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JIAN GS U U NIVE RS ITY 本科毕业论文 后疫情时代员工创新行为的影响因素研究 Research on the Determinants of Employee Innovation Behavior In the post-Covid-19 Era 学院名称:管理学院 专业班级:人力资源管理1802 学生姓名:Hanisah Hamizah Binti Awg. Sulaiman(韩米亚) 指导教师姓名:龙兴乐 指导教师职称:副教授 2022年6 月 Research on Employee Innovation Behavior in the Era of COVID-19 Summary 由于疫情导致人们忙碌的生活暂停,因此对组织及员工而言是一个挑战,因此找到新方法,以推动业务发展、为社会作出贡献和保证持续发展十分重要。中国是首个因COVID受到影响并重新获得复苏的国家。员工们在抗疫中提出的革新理念和做法,在应对危机方面提供了有力的帮助,为全世界树立了人力资源是终极理念、在任何危机中都会推动、并且能够反击并成为主流的一种典范。该研究旨在了解各企业如何借助他们的员工创造性的创意,即便是面对最困难时期也能战胜危机,创造经济价值。 关键词:Covid-19; 流行性; 员工创新行为 Research On Employee Innovation Behavior In Covid-19 Era Abstract Pandemic create a halt in everyone’s busy live and so it created challenges for the organizations and employees. It was extremely critical to find new ways to run business, contribute in society and make sure that sustainability is not compromised. China being the first country to get affected by COVID and recover out of it. Employee’s innovative ideas and behavior towards fighting the pandemic was helpful in facing the crisis and creating an example for the world that the human resources are the ultimate minds which can push off any crisis and fight back to be in mainstream. The research helps to understand how various companies with the help of innovative ideas form their employees was able to stand the crisis and generate business even in hardest of times. Keywords: Covid-19; epidemic; employee innovation; employee behavior 目录 Summary 1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Research Significance 1 1.3 Research status at home and abroad 2 1.4 Research content and method 3 1.5 Problem statement 4 1.6 Research Purpose 4 1.7 Research Objectives 5 1.8 Research questions 5 Chapter 2 Literature Review 6 2.1 The impact of the pandemic on corporate culture 6 2.2 Problems faced by employees 6 2.3 Employee Innovation 7 2.4 Employee Behavior 8 2.5 Employee innovation and behavior needs 8 2.6 Employee innovation management 9 2.7 Future challenges 9 Chapter 3 Theoretical Models and Assumptions 11 3.1 Research Hypothesis 11 3.1.1 Research on Employee Innovation Behavior 11 3.1.2 Innovative Work Behavior Model 12 3.1.3 Age and employee innovation behavior 12 3.1.4 Gender and employee innovation behavior 12 3.1.5 Education and employee innovation behavior 13 3.1.6 Income and employee innovation behavior 13 3.1.7 Marriage and employee innovation behavior 13 3.2 Theoretical model 13 Chapter 4 Data Analysis 15 4.1 Descriptive analysis 15 4.2 Factor analysis 17 4.2.1 Coding of Employee Innovation Behavior Scale 17 4.2.2 Employee Innovation Behavior Scale 18 4.3 Reliability analysis 21 4.4 Regression Analysis 22 4.4.1 Gender and employee innovation behavior 22 4.4.2 Age and employee innovation behavior 22 4.4.3 Marital status and employee innovation behavior 23 4.4.4 Income and employee innovation behavior 23 4.4.5 Education and employee innovation behavior 24 4.5 Correlation Analysis 24 Chapter Five Survey Results and Analysis 27 Chapter VI Conclusions and Recommendations 29 6.1 Conclusion 29 6.2 Recommendations 29 6.2.1 Employee engagement 29 6.2.2 Transformative processes 29 6.2.3 Leadership 30 6.2.4 Economic scenarios 30 6.2.5 Challenges and communication 30 Thanks 31 References 32 Appendix 38 第1章 绪论 1.1研究背景 1.1 Research Background The outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic has had a huge impact on the global economy and society, and many companies and organizations have had to adapt to the new situation brought about by the epidemic, implementing telecommuting and other countermeasures. In this case, the innovative behavior of employees is particularly important, because they can provide new ideas and solutions to adapt to the new working environment. Although there have been some studies on employee innovative behavior, the research on employee innovative behavior in the era of COVID-19 is still relatively limited. The significance of studying employee innovative behavior in the era of COVID-19 is that it can help us understand how employees respond to this global crisis, and how they innovate and adapt in this situation. From a macro perspective, the mental health of workers in modern society may depend to a large extent on the pioneers' active self-management behavior. Relevant scholars believe that the confidence and mental health of supporters in pioneers can impress them and care for them by meeting their requirements, thereby improving their capabilities, encouraging corporate development, paying attention to subordinates' moral behavior, and assisting the growth and development of employees. Senior leaders may adopt new methods and some effective measures to improve the mental health of employees in related positions, and point out that managers are closely related to the creative behavior of employees. Mental health and positivity at work mediate this relationship in a sense. Mental health to some extent interferes with the impact of employee authority on vocal behavior. Research shows that mental health can mediate the link between comprehensive governance and development. From a micro perspective, when participants participate in their work, they will be naturally inspired and fully invested, and the motivation for this kind of work will be further improved. It