Name: Case: Way Too Hot Read the case study below, and answer the questions that follow. When answering each question, take the following rubric into consideration: It was August in Houston, Texas and...

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Name: Case: Way Too Hot Read the case study below, and answer the questions that follow. When answering each question, take the following rubric into consideration: It was August in Houston, Texas and the fourth straight day in which the temperature exceeded 100o F. Janice was running some errands and decided to stop by her mother’s house. Janice’s mother, Marion, was eighty-four and in reasonably good health. She was able to keep up with her housekeeping and still tended a small garden in her backyard. Just that morning Janice had told her mother not to spend too much time working in the garden, given the weather, especially since her mother did not have air-conditioning. When Janice arrived at her mother’s house, she found Marion unconscious on the sofa. All of the windows in the house were closed. Janice immediately tried to rouse her mother, but her mother seemed delirious. Janice called for help and the emergency services operator instructed her to apply cool wash cloths to her mother’s forehead and face, and if possible to position her in front of a fan while using a spray bottle of tepid water on her skin. When paramedics arrived Marion was conscious but confused and feeling nauseous. At the hospital the doctor told Janice how lucky she was to have visited her mother when she did. He said that Marion had suffered from heat stroke and that Janice’s quick action had saved her mother’s life. Marion was recovering, but was being given fluids and electrolytes intravenously and was going to stay in the hospital overnight for observation. Type of Answer (score) Exemplary o demonstrates full understanding of the question o directly answers the question o presents answer in a logical, well written manner Quality o as above but less thorough in answering or o less clearly makes point or o same as above but less well written Adequate o reflects a limited understanding of the question or o explanation(s) incomplete or o does not address the question(s) directly and/or is not well written Needs improvement o answer is inaccurate or demonstrates no understanding of the question or o does not answer the particular question being asked or o is poorly written No answer (0 points) Name As you construct your answers, you are reminded: • that each answer should be a minimum of several sentences each; • appropriate grammar and spelling are expected; • when asked to discuss multiple items (for example, describe two mechanisms), each item should be discussed separately. • students are expected to write in their own words and NOT to cut and paste from another source. 1. Describe two homeostatic mechanisms the body normally uses to reduce body temperature and prevent hyperthermia. 2. Describe two ways that aging might affect the ability of the body to regulate body temperature when exposed to either excess heat or cold. 3. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are two types of hyperthermia. Describe two ways in which these two condition differ one from the other. 4. Janice was instructed to spray her mother with tepid water and position her in front of a fan. What does the term tepid mean? Why spray her with tepid water first and not just position her in front of a fan? 5. When attempting to lower the body temperature of an individual suffering from hyperthermia, why should one avoid treatments that: • induce shivering such as placement in a cold bath • cause vasoconstriction? Text96: Text97: Text98: Text99: Text100: Text638:
Answered 1 days AfterJul 20, 2021

Answer To: Name: Case: Way Too Hot Read the case study below, and answer the questions that follow. When...

Himalay answered on Jul 22 2021
140 Votes
1. Since it is known that Hypothalamus controls the temperature of the body, it senses and

monitors thermoregulation or regulatory response to change in temperature of stimulus, both
within and outside of the body, through 2 mechanisms mainly. These are:
a. Sweating: As it is known that evaporation causes cooling, our body releases sweat in
order to cool the skin through evaporation of sweat
b. Vasodilation: it is a mechanism employed by the body’s vascular system to dilate the
blood vessels, diametrically, in organs which are located far from warm core of the body.
2. The ability of one’s body to respond to heat or cold decreases as one ages is because of the
following reasons:
a. Sweating: sweat glands beneath the skin lose the ability to release moisture as sweat with
Since body cools itself or retains heat through regulating perspiration, a reduced ability to
perspire as and when needed is believed to be a reason of diminishing thermoregulation
with age...

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