MGT601_Dynamic Leadership_ Assessment 2 Page 1 of 5 ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEF Subject Code and Title MGT601 Dynamic Leadership Assessment Assessment 2 : Leadership Plan Individual/Group Individual Length Up...

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MGT601_Dynamic Leadership_ Assessment 2 Page 1 of 5 ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEF Subject Code and Title MGT601 Dynamic Leadership Assessment Assessment 2 : Leadership Plan Individual/Group Individual Length Up to 3,000 words Learning Outcomes a) Explore and reflect on self- development as a leader to build self-awareness. b) Through critical reflection on key leadership theories develop a personal leadership development strategy. c) Analyse and develop the capacity to influence, motivate and inspire others in your workplace and/or community organisations. d) Implement and practice coaching others to enhance self-awareness and core communication skills for emotional intelligence, with emphasis on active listening, building empathy, giving and receiving feedback. e) Demonstrate the technique of reflective and reflexive practice as a means of continuous learning and self- development. Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Friday at end of Module 6 .1 (Week 11) Weighting 50% Total Marks 100 marks Context: The purpose of all assessments, combined, is to reflect on your own leadership journey, obtain feedback from your assigned partner and other trusted sources, evaluate your current leadership style, effectiveness and potential and then prepare a plan for your continued development as a leader. The assessments are integrated pieces of work and you should draw on the first parts as you work on this final part. The first assessment focused on your journey so far and current capabilities. This final assessment report should present your plans for your future development as a leader. MGT601_Dynamic Leadership_ Assessment 2 Page 2 of 5 Your Task: The task for this assessment is to prepare and present a plan for your development as a leader. The period of your plan could be 2, 5 or 10 years. Select the period that makes most sense to you, depending on the current stage of your life and career. Briefly explain the reason for the time period that you have selected. Within the body of your report, the model of development that you choose will largely determine the structure and section headings. The precise structure is up to you. A clear logic flow, using a “Contents” page and section headings, will help your readers to follow your thinking. The use of an “Executive Summary” to summarise the key topics in your report, an “Introduction” to set the context and provide background to the discussion, a “Conclusion” to capture your key learnings is desirable in a business subject. Detailed, supporting information about your own personal leadership traits such as psychometric results, mentoring with and by other students, personal reflection, planning templates, etc., should be provided. Note that deep personal reflection lies at the heart of this report and there needs to be recognition of personal change as a result of this reflection. Please include a section in your report that refers specifically to your preferred organisational culture type SMART methodology will ensure the details of your plan are both measurable and achievable. These goals must be grounded in your core values and reflect alignment with your authentic leadership behaviors. Your discussion MUST reflect the topics presented in this course as a minimum. It is expected that students will demonstrate that they understand and can apply the various theoretical perspectives contained in the modules. Reflexive Writing - First Person: You should write in the first person, because this is about YOU, your reflections and your interpretations. (eg “I considered this advice to be….. because it had a big impact on my……..and it helped me to understand my………..”). Try to be as specific as possible, use brief examples to illustrate your points and try to select examples that enable you to demonstrate learning against the attributes in the rubric. MGT601_Dynamic Leadership_ Assessment 2 Page 3 of 5 All other principles of academic writing apply, including strict referencing, acknowledgement of the work of others and avoidance of plagiarism. Referencing: You should include a list of specific references that you have actually used in your report. For this assessment, a minimum of three journal articles, academic papers or textbooks is expected. References to any secondary sources or web sites are additional. The reference list and Executive Summary (if you choose to use one) and any appendices will not be included in the word count. It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here Submission Instructions: Submit your Self-Reflective Analysis in Assessment 2 submission link in the Assessment section found in the main navigation menu of the subject Blackboard site. A rubric will be attached to the assessment. