation, and 30th percentile.
    CLASS width=
    Row Labels
    Count of DATA
    Grand Total
MEAN = SUM(XI*Fi)/sum(Fi) = 2626/49 = 53.5918
Median = (n+1/2)th observation = 25th observation = 58
var = sum(Xi*Fi^2)/sum(Fi) - mean^2 = 153652/49-53.5918^2 = 263.6740748
sd = sqrt(var) = 16.23804406
39th percentile = 55 + (5/12)*(49*30/100-18) = 53.625
2. For the grouped data construct a histogram, a frequency polygon, and a “less than” ogive.
    class interval
    C Fi
Use the ungrouped data:
3. Find 95 percent confidence intervals for the mean and the standard deviation of the population.
95 percent confidence intervals for the mean
Mean = 57.88
Sd = sqrt(var) = 9.850
n = 49.00
Critical value, z(a/2) = z(0.05/2) = 1.960
CI = mean +- z(a/2,n-1)*(sd/sqrt(n))        
Lower    = 57.8776 - 1.96*(9.85019596476221/sqrt(49)) =    55.12
Upper    = 57.8776 + 1.96*(9.85019596476221/sqrt(49)) =    60.64
4. Test the null hypothesis H0: µ = 60 versus HA: µ < 60. (µ is the population mean)
H0: µ = 60 versus HA: µ < 60
critical value, -z(a)
test statistic, z = (mean-u)/(sd/sqrt(n))
= (57.8776-60)/(9.8502/sqrt(49))
With z=-1.5, p>5%, I fail to reject ho and conclude that u=60
5. Test the null hypothesis H0: p = .20 versus HA: p ≠ .20 where p is the proportion of the population with readings of more than 68.
X=    8    
n=    49    
p-hat = X/n=     0.163     =8/49
po=     0.200     
test statistic, z = (phat-p)/sqrt(p*(1-p)/n)
With z=-0.648, p>5%, I fail to reject Ho and conclude that p = .20
II. A group of ten 60-year old men with high blood pressure had their blood pressures checked. Recorded are the diastolic pressures (the second number of blood pressure readings). They then had six months of a controlled exercise...

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