F&S Events planning A2 - T1 2022 HOTL2005Fes,valandSpecialEventsPlanning Assessment2:CaseStudyProposal DueDate:Sunday1stMay20225pmAEST Length:1200Words+/-10% Weight:30%...

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F&S Events planning A2 - T1 2022 HOTL2005Fes,valandSpecialEventsPlanning Assessment2:CaseStudyProposal DueDate:Sunday1stMay20225pmAEST Length:1200Words+/-10% Weight:30% LearningOutcomes LO2 IdenEfyanddiscussthevariousplanningprocessesoftheeventsindustryandexplore specificimplicaEonstoeventmanagement. LO3 IdenEfyandanalysetheeconomic,environmental,sociocultural&poliEcalimpacts associatedwithevents&discussthemanagementofassociatedissues. TaskDescrip,on • Selectanactualeventthatyouwillevaluate. • Theeventmustbeeithercultural,sporEng,orbusiness. • Theeventmustbeheldeitherannuallyorbi-annually. • Itcanbeaneventheldwithintheregionofthestudent’scurrentresidence. Youcannotselectaneventthatis: • Eventsthatareheldmonthly/weeklysuchasmarkets,pub/clubshows,weekly sportleagueevents • PerformancesthatarepartofrecurringpresentaEonsinatheatreor performingartsspace ProposeamethodologyforevaluaEngyourcasestudyeventinAssignment3.Yourproposalmust includethefollowing: 1. AdescripEonofhowyouwillundertakeatripleboUomlineapproachtoidenEfyingand criEcallyanalysingposiEveandnegaEveeconomic,environmental,socioculturalimpactsof theevent. 2. Alistofthecriteriayouwillusetodeterminewhetherornottheeventhasbeensuccessful inachievingitsobjecEves. 3. AplanofhowyouwilluElisedatafromthefieldtoformulaterecommendaEonstothe eventorganisersregardingboththeimpactsandachievingtheevent’saimsandobjecEves. Structure Pleaseusethefollowingstructureforyourcasestudyproposal(usetheseheadingsandsub- headings): SecEonOne:Thecasestudyevent(approximately500words) 1. EventdescripEon Describetheeventyouintendtouseasyourcasestudy.Describeaspectssuchas: • theevent’sprogram,locaEon,duraEon • whoistheeventorganiser?(e.g.,aprofessionaleventmanagement company,orcommunitygroup,localsportsclubetc.) • themarkeEngoftheevent(e.g.,targetmarket,pricing,promoEon). 2. EventObjecEves Describethepurpose,andobjecEvesoftheeventingeneral. • TheremaybemulEpleobjecEves. • FindthehostorganisaEon’sdetails&theevent’spartnerorganisaEons’. • Theprogrammayrevealdifferentprogramelementswithdifferentaims. • Determinetheevent’sobjecEves/purpose–invesEgateeventpromoEonalmaterial forcluesoftheeventobjecEves/purpose. SecEonTwo:ProposedeventevaluaEonmethods(approximately700words) InSecEon2,pleaseformulateamethodologyproposalforundertakingtheevaluaEonofyour casestudyeventinAssignment3. InthissecEon,describeindetailtheprocessestoevaluatetheevent’stripleboUomlineimpacts (economic,sociocultural,environmental),andtheevent’ssuccess(ornot)inmeeEngits objecEves. Usethefollowingsubheadingstoaddressthestatedissues: 1.Datasources • InformaEon(data)requiredtoundertakeyoureventevaluaEon? • E.g.thiscouldincludeinsightsfromtheevent’sorganisers,oritskey stakeholders(e.g.,aUendees,sponsors,localtourismbodies,localgovernment). 2.Datacollec,onprocesses Explainthemethods(orprocesses)youintendtousetocollectthedata.Dependinguponthe kindofdatayouneed,thereareanumberofpossibiliEes,suchas: • observaEonalempiricalevidence(e.g.,notesfromafieldjournalyoumightcompilewhen aUendingtheevent) • interviewswitheventstakeholders • mediacoverage • eventorganiser'sreports • asurveyofeventaUendeesand/orkeystakeholders. WhenchoosingdatacollecEonprocesses,consideryourabilitytoactuallyconductthe evaluaEon.ChooseoneormoreprocessesaccordingtoyourabilitytoconducttheevaluaEon, andthenatureoftheevent.E.g.Alarge3-daymusicfesEvalwillbeverydifficultforoneperson toassess–PerhapsacombinaEonofobservaEon,mediaandreportsmaybemorefeasible.In contrast,asmallerone-dayeventcouldbeevaluatedusingsurveyandobservaEonalempirical evidence. Ifyouintendusingasurvey,youwillneedtoincludethefollowinginformaEon: • whatquesEonswillbeinthesurvey? • whoyouareintendingtosurvey? • whenyouwilldoit? • howyouwilldoit? • howwillyouanalyseandreportonyoursurveyfindings? ReferencingRequirements • evidencethatyouhavereadtheunitstudymaterialsincludingthetextbookandother prescribedreadings;thisisachievedbydiscussingthosematerialsandreferencingthem