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades. Marking Rubric: Your reports will be marked against the rubric which is show on the next pages. Please ensure that your submission addresses all five of the Assessment Attributes in the rubric. MGT601_Dynamic Leadership_ Assessment 2 Page 4 of 5 Learning Rubric: Assessment 2 : Leadership Plan Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass (Functional) 50-64% Credit (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction (Advanced) 75 -84% High Distinction (Exceptional) 85-100% LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 30% Little or no reference to own aspirations or observations on leadership. Little or no evidence of a development plan Occasional references to own aspirations and learning about leadership. Basic plan for development. Frequent references to own leadership aspirations, experiences or observations, with reflection on own learning needs. Practical plan for development. Frequent and deep reflection on own leadership aspirations and experiences. Comprehensive and practical plan for development, including new experiences and ‘stretch’ projects. Multiple, deep reflections, on aspirations with significant new insights on own leadership and evidence of changing behaviours. Comprehensive and practical plan for development, including significant, new experiences and ‘stretch’ projects. FEEDBACK TO & FROM OTHERS 20% Little or no evidence of feedback either received or given. Basic description of feedback received and given but with little or no interpretation. Clear description of feedback received and given with useful interpretation and reflection in implications Comprehensive description and analysis of feedback received and given with clearly expressed interpretation of implications and impact. Very insightful presentation of feedback received and given with explicit interpretation of implications and indicators of changing behaviours. APPLICATION OF CONCEPTUAL MODELS OF DEVELOPMENT 20% Little or no reference to the conceptual frameworks or theoretical models of leadership. Basic coverage of a relevant model or conceptual framework for leadership development. Clear linkage of plan to an appropriate models leadership development. Insightful use and justification of a model of development to inform, enhance and guide personal plan. Inspired use of a development model to expand thinking, planning and implementation of innovative development options. MGT601_Dynamic Leadership_ Assessment 2 Page 5 of 5 RESEARCH & REFERENCING 20% Use of core or supplied readings only. Inadequate referencing. Evidence of some relevant reading and research beyond the core readings. Adequate referencing. Evidence of substantial, relevant, additional reading and research. Full referencing Evidence of substantial, additional reading and research with application to own development plan. Full referencing. Evidence of comprehensive additional reading & research with insightful application to own development plan. Full and extensive referencing. WRITTEN PRESENTATION 10% No clear logic flow or structure. Difficult to understand. Basic logic flow and structure. Clear expression of concepts. Mainly correct grammar and spelling. . Clear logic flow and structure, with table of contents, Introduction, Body and Conclusion. Clear expression of concepts. Correct grammar and spelling. Excellent logic and structure. Accurate Executive Summary. Conclusion accurately captures key leanings and aspirations. Clear expression of concepts. Correct grammar and spelling. Excellent logic and structure. Concise, accurate Executive Summary. Conclusion accurately captures deep learnings and insights and aspirations. Clear expression of concepts. Correct grammar and spelling.
Answered 5 days AfterApr 23, 2021MGT601ICMS (International College of Management Sydney)

Answer To: MGT601_Dynamic Leadership_ Assessment 2 Page 1 of 5 ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEF Subject Code and Title MGT601...

Parul answered on Apr 29 2021
147 Votes
Leadership Plan
Leadership Plan
MGT601 Dynamic Leadership
Executive Summary    2
Introduction    3
Building EQ - Self Development as Leader to build self-awareness    4
My Leadership Journey    5
Leadership driving Culture of Team    7
Effective Listening and Non-Verbal Communication    7
Different Styles of Leadership    9
Conclusion    10
References    11
Executive Summary
Today, companies and perhaps every associations big or small have colossal decisions to choose their representatives from the pool of understudies graduating each year. Accordingly, organizations as opposed to selecting any person from market like
to enroll competitor who is driven towards dominating throughout everyday life and prepared to difficulties that joins organizations. I would like to explain what is personality development and leadership journey with the powerful quote, "Desire is the initial step to progress. The subsequent advance is the activity".
