Iyawo Ago
Topic: The impact of Talent Management on the role
Higher Nationals
Assignment Brief – BTEC (RQF)
Higher National Diploma inBusiness
Student Name/ID Number
Unit Number and Title
Unit 11: Research Project
Academic Year
Unit Assessor
MuruhanArifoglu/Peter Kottayil
Assignment Title
Talent Management.
Issue Date
Submission Date
11.06.2021(TASK 1)
13.08.2021(TASK 2)
IV Name
Submission Format:
The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system.
Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research process.
LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant to a business research project.
LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders.
LO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts.
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
The Pearson-set theme for use with Level 5 Unit 11: Research Project is “ Talent Management”
Talent management (TM) is the process by which businesses and organisations recognise and develop talented people who can have a positive impact on their organisations and their productivity. It not only has become a key component of human resource management but also the responsibility of leaders and managers at all levels to manage talent within the business, with TM strategies being developed in line with the particular needs and structure of the business and industry.
Themes of TM relevant to businesses when considering a strategic approach to talent management include the following:
● the role of line managers and leaders in employee development and well-being;
● talent management being used as a lever for culture change;
● the importance of contextualising approaches to talent management;
● the need for new and innovative ways of working to achieve a strategic approach to talent management;
● barriers for the development of a strategic approach caused by economic and day- to-day operational pressures.
Staff retention, training and morale are key in any industry wheretalented motivated employees can help differentiate one organisation from another and influence business success. An increasing number of businesses are rethinking ways to get the most from their staff. Rising costs, recruitment difficulties and changing employee attitudes mean that, for many employers, the traditional approaches to recruiting, training and retaining staff are being revisited to harness and develop talent and ultimately drive competitive advantage.
You are working as a business consultant for a consultancy company [an organization of your choice – your own place of work if appropriate]. You have been approached by a business organisation to conduct research into a key area of business and have been provided with a theme“talent management’’which will be the focus of the research. The organizationhasleft it to you to decide what would be appropriate to investigate in this area of business and for you to choose the research topic. The range of topics to choose from could cover the following:
● Talent management as a strategic priority
● The role of talent management frameworks and future implications within organisations
● Effective talent management strategies for successful organisations
● The impact of talent management on the role HR
● Talent management for entrepreneurs and small businesses
● Best practices in global talent management within multinationals.
Task 2 (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4 – Semester Two)
Continue with the same topic and tasks which you have started for the research proposal. Conduct and analyse research on the topic selected and communicate the research findings. in approx.
(Covers LO1, LO2, LO3, & LO4). You will undertake the following steps to collate, analyse, and present your findings. This will be presented in the form of a research report.
Report Guidance
1.You should explore the key literature is related to the research objective and produce a research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis. You should also evaluate the validity and reliability of the sources, discussing current understanding on the research topic area. Your report should critically evaluate literature in order to assess the validity of the literature in supporting the research topic.
2.Your research should identify the purpose of the research project with clear aim and objectives and justify the chosen research methods while conducting primary and secondary research. Discuss the ethical issues which will need to be considered and examine the research methods and approaches to be taken, and prepare an action plan with target dates and methods for monitoring and updating your activities to ensure your meet the deadline for the final written report.
3.Design, implement, collect and critically analyse data, using a survey/questionnaire/interview or other primary research technique collect data and then present and analyse findings. Present your findings using visual illustrations e.g., bar charts/pie graphs/tables. Your report will include the critical analysis of data and the advantages and disadvantages of the research methods and approaches taken to data collection.
4.Develop a report that provides valid and justified recommendations for the business organisation based on the analysis of the research both primary and secondary. Your findings and outcomes must be based on the research objective/s and refer back to this in drawing your conclusions.
5.Finally critically reflect on how you have conducted the project and the effectiveness of research methods applied. You need to also discuss the lessons learnt and the alternatives research methodologies you would consider in the future with providing recommendations for actions to be taken forward.
The research should follow the report guidance stated above.The full research should be submitted in semester two.Please note that learning outcome one [P1, P2, M1, and D1] are from the research proposal but learner can improve or add to them on making the final research project for submission.
For Merit and Distinction, refer to the Merit and Distinction criteria.
Assignment Guidelines
·Submit a soft copy to Turnitin on the submission date. Use Normal script of a proper font size 12.
·Attach the front sheet of this assignment brief to your work for assignment submission with signatures on the statement of authenticity.
·Assignments submitted after the deadline will not be accepted unless Extenuating Circumstances Form is submitted with third party evidence.
·Collusion and Plagiarism must be avoided. (For further details please refer to Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure; Plagiarism Handbook, all available on Moodle)
·Start each answer on a new page and pages should be numbered. Highlight each question clearly. Include a Bibliography at the end of the assignment and use the Harvard referencing system.