throughouttheessay • engagementwithotherrelevantliteratureincludingacademicjournalsandtextbooks, Internetsources,tradeandotherpublishedreportsanddocumentaEontoresearchand developyourdiscussion • atleast2academicreferencescited • areferencelistforanyliteraturecited. • Allworkscitedmustbeincludedinyourreferencelist.CitaEonsmustconformtothe referencingstyleadoptedbytheSchoolofBusinessandTourism,alinktowhichwillbe availableontheunit'sMySCUsite. Submission AllproposalsmustbesubmiUedelectronicallyviathespecifiedTurniEninMySCU. • YourreportmustbesubmiUedbytheduedateandEme,oralatepenaltywillapply. • PleaseincludetheSCUCoverSheetandaReferencelist. • YoumayincludeAppendicestoillustratethetoolsusedtomarketthisevent. • Coversheet,contentspage,appendicesandreferencelistwillnotbecountedinyour wordcount Assessment 2 Marking Rubrics HOTL2005 Festivals and Special Events Planning Total: 100 converted to 30% Weighting Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development 1. Appropriate Choice of Event (10) Ability to identify an appropriate event for Case Study Proposal Selected an event that provided excellent scope for critically analysing the “Triple Bottom Line” impact elements of: - Economic - Environmental - Socio-cultural Selected an event that provided very good scope for critically analysing the “Triple Bottom Line” impact elements of: - Economic - Environmental - Socio-cultural Selected an event that provided good scope for critically analysing the “Triple Bottom Line” impact elements of: - Economic - Environmental - Socio-cultural Selected an event that provided adequate but somewhat limited scope for critically analysing the “Triple Bottom Line” impact elements of: - Economic - Environmental - Socio-cultural Selected an event that did not provide sufficient scope for critically analysing the “Triple Bottom Line” impact elements of: - Economic - Environmental - Socio-cultural 2. Clear Overview of Event (20) - Event Purpose - Goals & Objectives - Location & Duration - Event Stakeholders; Organisers, sponsors, Key stakeholders - Event Marketing Provided a thorough and comprehensive overview of the event All assessment brief specified elements were included Provided a very good overview of the event All assessment brief specified elements were included Provided a good overview of the event Assessment brief specified elements were mostly included - A more balanced overview could have been achieved. Provided a satisfactory overview of the event Assessment brief specified elements included but generalised – more specific details should have been provided. Provided a less than satisfactory overview of the event with many of the elements either missing or lacked pertinent details. Lack of research was evident. 3. Proposed Event Evaluation Methods (20) - Data required for collection & evaluation - Proposed methods for data collection Event evaluation methods were thoroughly & carefully analysed and deep rationale as to their suitability was applied. Strong justification as to why these data sources were required and the methods by which they would be evaluated. Event evaluation methods were very carefully analysed and very good rationale as to their suitability was applied. Very good justification as to why these data sources were required and the methods by which they would be evaluated Event evaluation methods were quite well analysed and a degree of rationale as to their suitability was applied. Quite good justification as to why these data sources were required and the methods by which they would be evaluated Event evaluation methods were somewhat analysed but limited rationale as to their suitability was applied. Adequate justification as to why these data sources were required and the methods by which they would be evaluated Evidence of event evaluation methods being analysed was lacking. Also rationale re their suitability. Inadequate justification as to why these data sources were required and the methods by which they would be evaluated 5. Researched Information (20) Engagement with the study materials - textbook, academic journals, the Internet, trade and other published