Markting 5750 course. We have the company EQINOX VS PELETON , EVERYTHING WE WRITE IS IN RESPECT TO EQINOX. Create single power points for each topic:PESTLE analysis, SWOT analysis , 5 C's , Poter five...

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Markting 5750 course. We have the company EQINOX VS PELETON , EVERYTHING WE WRITE IS IN RESPECT TO EQINOX. Create single power points for each topic:PESTLE analysis, SWOT analysis , 5 C's , Poter five forces analysis, and Place(has to have equinox vs peleton). Every attachment i have here might be filled in, its a screenshot from a company walmart vs amazon so these attachments serve as examples but the main idea is the topic and a vision of what it should almost look like. please have the last slide be citations

Relative Strengths What advantages does your organization have? What do you do better than anyone else? What unique or lowest-cost resources can you draw upon that others can't? What do people in your market see as your strengths? What factors mean that you "get the sale"? What is your organization’s Core Winning Capability (CWC)? Relative Weaknesses What could you improve? What should you avoid? What are people in your market likely to see as weaknesses? What factors lose you sales? Relative Opportunities What good opportunities can you spot? What interesting trends are you aware of? Changes in technology and markets on both a broad and narrow scale. Changes in government policy related to your field. Changes in social patterns, population profiles, lifestyle changes, and so on. Relative Threats What obstacles do you face? What are your competitors doing? Are quality standards or specifications for your products or services changing? Is changing technology threatening your position? Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten your business? Porter’s five forces COMPETITION LoL Te A Le 1g) eg fe WA ELE fel position’ HOVE consumersitoichoose ourproductsand| influencelprice HOWE gil Hd lH influence price and product: quality’ Likelihood of consumers replacing ouriproduct Viele dpe (le) Number, strengthjand intensity of. existingicompetitors,including illicit clo Tax policy & labor law Effect of wars or worsening relations with particular countries Government policy Trade policy Lobbying Corruption Economic [Ionempioymen: levels Specific taxation policies and trends Supply volatility Economic growth 0 uo rates Exchange & nterest rates Health consciousness Lifestyle attitudes Career attitudes Population size Cultural values Digital relationships Technological awareness Technology incentives Technological change Level of innovation R&D focus Internet infrastructure Attitude to green technology Employment laws Consumer protection laws Mass packaging leads to a relationship with Health & safety the destruction of laws the woods Pandemic Legislation Climate change Discrimination laws Carbon footprint Place Walmart Amazon eo Walmart operates approximately 9,993 stores o 4,742 stores in the U.S o 5,251 stores luke NY m Mainly in: e Mexico, Central America, Africa e Online o Walmart Website and Mobile App e Amazon operates approximately 13 countries © Amazon lockers o warehouses eo Online o Amazon Website and Mobile App
Answered 2 days AfterNov 10, 2023

Answer To: Markting 5750 course. We have the company EQINOX VS PELETON , EVERYTHING WE WRITE IS IN RESPECT TO...

Jose answered on Nov 13 2023
25 Votes
PowerPoint Presentation
Student Name
Register No.
About the Company
Equinox is a luxury
fitness industry pioneer that has evolved into an unrivalled lifestyle brand.
The headquarters of the company is situated in New York
The company started the operations in the year of 1991
Danny, Vito and Lavinia Errico are the founders of the company
Relative SWOT Analysis
World class services
Customer base
Financial resources
Intense work pressure for the employees
Membership issues
Ineffective retention practices
Expanding the market space
Making Equinox as a lifestyle
High growth of the industry
Extend brand name
Developing product related services
Government policies
Changing customer behaviour
New technology changes
Porters Five Forces

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