MGMT20144 – Assessment Item 1 – Sample Annotated Bibliography Write a short 150 word introduction discussing why the contextual factors are important to organisational decision making. The...

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plz do it very nicely as my tutor is very fussyy type.

MGMT20144 – Assessment Item 1 – Sample Annotated Bibliography Write a short 150 word introduction discussing why the contextual factors are important to organisational decision making. The introduction is 150 words in total not 150 words per article. Dang, R., Houanti, A. L., Le, N. T., & Vu, M.-C. (2018). Does corporate governance influence firm performance? Quantile regression evidence from a transactional economy. Applied Economics Letters, 25(14), 984-988. DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2017.1390309 The main contextual factor discussed in this journal article is organisational governance. Specifically the authors applied a new research and analysis approach to studying the relationship between governance structures and firm performance in Vietnamese organisations. Three aspects of governance were examined: board independence, CEO duality and board size. The research found that the higher the proportion of independent directors on the board, that is directors who neither work for the firm nor have extensive dealings with the company, the lower the performance of the firm. Likewise, when CEO duality is present, that is the CEO also serves as the board chair the lower the performance of the firm. However, the research found no relationship between the size of the board and the performance of the firm. In this research, firm performance or return on assets was measured by calculating operating income before depreciation divided by total assets. The implications of this research is that firms should carefully consider the structure of their boards if they want high performing organisations. Specifically, the board directors should have some association with the firm as it appears that when a director works for the frim or has regulator contact with the firm, this intimate knowledge and understanding improves the performance of the firm. In addition, firms should carefully consider keeping the board chair position separate from the management structure of the firm; in particular, the CEO should not be the chair of the firm. Write 4 more summaries that cite the reference first following by a description of the main contextual factor being discussed in the journal article, the new findings in relation to the contextual factor, and what these findings mean for managers in organisations. Write a short 200 word conclusion recommending one specific contextual factor as most important to the organisational performance of the Big 4 Banks (Commonwealth, ANZ, Westpac, NAB). Explain your reasoning. Lecture – Week One MgMT20144 – Assessment Item 1 Annotated bibliography Essay 30% or 30 marks This is an annotated bibliography that will be 1600 words +/- 10% Week 5 Friday (12 April 2019) 11:45 pm AEST This individual written assessment is designed to: Assist you to develop your knowledge of management and business contexts Give you the opportunity to enhance skills in research, professional responsibility, and written communication. All submissions must be uploaded through the Assessment Item 1 link on the unit Moodle page. The annotated bibliography can be uploaded as a pdf or word document. Penalties for late submission are applied according to the policy. This is 5% or of the total marks for this assessment item deducted for every day the assignment is late. Choosing journal articles Your task is to compile an annotated bibliography of five recent (2014-2018) peer reviewed journal articles from the list of journals provided. You cannot use articles from any other journals and you cannot use the journal articles that are on the unit Moodle site. You must include the doi for each journal article in the reference list. For example: Derouiche, I., Hassan, M., & Amdouni, S. (2018). Ownership structure and investment-cash flow sensitivity. Journal of Management & Governance, 22(1), 31-54. DOI: 10.1007/s10997-017-9380-x The articles must come from these journals Asia Pacific Business Review Benchmarking: an international journal Business Strategy and the Environment Business Strategy Review Competition and Change: the journal of global business and political economy Contemporary Pacific European Business Review European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology European Management Journal Global Governance Human Resource Development Quarterly IIMB Management Review International Journal of Organizational Analysis International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences International Studies of Management and Organization Journal of Business Strategy Journal of General Management Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization Journal of Management and Organization Journal of Organizational Behavior Management Journal of Organizational Change Management Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance Leadership Management Decision Measuring Business Excellence Nonprofit Management and Leadership Pacific Affairs: an international review of Asia and the Pacific Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management Quality Management Journal The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science The TQM Journal Task 1 Identify five (5) journal articles that match the first five topics of this unit. That is, you must find one journal article per topic: Organisational structures or governance, Environmental forces, Risks confronting the firm, Organisation and business practices, and The functions of diverse firms. You should search the library databases via the online ‘advanced search’ function of the CQUniversity library. By choosing the ‘advanced search’ function you can select the actual journal you wish to search. Task 2 & 3 Write a short 150 word introduction discussing why the contextual factors are important to organisational decision making. The introduction is 150 words in total not 150 words per article. Write approximately 250 words per journal article that: Defines the main contextual factor being discussed in the journal article, Discusses the new findings in relation to the contextual factor, and Highlights what these findings mean for managers in organisations. Task 4 & 5 Write a short 200 word conclusion recommending one specific contextual factor as most important to the Big Four banks’ organisational performance. The Big Four banks are the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), Westpac, the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ) OR the National Australia Bank (NAB). Explain your reasoning. Write a reference list correctly: It must use the APA referencing style Each reference appears before each annotated bibliography It has a hanging indentation There are specific fonts and formatting that must be used: Derouiche, I., Hassan, M., & Amdouni, S. (2018). Ownership structure and investment-cash flow sensitivity. Journal of Management & Governance, 22(1), 31-54. DOI: 10.1007/s10997-017-9380-x Marking criteria Explaining how major contextual factors affect business decision making (4 marks). Defining key terms, theories and concepts presented in Topics 1-5 (5 marks). Critical evaluation of managerial actions in relation to the contextual factors discussed in Topics 1-5 (10 marks). Demonstrating understanding of the impact of a contextual factor on organisational performance (4 marks). Correctly using the APA referencing system to cite academic sources in-text and in the reference list (3 marks). Correctly using appropriate conventions of academic writing (2 marks). Correctly selecting journal articles only from the list of journals provided (2 marks). Meaning of words Contextual factors: are characteristics of the internal and external environment; such as structure, functions, environmental forces, risks, etc. Key terms: words that are being used in this unit such as sole trader, structure, SWOT analysis, benchmarking etc. Concept: this is an abstract idea that someone has named and defined. For example, the concept of employee engagement is defined as the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to the organisation, and put discretionary effort into their work. It has a cognitive, affective, and behavioural component. Theory: is a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something. For example, increasing employee engagement will increase performance, customer satisfaction, profitability and productivity, and reduce employee turnover. Meaning of words Critical evaluation of managerial actions: give your verdict as to what extent a statement or findings within a piece of research are true, or to what extent you agree with them. Provide evidence taken from a wide range of sources which both agree with and contradict an argument. Impact: what is the effect or influence of the contextual factor on the organisation? APA referencing system: you must only use this referencing system in the body of the essay and in the reference list at the end. Ensure you familiarise yourself with it! Appropriate conventions of academic writing: this is quite a formal style of writing discussed later. Appropriate writing conventions Must be within the word limit (first word of introduction to last word of the conclusion). Write in paragraph form with full sentences. A paragraph is more than one sentence. Introduce a new topic in a new paragraph, don’t write overly long paragraphs. Make the first or last sentence the topic sentence of the paragraph. Write using formal academic language and specific Management and Business Context words, theories, concepts and terms. Avoid using casual conversational language. For example, instead of writing “it’s a good idea to think about . . .” write “an important consideration is . . ” Write in the third person not using “I”, “we”, “one”, “he/she”. 11 Plagiarism Plagiarism is the intentional use of someone else’s ideas, words or concepts in your assignment without appropriate acknowledgment. It is considered serious misconduct at university and should be avoided at all times. Committing plagiarism can carry very serious penalties for students, including expulsion from the university. Past penalties include zero marks or a reduction of marks for an assignment. This reduction of marks on one assessment item has even lead to failure of the entire unit! TurnItIn is the first place that we look for when assessing plagiarism. This score may increase even after you submit your assignment as more comparisons are made between your work and other students’ work, journal articles or information on the www. 12 Plagiarism CQUniversity has a policy on plagiarism and you are strongly encouraged to familiarise yourself with it. Not having read the policy is no excuse when you are reported for plagiarism. The following URL will lead you to CQUniversity’s policy repository where you can search for plagiarism procedures and policy. There is also information on the unit Moodle site about plagiarism and academic misconduct. You should read this information and watch the student video. 13 Uploading your assignment Please ensure you upload the correct assignment to Moodle. You will not have the opportunity to have your assignment removed and replaced because you: Received a high TurnItIn score or Accidently uploaded an assignment from another unit or student or Submitted the assignment without the reference list or Submitted the wrong copy of your assignment. Please ensure you do not leave your assignment in draft form after the due time and date. 14 Extensions Only the unit coordinator can approve extensions on assignments; but, do not email the unit coordinator directly. All extensions must be applied for via the Assessment Extension Request system on Moodle
Answered Same DayApr 08, 2021MGMT20144Central Queensland University