reports and documentation to research and develop case study proposal Evidence of deep and comprehensive engagement and research applied to the case study proposal Thorough and appropriate engagement and research applied to the essay Sufficient engagement research used to support elements of the essay Cursory engagement and research evident in the essay Insufficient engagement and research undertaken 5. Format & Referencing (20) Format & Reference list for any literature cited Superior style with clarity of expression and supporting referencing Very good format with adequate supporting references Satisfactory style, with some supporting references Undeveloped format and style with some supporting referencing Disorganised format and style Lack of referencing 6. Written Presentation (10) - Logical Report Structure - Adherence to word limit - Succinct and grammatically accurate written expressions Excellent coherence and flow throughout the paper with a very high degree of integration between all sections. High degree of coherence and flow throughout the paper with a high degree of integration between all sections. Coherence and flow throughout the paper is good with good integration between sections. Coherence and flow throughout the paper satisfactory but integration between sections could be improved. Lacking in coherence and flow throughout the paper and integration between sections require major improvements. Grammar and spelling accurate Grammar and spelling accurate Grammar and spelling mostly accurate Grammar and spelling require some improvement Grammar and spelling require major improvements F&S Events planning A3 - T1 2022 HOTL2005Fes,valandSpecialEventsPlanning Assessment3:CaseStudyReport-MixedMedia DueDate:Sunday29thMay20225pmAEST Length:2000Words+/-10%photoessayor10minspowerpointrecording Weight:40% LearningOutcomes LO1 ComprehendandevaluatetheroleoffesKvalsandspecialeventsincontemporarysociety. LO2 IdenKfyanddiscussthevariousplanningprocessesoftheeventsindustryandexplore specificimplicaKonstoeventmanagement. LO3 IdenKfyandanalysetheeconomic,environmental,sociocultural&poliKcalimpacts associatedwithevents&discussthemanagementofassociatedissues. TaskDescrip,on Yourpurposesinthisassignmentareto(i)idenKfyandcriKcallyanalysetheposiKveandnegaKve impactsoftheeventuKlisingthetripleboWomlineapproach;and(ii)providerecommendaKons forfutureacKviKestomaketheeventmoresustainable. TakeintoaccounttheeffectsoftheCOVID-19Pandemicontheeventandhoworganisershad reactedtowardsit.RelatetheeffectsofthepandemictothetripleboWomlineandhoworganisers canusetheevaluaKonyousuggestedinAssessment2toprepareofupcomingevents. Youcanchoosetopresentyourfindingsineither: 1.AwriKng2000wordsphotoessay 2.A10minutespowerpointslidespresentaKon(scriptnotrequired) Structure Dependingontheformatyouchoosefortheassessment,thestructurewillvaryslightly.Butit needstocoverthefollowing: 1. BriefdescripKonoftheevent(e.g.,eventname,date,locaKonandvenue,aWendance numbersanddemographics).NotethattheremaybesomesimilariKesinthissecKonfrom whatyouwroteinAssignmentTwo.Markerswilltakethisintoaccountwhenassessingtext- matchingsimilariKesidenKfiedthroughTurniKn. 2. AbriefdescripKonoftheprocessesusedtoconducttheevaluaKon(i.e.,inAssignmentTwo, youwroteaboutwhatyouplantodo,hereyoureportonwhatyouactuallydid). 3. IdenKficaKonandcriKcalanalysisoftheposiKveand/ornegaKveeconomic,environmental, socioculturalimpactsoftheeventonthelocalcommunityinwhichtheeventwasheld. 4. AnevaluaKonofthesuccessorfailureinachievingtheevent’sobjecKves(expressedin measurableterms;alsoincludesomeobservaKonsregardingtheuseoftheevent’smarkeKng andpromoKontoachieveitsobjecKves). 