remains unclear whether delegation management is well established, how innovative work behaviors can be fostered through the improvement of business-related processes, and how the underlying regulation of such business-related processes takes shape over time in remote work environments. In addition, the communication mechanism at work needs to be based on the communication between leaders and colleagues. Since they work at home, there is no on-site communication and cooperation, which may affect their creative work behavior. This study aims to explore the situation of employee innovation behavior in the era of COVID-19, and analyze its impact on organizational performance and employee job satisfaction. The study will use a mixed methods research design including questionnaires and case studies. We hope that through this research, organizational managers and policy makers can provide useful suggestions to help them better understand employees' innovative behaviors and thus better adapt to the challenges of the COVID-19 era. 1.2 Research Significance Theoretical significance: It can help us further understand the internal mechanism and influencing factors of employee innovation behavior, and expand theoretical research in the field of innovation management. In addition, research can also provide guidance for organizational managers to help them better utilize employee innovative behaviors to promote organizational innovation and development. Practical implications: This study can provide useful references and suggestions for businesses and organizations to help them cope with the challenges posed by the COVID-19 outbreak. In this context, employee innovation behavior is particularly important for organizational flexibility and adaptability. By gaining insight into the state of employees' innovative behavior, organizational managers can better develop adaptive strategies to deal with new situations. This study can also serve as a useful reference for policymakers to formulate more flexible and adaptable policies to help businesses and organizations cope with the challenges posed by the pandemic. The findings of the research can provide policy makers with policy recommendations on promoting employees' innovative behavior, and how to better support the development of enterprises and organizations after the epidemic. 1.3 Research status at home and abroad 1.3.1 Research Status Abroad In terms of foreign research, some studies have pointed out that the COVID-19 epidemic has brought opportunities for employees to innovate. For example, some companies quickly adjusted their business direction during the epidemic, resulting in new business models and products. In addition, some studies have also explored the impact of the epidemic on employees' innovation ability and willingness to innovate, and found that some employees' innovative ability and willingness have been encouraged and stimulated. According to Muhammad Fajar Wahyudi Rahman (2020), in-depth analysis is provided to formulate appropriate work regulation policies to incentivize innovative work behaviors to maintain company performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, this encourages the identification of the impact of flexible working arrangements on employee performance through innovative work behaviors of banking employees in East Java, Indonesia. Naglaa Fathy El Dessouky (2020) argues that the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic is currently considered a serious global health crisis, jeopardizing the health and safety of individuals. This new disease not only assesses the resilience of organizations, but also their ability to follow altered strategies that allow them to adapt to these triggering events. This situation creates an uncertain environment for their employees and an immediate threat to their performance and sustainability. Organizational leaders are therefore acting strategically to effectively address these critical situations by updating HR strategies. AKS Ong (2021) argues that the fashion industry, which has been evolving over the years, has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to identify the factors influencing Filipinos' clothing purchase behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. 457 respondents voluntarily participated and answered the online questionnaire. Structural equation modeling (SEM) showed that the marketing mix had a significant effect on attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, which in turn led to purchase intentions. According to Dilhari Attygalle (2021), employee productivity is considered as a key factor in the development of any organization. Through many past studies, the "work environment" has emerged as one of the most important aspects that contribute significantly to employee productivity. When employees return to a work-from-home scenario, the work environment may change significantly from usual for a variety of reasons, such as social, economic and cultural circumstances. This study examines the impact of the new work environment that has emerged due to the COVID-19 pandemic on employee productivity. 