In tonight's class session, we learned about the normal distribution, one-sample t-test, and how to write empirical research questions and null/alternative hypotheses. For this assignment, you are to...

In tonight's class session, we learned about the normal distribution, one-sample t-test, and how to write empirical research questions and null/alternative hypotheses. For this assignment, you are to download the data file (link is below), perform the appropriate analyses, and address each item/question below. Be sure to provide a thorough response to each to receive maximum credit!

Click here to download the SPSS data file

  1. Use the Explore function in SPSS to evaluate the distributional normality of each of the three variables contained in the data file. Evaluate the key components in your output and comment on the normality of distribution for GPA, math test scores, and verbal reasoning test scores.

  2. Perform a one-sample t-test for student's GPA to determine if the sample mean is significantly different than the population mean. For this item, μ = 3.26. Write an empirical research question and corresponding null and two-tailed alternative hypotheses. After performing the t-test write up the results using proper APA 6th edition format.

  3. Perform a one-sample t-test for math test scores to determine if the sample mean is significantly different than the population mean. For this item, μ = 78.17. Write an empirical research question and corresponding null and two-tailed alternative hypotheses. After performing the t-test write up the results using proper APA 6th edition format.

  4. Perform a one-sample t-test for verbal reasoning test scores to determine if the sample mean is significantly different than the population mean. For this item, μ = 82.62. Write an empirical research question and corresponding null and two-tailed alternative hypotheses. After performing the t-test write up the results using proper APA 6th edition format.

Jun 28, 2021

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