APA 7th
Running head: XXX 2 Challenges And Strategies for Managing Role Transition from Nursing Student to Graduate Registered Nurse Student name [e.g., Justine Maldon] Student number [e.g., 12345678] School of Nursing and Midwifery, Edith Cowan University NUM2404 Transition to Registered Practice Lecturer [e.g., Dr Fiona Foxall] Due date [day month year] Word count includes in-text references and excludes end-text references [e.g., 1500 words] [remove brackets once completed] 1 2 Title of Assignment [Heading 1] Students, please start typing your assignment here, and delete this text after you have read it. Make sure that formatting is in line with the ECU SNM assignment guidelines and A – Z Guide. The paper's title is bolded and centred above the first paragraph. The first paragraph is understood to be an introduction so there is no need to use Introduction as a heading. If only one level of heading is needed, use Level 1. If two levels of heading are needed, use Levels 1 and 2 (and so on). Note: The structure of your assignment and the assignment instructions will determine whether your paper has just main headings or headings and subheadings. Level 1 headings are centred, bolded, and use title case. Text begins after them as a new paragraph. Level 2 headings are left aligned, bolded, title case. Text begins as a new paragraph after this kind of heading. A good introduction is interesting and tells the reader: a) what the paper is about b) why the topic is important c) outlines what you will be discussing in the rest of the report d) around 200 -250 words. Here you should highlight at least THREE challenges (provide definitions if necessary) faced by newly graduate registered nurses but highlight one that you will discuss in depth. Challenges [Heading 1] [Heading 2] Penatibus fames tristique nostra condimentum placerat vel morbi et natoque, sapien turpis nunc venenatis. Fames lobortis lectus lacinia enim feugiat interdum dictum, senectus iaculis pharetra elementum maecenas blandit, at tincidunt a litora fusce pulvinar (Ferguson, 2013). Here you should consider exactly what the challenge is that you have highlighted for deep discussion and how it may affect the newly graduated nurse. I would suggest you allocate around 500 words to discuss the challenge. [Heading 2 – if required] Penatibus fames tristique nostra condimentum placerat vel morbi et natoque, sapien turpis nunc venenatis. Fames lobortis lectus lacinia enim feugiat interdum dictum, senectus iaculis pharetra elementum maecenas blandit, at tincidunt a litora fusce pulvinar (Ferguson, 2013). Quisque sed sagittis leo, vel molestie nisi. Etiam tristique scelerisque elementum. Donec vitae felis rhoncus, sollicitudin tortor in, laoreet ante. Quisque placerat volutpat lectus, in venenatis quam varius vitae (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA], 2016, Standard 5.3). Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus viverra mattis eleifend. Suspendisse in ipsum volutpat, tempus nulla at, pulvinar diam. Proin ultrices lacinia nulla, et auctor enim rutrum sit amet. [Heading 2 – if required] Penatibus fames tristique nostra condimentum placerat vel morbi et natoque, sapien turpis nunc venenatis. Fames lobortis lectus lacinia enim feugiat interdum dictum, senectus iaculis pharetra elementum maecenas blandit, at tincidunt a litora fusce pulvinar (Ferguson, 2013). Quisque sed sagittis leo, vel molestie nisi. Etiam tristique scelerisque elementum. Donec vitae felis rhoncus, sollicitudin tortor in, laoreet ante. Quisque placerat volutpat lectus, in venenatis quam varius vitae (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA], 2016, Standard 5.3). Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus viverra mattis eleifend. Suspendisse in ipsum volutpat, tempus nulla at, pulvinar diam. Proin ultrices lacinia nulla, et auctor enim rutrum sit amet. Strategies [Heading 1] [Heading 2] Penatibus fames tristique nostra condimentum placerat vel morbi et natoque, sapien turpis nunc venenatis. Fames lobortis lectus lacinia enim feugiat interdum dictum, senectus iaculis pharetra elementum maecenas blandit, at tincidunt a litora fusce pulvinar (Ferguson, 2013). Here you could discuss at least THREE organisational/personal strategies that could address/alleviate the challenge you have discussed in depth: a) what are the possible strategies? b) how do they help? I would suggest you allocate around 500- 600 words (depending on how many words you have used in your introduction and conclusion) to discuss the strategies - one concept for each paragraph. [Heading 2] Penatibus fames tristique nostra condimentum placerat vel morbi et natoque, sapien turpis nunc venenatis. Fames lobortis lectus lacinia enim feugiat interdum dictum, senectus iaculis pharetra elementum maecenas blandit, at tincidunt a litora fusce pulvinar (Ferguson, 2013). Quisque sed sagittis leo, vel molestie nisi. Etiam tristique scelerisque elementum. Donec vitae felis rhoncus, sollicitudin tortor in, laoreet ante. Quisque placerat volutpat lectus, in venenatis quam varius vitae (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA], 2016, Standard 5.3). Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus viverra mattis eleifend. Suspendisse in ipsum volutpat, tempus nulla at, pulvinar diam. Proin ultrices lacinia nulla, et auctor enim rutrum sit amet. [Heading 2] Penatibus fames tristique nostra condimentum placerat vel morbi et natoque, sapien turpis nunc venenatis. Fames lobortis lectus lacinia enim feugiat interdum dictum, senectus iaculis pharetra elementum maecenas blandit, at tincidunt a litora fusce pulvinar (Ferguson, 2013). Quisque sed sagittis leo, vel molestie nisi. Etiam tristique scelerisque elementum. Donec vitae felis rhoncus, sollicitudin tortor in, laoreet ante. Quisque placerat volutpat lectus, in venenatis quam varius vitae (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA], 2016, Standard 5.3). Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus viverra mattis eleifend. Suspendisse in ipsum volutpat, tempus nulla at, pulvinar diam. Proin ultrices lacinia nulla, et auctor enim rutrum sit amet. Conclusion [Heading 1] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat dui vitae accumsan fermentum. Duis mollis tempor dolor, sit amet malesuada purus tempus a. Mauris pretium nisi justo, id molestie metus mattis eu. Morbi blandit maximus suscipit. Donec vulputate nisl dolor, non vestibulum quam aliquam nec. Cras sed dui vel leo sagittis eleifend sodales nec lacus. Curabitur interdum consequat placerat. Ut ac dolor eu lectus placerat posuere eget vel velit. A ‘good’ conclusion should summaries all the points raised within the discussion. Please note there should be NO references within your conclusion as no new information should be presented here (200 – 250 words). References This should include an alphabetical full end text reference list of all in-text references used. You need to follow the APA 7 style as per the ECU referencing guide. This can be downloaded from the library website. This assignment requires a minimum of 6 peer-reviewed journal articles. The references should be no older than 5 years unless it is seminal work. You can use reference material older than five years that has been cited within the unit content – but only to support your arguments – not as one of the 6 peer-reviewed journal articles required – you need to search for these. Some examples of end text references are below – but are not necessarily related to this assignment, they simply demonstrate what a reference list should look like. Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. (2017). National safety and quality health service standards (2nd ed.). https://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/sites/default/files/migrated/National-Safety-and-Quality-Health-Service-Standards-second-edition.pdf Ferguson, C. (2013). It's time for the nursing profession to leverage social media. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(4), 745-747. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.12036 Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2016). Registered nurse standards for practice. https://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/codes-guidelines-statements/professional-standards/registered-nurse-standards-for-practice.aspx Peck, J. L. (2014). Social media in nursing education: Responsible integration for meaningful use. Journal of Nursing Education, 53(3), 164-169. https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20140219-03 Phillips, J. (2011). Social media and health care: An interactive future. British Journal of Community Nursing, 16(10), 504. Assessment Brief School of Nursing and Midwifery Unit Code and Title: NUM2404 Transition to Registered Practice Ass. Item # Assessment Type As stated in CAPS Click on textbox below to select the CAPS Assessment Type Assessment Description As stated in CAPS Weighting Word count Undergraduate 10% = 300-350 words Postgraduate: 10% = 500 words 3 Essay Transition to professional practice 40% 1500 words +/- 10% Due date and submission information Submit via Turnitin in CANVAS by the end of Week 13, Friday 24 May, 2024 23.59hrs. Please ensure that you have read and understood the ‘before you submit an assignment’ information attached to this assignment brief. Why am I doing this assessment? This assignment will help you to understand and demonstrate the following unit learning outcomes (ULO): ULO 4: Reflect on the challenges and strategies required for managing role transition from student to beginning practitioner ULO 5: Demonstrate effective interpersonal, negotiation and conflict resolution skills used in a clinical context. By completing these ULOs, you are demonstrating that you are working towards the following course learning outcomes (CLOs) and therefore, the related professional standards: CLO 1: Apply evidence-based nursing practice to address health priorities in all healthcare contexts. CLO 3: Effectively communicate and collaborate within an interprofessional context, to sustain culturally safe, therapeutic and professional relationships. CLO 4: Demonstrate lifelong learning