Answer To: MGMT20144 – Assessment Item 1 – Sample Annotated Bibliography Write a short 150 word introduction...

Avni answered on Apr 10 2021
125 Votes
The business environments have changed a lot in last few decades. Competition has been growing consistently and the importance of contextual factors like environmental forces, risks, business practices, etc. have risen along with it. With rapid advances in technology, government
laws and policies have also changed to keep up with the changing environmental factors. Keeping all of these in mind firms across the globe are trying hard to align their strategic objectives is to achieve sustainable growth and be ready for the future.
Diversification is the most common strategy adopted by organizations to accelerate growth. They achieve this by entering new and emerging markets via the route of strategic partnerships, forming alliances, etc. But the risk of failure and wrong interpretation of external factors has dire consequences for any organization.
Kim, S., & Jin, K. (2016). Organizational governance of inter-firm resource combinations: The impact of structural embeddedness and vertical resource relatedness. Journal of Management & Organization, 23(04), 524-544. Doi:10.1017/jmo.2016.9
In order to gain sustainable advantage and better utilization of resources, firms across the globe are forming alliances or getting involved in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A). But how to decide which one to choose? An Alliance or M&A? The authors of this paper tried to reflect on the challenges faced during inter-firm resource combinations. According to the findings in the paper, governance choice needs to be a bilateral decision with opportunities for joint value creation and value appropriation.
For this study, the authors have chosen "Governance choice" as the dependent variable. For estimation, the author has chosen the "probit model." Using different hypothesis as bases author was able to prove the positive impacts of independent variables like "Resource similarity", "Vertical Relatedness" and "Structural embededness" on the dependent variable. Authors were also able to confirm the importance of prior Alliance or M&A experience on a firms future decisions.
This study sheds light on the importance of factors like structural embededness and geographical cluster co-location in governance choice. These factors were traditionally neglected by managers but, this study proves their importance. Alliances provide firms with a pool of resource but the firm don’t own each other’s resources but on the other hand going M&A ends up with providing the firm with controlling rights over other firm's resources. Hence managers have to be extremely cautious about factors like vertical relatedness and resource similarity while choosing between Alliance and M&A.
Couturier, J., & Sola, D. (2010). International Market Entry Decisions: The Role of Local Market Factors. Journal of General Management, 35(4), 45-64. Doi: 10.1177/030630701003500403
This paper examines the influence of local market factors on an MNCs decision to enter an emerging market. Apart...

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