5. RecommendaKonsarisingfromtheevaluaKonoftheevent’simpacts(i.e.,basedonyour findings,whatcanyourecommendtotheeventorganiserstoimprovetheirpracKcesinthe future?) Referencing Requirements • evidencethatyouhavereadtheunitstudymaterialsincludingthetextbookandother prescribedreadings;thisisachievedbydiscussingthosematerialsandreferencingthem throughouttheessay • engagementwithotherrelevantliteratureincludingacademicjournalsandtextbooks, Internetsources,tradeandotherpublishedreportsanddocumentaKontoresearchand developyourdiscussion • atleast4academicreferencescited • areferencelistforanyliteraturecited. • Allworkscitedmustbeincludedinyourreferencelist.CitaKonsmustconformtothe referencingstyleadoptedbytheSchoolofBusinessandTourism,alinktowhichwillbe availableontheunit'sMySCUsite. Submission AllessaysmustbesubmiWedelectronicallyviathespecifiedTurniKndropboxinMySCU.Your reportmustbesubmiWedbytheduedateandKme,oralatepenaltywillapply. EssaysmustbeaccompaniedbyanSCUassignmentcoversheet. HOTL2005 Assessment 3 Marking Rubrics Category Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development 1.Background Information from Ass 2: (10%) Brief description of event – name, date, location, type of event, and attendance numbers etc. Comprehensive Information, complex description all-inclusive detail Ample information, Inclusive description, Sufficient detail Straightforward description. Acceptable level of detail Principal details only Rudimentary description. Basic details only Undeveloped description Lacking information Insufficient detail 2.Evaluation of Objectives: (20%) Evaluation of the success or failure in achieving the event’s aims and objectives expressed in measurable terms. Important and relevant findings Significant findings Pertinent findings Fundamental findings disconnected or irrelevant findings 3.Application of Triple Bottom Line: (i) Identification (20%) of the positive and/or negative economic, environmental, sociocultural impacts of the event Comprehensive observations & data collection Meaningful data collected Relevant data collected Basic data collected Insufficient data collected (ii) Critical analysis (20%) of the positive and/or negative economic, environmental, sociocultural impacts of the event. Outstanding critical analysis. Clear evidence of insight, imagination and innovative thought. Application of theory to practical situations. Proficient analysis provided. The key issues explored with sufficient application of theory. Some analysis and evaluation Acceptable critical analysis provided Most main issues explored with some analysis and evaluation Work is mostly descriptive, accepting and/or one-sided with little analysis or criticism. Derivative. Over-reliance on copied/paraphrased material. Lacking in critical analysis Generalised assumptions. Poor or lack of use of evidence. 4.Recommendations: (10%) (i) how to attain the objectives more effectively in future (ii) how to increase positive impacts & reduce negative impacts. Integrated and fully applicable recommendations based on collected data analysis Relevant recommendations based on collected data analysis Rudimentary but suitable recommendations based on collected data Elementary, limited or incomplete recommendations based on limited collected data Undeveloped or inapplicable recommendations not based on collected data 5. Presentation (10) Succinct and grammatically accurate expressions - Logical Report Structure - Adherence to word limit or slide guidance Excellent coherence and flow throughout the paper or presentation with very high degree of integration between all sections. High degree of coherence and flow throughout the paper or presentation with a high degree of integration between all sections. Coherence and flow throughout the paper or presentation is good with good integration between sections. Coherence and flow throughout the paper or presentation satisfactory but integration between sections could be improved. Lacking in coherence and flow throughout the paper or presentation and integration between sections require major improvements. 6. Format & Referencing (10) Format & Reference list for any literature cited Superior report formatting style or presentation style with clarity of expression and supporting referencing or evidence Very good report format or presentation style with adequate supporting references or evidence Satisfactory report format or presentation style with some supporting references and evidence Undeveloped report format or presentation style with some supporting referencing or evidence Disorganised report format or presentation style. Lack of referencing or evidence.