1.3.2 Domestic Research Status In terms of domestic research, some studies have shown that under the background of the COVID-19 epidemic, employees' innovative behavior has been affected. For example, some studies have found that employees are more likely to have innovation difficulties in a remote working environment, and lack opportunities and resources to communicate face-to-face with colleagues. Companies need to provide better remote collaboration tools and communication channels to promote innovation. Other studies have emphasized the influence of corporate culture on employees' innovation behavior, and believe that creating a good corporate innovation culture can improve employees' innovation enthusiasm and innovation level. Zhou Qinyi (2021) believes that the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia has seriously affected the development of the catering industry and changed the consumption habits of catering consumers. In the post-epidemic era, the traditional catering industry has low competitiveness, a single business model, and the ability to resist risks. Weakness and poor adaptability and other problems, it is urgent to innovate the development model to adapt to changes in the external market and consumption environment. Yu Shujun (2022) believes that employee innovation behavior is the key to the sustainable development of enterprises. With the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, the survival of enterprises The environment and employees' working environment are facing major challenges, and the influence of emotional and other spiritual factors on employees' innovative behavior has been paid attention to. Kong Fanrong (2020) believes that the current situation of knowledge, belief and practice of the new coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) protection of grassroots medical staff in Yangzhong City, Jiangsu Province and the Its influencing factors provide a reference for ensuring the personal safety of grassroots medical staff and implementing precise prevention and control of COVID-19. The level of knowledge, belief and practice of grassroots medical staff in COVID-19 protection is generally good, but there are deficiencies in knowledge; knowledge needs to be internalized into beliefs in order to Effectively induce behavioral changes; attention should be paid to the COVID-19 protection training and drills for non-clinical and low-level medical staff. 1.4研究内容及方法 1.4.1 Research content This paper takes employee innovation behavior as the research object, proceeds from the actual situation, pays attention to its influencing factors, and reaches a conclusion that is conducive to further formulating effective and feasible measures. In the early stage of the research, firstly, clarify the problems to be solved, determine the research plan, conduct in-depth research, build a model based on the research results and put forward speculation; secondly, use the questionnaire to conduct information statistics and investigation; finally, based on the above result analysis, target Provide effective opinions and suggestions for employees' innovative behaviors. 1.4.2 Research Methods (1) Questionnaire survey method Investigate employees' innovative behavior and related factors. The questionnaire can include employees' personal information, work experience, frequency and content of innovative behaviors, and employees' feelings about the company's innovative culture. By analyzing the results of the questionnaire, the main characteristics and influencing factors of employee innovation behavior can be obtained, which can provide reference for enterprises to formulate corresponding management strategies. (2) In-depth interview method Conduct interviews with some employees whose innovative behavior is more obvious. Through interviews, we can gain an in-depth understanding of employees' motivations for innovative behavior, innovative ideas, innovative processes, and innovative achievements. The interviewees can be employees with strong innovation ability, or employees who agree with the company's innovation culture. Through the interviews, some enlightening experiences and cases can be unearthed, which will have a positive impact on the innovative behavior of other employees. (3) Observation method Observe the innovative behavior and thinking style of employees at work. Observation can be divided into direct observation and indirect observation. Direct observation means that researchers directly observe employees' work content and work process, and understand employees' innovative behaviors by observing employees' behaviors and ways of thinking. Indirect observation refers to inferring employees' innovative ideas and methods by observing employees' innovative achievements at work. The observation method can obtain more objective data, and can also provide timely feedback and guidance on the innovative behavior of employees. 1.5 problem statement In the era of COVID-19, employees' innovative behavior is crucial to the survival and development of enterprises. However, with the impact of the epidemic, the innovative behavior of employees has been restricted and affected to a certain extent. Therefore, the following questions need to be studied: First of all, it is necessary to understand the characteristics and performance of employees' innovative behavior in the COVID-19 era, and analyze whether employees' innovative willingness and ability
Apr 25, 2023

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