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Answered Same DayFeb 26, 2020

Answer To: assignment document Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner

Amar answered on Feb 28 2020
153 Votes
Running Header: Task 1 – Documentation / Template Development – Excel Group        1
Task 1 – Documentation / Template Development – Excel Group
Task 1 – Documentation / Template Development – Excel Group
Q #1 – Organizational Policies & Procedures – Standards for Documentation
Some of the policies as well as procedures within the organizational environment which offer guidance with respect to standards concerning documentation include
the following –
· Policy for information security offers plans at high level and the same shall describe specific set of goals with respect to procedures. This Policy shall not be standards, guidelines or else controls / procedures. The same shall present security at an overall broad term and not get into the specifics. This policy shall offer broad level blueprints with respect to the program for overall security (Peltier, 2016; Safa et al., 2016; Taylor & Joudrey, 2017).
· Policy / Procedure for Acceptable Use: This shall offer guidance on the acceptable levels of use pertaining to each of the documents, setting the levels of access by the author / owner of the document, etc. on the basis of specific standards and procedure (Peltier, 2016; Safa et al., 2016; Taylor & Joudrey, 2017).
· Style Guide Policy: Standardization of presentation, formatting and overall styling of documentation within an organization is presented by this policy (Peltier, 2016; Safa et al., 2016; Taylor & Joudrey, 2017).
· Policy for Physical Security: Documents shall also be stored as physical paper formats for reference and other purposes. The safety and security for the same shall be presented by this policy (Peltier, 2016; Safa et al., 2016; Taylor & Joudrey, 2017).
· Authentication & Access Control Encryption: Documents when stored in the digital format are also exposed various threats and issues. The safety and security for the same shall be presented by this policy (Peltier, 2016; Safa et al., 2016; Taylor & Joudrey, 2017).
· Policy for Web & Internet Email: Documents are increasingly shared / communicated by way of emails and web portals within and beyond the organization. The same shall be guided by using this policy (Peltier, 2016; Safa et al., 2016; Taylor & Joudrey, 2017).
· Policy for Internet Security: Connectively by way of internet is de facto standard and safe and standard use of internet as well as overall security concerning networks shall be presented by this policy (Peltier, 2016; Safa et al., 2016; Taylor & Joudrey, 2017).
Q #2 –Document Types
The three types of documents that are relevant with respect to the case under discussion include the following –
· Emails & Memorandums
Employees most often employ emails for communicating information among one other. Prior to emails becoming widely used, memorandums (“memos”) were employed for intra-office messages. These memos continue to be used across situations wherein the messages are intended to be accompanied with specific files as well as with respect to cases which need increases levels of privacy (Taylor & Joudrey, 2017; Bingham et al., 2015).
· Transactional Documents
An organization makes use of the documents for transacting its business with external clients. For purposes of saving time, the documents shall be suitably formatted in specific forms, like that of order forms, invoices, receipt, transmittal pages, etc. The forms of various transactional documents are employed in varies manner specific to the business and organization (Taylor & Joudrey, 2017; Bingham et al., 2015).
· Financial Documents
A business entity makes use of the financial documents for stay within planned budget, preparing the proposals for budget, filing tax returns, etc. The documents encompass records for receipt, reports on payroll, bills paid, bank account statements, balance sheets / income statements, tax related forms, etc. (Taylor & Joudrey, 2017; Bingham et al., 2015).
Q #3 –Quality of Documents
The Template Development & Review Procedure incorporates the evaluation of quality pertaining documents with respect to documentation standards by way of two key approaches: (i) One concerns the set of inbuilt controls and non-modifiable standards like that of established templates, controls for data validity by way of tools like macros, etc., and (ii) Secondly by way of established procedures / process that need to be complied in...

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