Competencies can be described as combination of quantifiable skills, knowledge and behaviour that are essential to perform the job. Essentially, competencies are established as the building blocks of assessment and help in creating concrete foundational skills. It can be explained as comprehending the knowledge and applying it to enhance the quality of output, skills and behaviour that can be utilised to perform specific tasks. While on the other hand competency assessments can be explained as a system for evaluating and documenting the level of competency. The primary objective is to locate problems with employee performance and engagement and actively work on them such that they can be transformed as the field of strength.
"Successful pioneers should be adaptable and should adjust as per the circumstance" - Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard. Consequently, ascribes like being veritable and consistent with the group assumes a basic part. Subsequently, in this world, individuals anticipate bona fide pioneers and like a solid style of administration. Indeed, I think following value-based administration may likewise be productive in some situation nonetheless, in since quite a while ago run it loses its importance. This is on the grounds that as a human instinct, we as a whole need to develop; wants to complete acknowledgment of the work just as improve. This sort of relationship is just conceivable if the pioneer gives fundamental preparing and veritable stages to individuals beneath to fill more in their life. This is the genuine pith why true authority relates to individuals willing transforming into a devotee dependent on trust and trustworthiness. By the virtue of this course, I am ready to depict and ponder my initiative excursion and not to simply contemplate authority as a far off, hypothetical idea without any active experience. The report gives you detail of my openness to my solidarity and shortcoming as a place of pioneer in this manner grasping myself better. Moreover, I have likewise expounded what are my arrangement which I would be taking next in my administration venture.
Regularly pioneers set up the tone of culture at work and channelize energy from the colleagues with the end goal that general target is accomplished. "Compelling pioneers should be adaptable and should adjust as per the circumstance" - Kenneth Blanchard.
Bloodstream of any company or perhaps any association big or small that frames the spine is its chiefs. In fact, successful authority can take the association to a lot more prominent statures and flourish the business in testing times. Concerning "Assessing initiative training: A survey and coordinated system", (Ely, K., Boyce, L. A., Nelson, J. K., Zaccaro, S. J., Hernez-Broome, G., and Whyman, W., 2010) association that are effective and accomplish a few achievements in the business in light of the direction and abilities of the pioneers. Besides, it isn't only one individual on the top rather gathering of capable representatives that lead various groups in the business with the end goal that association can be adjusted towards one objective and extreme business objective. As the time advances pioneers at the top need to prepare and develop individuals who are next to hold the cudgel of progress for the association. Representatives are needed to be prepared on fundamental angles in regards to the things that they need to know alongside things they need to grasp to lead further and to use sound judgment.
In this fast-moving world, where there are interferences happening every day, affiliation bank on the pioneers to take the business to the accompanying level. A pioneer can't by and large depend upon one style of organization to gather a gathering and drive the fundamental results. Style of power is a procedure that is acclimated to give direction, analyse contemplations, execute plans and stir people. Without a doubt, I agree with you that as a pioneer different conditions demands different kinds of power style as there is no one size fit all game plan. For a pioneer to be incredible in his exercises and productive in habits he turns the result, it is central that he/she can confer fittingly to his group. At the same time, a pioneer ought to be adequately mindful so as to designate the work to consummate individual for the work. In case a pioneer simply leads in a solitary style neither the message will be precisely translated nor task would be willing performed. Since laborers or aficionados are moreover central in making an authority incredible. By saving some push to comprehend the condition and as necessities be change the way wherein one requirements to lead is the mastery that perceive extraordinary pioneers and amazing pioneers!
Building EQ - Self Development as Leader to build self-awareness
Mindfulness frames the foundations of EQ likewise alluded as metacognition. It's tied in with being capable know one's feelings and to perceive one's sentiments. The truth is assuming you can't actually see or comprehend your own feelings, you are helpless before those emotions! According to the therapist John Mayer, mindfulness implies staying alert about both our temperament and our considerations about that disposition. In...

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