·All work should be comprehensively referenced and all sources must be fully acknowledged, such as books and journals, websites (include the date of visit), etc.
·In order to pass you need to address all the LOs and meet all the PASS (Ps) criterions within the LO.
·In order to get a merit, you need to address the characteristics of Pass and then M1, M2, M3 and M4
In order to get a distinction, you need to address the characteristics of Pass, Merit and then D1, D2 and D3
Structure of the report
Title Page
●It is important that you state clearly, at the beginning of the assignment, what its title is, which module it applies to and your name as the author.
●You should also include the College name, report title and the date.
Executive Summary
●A summary should be provided, so that people can see at a glance what the report is about. You should mention your key findings, conclusions and recommendations.
●This summary is usually printed immediately after the title page.
Contents Page
●Page numbers as well as section/chapter titles should be included.×
●If the report incorporates some appendices, their titles should be listed
●A list of names, roles and organisations (if relevant) of all of those who helped you when compiling the report should be listed.
Terms of Reference
●Refer to your project proposal
●This section should provide some of the background of the subject that forms the principle theme of your report.
●If the report is designed to solve a perceived ‘problem’, the history of the ‘problem’ can be reviewed here, culminating in the situation that prompted the report to be written.
●You should also provide some key information about the organisation in which your research is based.
●This section is needed for the reader to judge the authenticity of the ‘evidence’ that comprises the main body of the report. All sources should be mentioned and, if appropriate, describe how you put together your questionnaire or survey.
●Copies of questionnaires, interview questions etc. should be included in the appendices.
●If any published documents were studied, this should be mentioned here.
Main Body
●This is likely to comprise many paragraphs or sections. It is often useful to break up your assignment into subheadings.
●This section should be structured around the key themes of your research
●Use tables, charts if possible. Your presentation of data is important.
●This section should bring together your secondary and primary research and your findings.
●In this section you should say what your facts or findings mean i.e., discuss the key implications arising from the wealth of detail you may have collected.
●Your findings and outcomes should be relate back to your initial research objective and proposal
●The conclusions should not incorporate any new facts.
●In particular, if your proposals involve expenditure, you must supply a cost benefit evaluation to show what it costs and what management will get from it.
●Your recommendations must be based on the outcome of your investigation
●All references in the report should be listed in the correct Harvard format.
●All detailed statistical tabulations, graphs, lists, questionnaires etc. should be organised into separate appendices.
●Include a list of references (sources that are actually cited in the report itself)
●Nothing should be included that isn’t referred to in the main body of the report
*Please access HN Global for additional resources support and reading for this unit. For further guidance and support on report writing please refer to the Study Skills Unit on HN Globalwww.highernationals.com
Recommended Resources textbooks
COSTLEY, C., ELLIOT, G. and GIBBS, P. (2010) Doing Work Based Research: Approaches to Enquiry for Insider-researchers. London: SAGE.
FLICK, U. (2011) Introducing Research Methodology: A Beginner’s Guide to Doing a Research Project. London: SAGE.
GRAY, D. (2009) Doing Research in the Real World. 2nd Ed. London: SAGE.
SAUNDERS, M., LEWIS, P. and THORNHILL, A. (2012) Research methods for Business Students. 6th Ed. Harlow: Pearson.
International Journal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research.
Qualitative Research Journal.
This unit links to the following related units: Unit 6: Managing a Successful Business Project Unit 16: Operations and Project Management
LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research process
LO1 & 2
D1 Critically evaluate research methodologies and processes in application to a business research project to justify chosen research methods and analysis.
P1 Produce a research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis supported by a literature review.
P2 Examine appropriate research methods and approaches to primary and secondary research.
M1 Evaluate different research approaches and methodology and make justifications for the choice of methods selected based on philosophical/ theoretical frameworks.
LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a business research project
P3 Conduct primary and secondary research using appropriate methods for a business research project that consider costs, access and ethical issues.
M2 Discuss merits, limitations and pitfalls of approaches to data collection and analysis.
P4 Apply appropriate analytical tools, analyse research findings and data.
LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders
D2 Communicate critical analysis of the outcomes and make valid, justified recommendations.
P5 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate manner for the intended audience.
M3 Communicate coherently outcomes to the intended audience demonstrating how outcomes meet set research objectives.
LO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts
D3 Demonstrate critical reflection and insights the results in recommended actions for improvements and future research considerations
P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting objectives of the business research project.
P7 Consider alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt in view
of the outcomes.
M4 Demonstrate reflection and engagement in the resource process leading to recommended actions for future improvement.