Answered 46 days AfterApr 09, 2022

Answer To: F&S Events planning A2 - T1 2022 HOTL2005Fes,valandSpecialEventsPlanning...

Deblina answered on Apr 11 2022
92 Votes
Event Description
Parrtjima is one of the most important festivals in Australia that deliberately focuses on the indigenous lifestyle and the aboriginal Australians. This festival focuses on the art and cultural life of aboriginal Australians. This particular festival was launched in 2016, and it was initiated with the collaboration of the Northern territory major events group and the ABG events group. It is an annual
event that attracts the aboriginal community from all parts of the country to witness the vibrance of their culture through effective light installations and modern technology. This particular festival focuses on the reaching history and authentically memorable experience of aboriginal culture and their philosophical aspects along with their journey in the land of this smallest continent (RCNT 2021).
One of the essential features of this festival is that the two-kilometre incredible McDonnel ranges are lit up with lights under illuminated to describe the story of the aboriginal people and their culture. This particular range is a 300 million old natural canvas activated with unique light works that feature the participants and their performances through an inspirational journey through the country, the kinship system, and the language, which are peripheral to the aboriginal community of Australia (RCNT 2021). This particular festival is more likely about the politics that the aboriginal peoples face. Still, it is also about the celebration of the aboriginal language and the change that needs to be resilient, the fundamental positive changes taking place, and the freshness that offers to the various stories that aboriginal people pertain to during the festival. There are language workshops and festivals, and spearhead public programs are developed for the people to join in spear-making sessions weaving and to hear about the kinship systems viable in the aboriginal community.
Figure 1: The aboriginal Art works
(Source: Parrtjima, https://parrtjimaaustralia.com.au/past-festivals/)
Figure 2: Lightshow on McDonnel Ranges
(Source: Parrtjima, https://parrtjimaaustralia.com.au/past-festivals/)
This particular festival starts from 9th April and continues till 18th April. A ten-day festival is a significant event in Australia with a demographic and cultural influence on Australian society. The culture and the story of the aboriginal people are resonated through light events that mix the festival more attractive. It is a free event that bills itself as the world's only indigenous festival of light. Each year a theme is asserted to the particular event based on which the entire festival is carried on. For 2022, the music is "Future Kultcha" (Parrtjima 2022). The significant focus of the event is to bring the world's oldest living continuous culture to mainstream audiences by mixing ancient storytelling with modern technology. This cultural step works with the 40 arts centres from across the nation that focuses on telling sacred stories about the aboriginal community.
Figure 3: The enchanted light Show
(Source: Parrtjima, https://parrtjimaaustralia.com.au/past-festivals/)
Figure 4: Artforms
(Source: Parrtjima, https://parrtjimaaustralia.com.au/past-festivals/)
Figure 5: Old Canvas
(Source: Parrtjima, https://parrtjimaaustralia.com.au/past-festivals/)
Figure 6: Children Performing
(Source: Parrtjima, https://parrtjimaaustralia.com.au/past-festivals/)
Figure 7: The Light Show
(Source: Parrtjima, https://parrtjimaaustralia.com.au/past-festivals/)
Event Location & Venue
Figure 8: Alice Springs
(Source: Parrtjima, https://parrtjimaaustralia.com.au/past-festivals/)
Figure 9: Desert Park
(Source: Parrtjima, https://parrtjimaaustralia.com.au/past-festivals/)
This particular festival is held in the Alice spring desert Park. This desert Park is the home to the spectacular lighting of McDonnel ranges that is a number of large-scale immersive and interactive lighting displays with animated artworks of the grounded and fantastic line-up of music, live talks, food demonstrations, workshops, and children's activities, an open-air food and beverage areas. All these activities demonstrate to be a part of the aboriginal culture and...

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