through critical reflection and ongoing development within professional practice. Employability skills addressed Select all that apply EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS |X| Reflective practice |_| Decision making |X| Critical thinking |X| Problem solving |X| Communication |_| Digital literacy |X| Conflict resolution |X| Time management |X| Teamwork |_| Cultural competency |X| Leadership |_| Creativity and Innovation PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES |X| Self-awareness |_| Self-efficacy |X| Professional identity |X| Resilience |X| Interpersonal skills |_| Interprofessional coordination |X| Emotional intelligence |_| Cross-cultural awareness CAREER MANAGEMENT SKILLS |X| Self-awareness |_| Career decision making |_| Opportunity awareness |X| Transition learning |X| Career planning |_| Specialist skills (course specific) Assessment Task Instructions This assignment aims to assess your knowledge on issues related to the transition from the role of a student nurse/midwife to that of a newly registered nurse/midwife. You are required to demonstrate an appropriate level of academic writing skills and critical discussion equal to that of a student in the second year of a bachelor’s degree. The topic of assignment Discuss a potential challenge and appropriate strategies for managing role transition in light of this challenge, from nursing/midwifery student to graduate registered nurse/midwife. What you should do Step 1: search for, locate and read associated literature and synthesise findings from at least SIX peer-reviewed journal articles published in the last 5 years on the provided topic. You may also use seminal work but this would be in addition to the contemporary literature you locate. Step 2: Identify and describe three challenges from the literature regarding transitioning from the role of a student to a graduate nurse/midwife e.g., transition shock, stressors, conflict, and workplace bullying; then discuss one of these challenges in an in-depth manner. Step 3: Identify and describe appropriate strategies from the literature to address/alleviate/cope with the challenge you have chosen to consider in-depth. Also consider personal strategies you could use as a newly graduated nurse/midwife to deal with this challenge e.g., personal coping strategies; developing resilience. Step 4: Complete the essay in a Word document using the assignment 3 template on Canvas and submit it through Turnitin. Step 5: Use appropriate academic language, topic sentences, linking sentences, and paragraphs to ensure logical progression of discussion and flow of ideas. As this is a relatively short essay, use sub-headings, as they will contextualise your discussion. Step 6: Ensure correct use of APA 7 referencing style for both in-text and end-text citations. Books and websites may be used as reference material for this assignment but there must be at least six peer-reviewed journal articles cited. Step 7: Review the academic integrity checklist on Canvas prior to submitting your assignment. Step 8: If you are repeating this unit and intending to re-use material from a previously submitted assignment for this assessment, please kindly contact the unit coordinator for permission by email:
[email protected] Marking rubric The marking rubric is attached to this assignment brief. Feedback and moderation Your results and feedback will be released three weeks after the submission date via CANVAS. All unit assessments are subject to a robust moderation process. Note that results are not final until they are officially released at the end of semester following ratification at the Progression Panel and are therefore subject to change. Additional Resources · Library Referencing Guide · Academic Integrity 1 School of Nursing and Midwifery - Assessment Brief_2024 Assessment 3 marking rubric Well Below Average (<25%) below="" average="" (26-49%)="" pass/="" average="" (50-59%)="" credit="" (60-69%)="" distinction="" (70-79%)="" high="" distinction="" (="">80%) Content Does not address assessment item. No evidence to support main ideas. Unable to demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas or concepts. Ideas are non-existent or not relevant to topic. No description of concepts. Does not or poorly address assessment item. Insufficient evidence to support main ideas. poorly demonstrates an understanding of the main ideas or concepts. Ideas are not relevant to the topic. Assessment item addressed at a superficial level. Minimal evidence to support main ideas. Able to demonstrate an understanding of the main concepts at a basic level. Some ideas presented have relevance to the topic. Most parts of the assessment item addressed at a satisfactory level and supported by adequate evidence. Able to demonstrate an understanding of the main concepts. Most ideas presented have relevance to the topic. All parts of the assessment item addressed at a good level and supported by quality evidence. Able to demonstrate a solid understanding of the main concepts. Most ideas presented have relevance to the topic25%)>