Table of ContentsModule Nine9-2 Final Project Presentation and Speaker Notes Submission 9-2 Final Project Presentation and Speaker Notes Submission PreviousNext Instructions Submit the final draft of...

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Table of ContentsModule Nine9-2 Final Project Presentation and Speaker Notes Submission

9-2 Final Project Presentation and Speaker Notes Submission



Submit the final draft of your interview presentation and corresponding speaker notes. They should be complete, polished artifacts containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course.

For additional details, please refer to theFinal Project Guidelines and Rubric PDFdocument.

I added below examples of other modules I did. It probably can assist with the final project. I don't think you have to add information from other modules, but just in case, I added it.

COM 500 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric COM 500 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Overview The final project for this course is the creation of a presentation for a job interview based on a given real-world scenario/ The final product represents an authentic demonstration of competency because many potential employers will ask you to showcase your skills with a presentation or portfolio, as well as professional development plans throughout your career/ The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions/ These milestones will be submitted in Modules Four, Five, and Seven; The final product will be submitted in Module Nine; In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes.  Evaluate basic communication theory and concepts as a foundation for conveying messages through traditional and new media formats  !nalyze communication methods for informing ethical communication with diverse audiences within global environments  Illustrate the evolution of communication and cutting-edge technological developments through delivery of strategic messaging solutions  Evaluate digital media as a tool for collaborating with cross-cultural, networked audiences at the global level  !nalyze unique skill sets, support systems, and available resources in support of educational obtainment, career goals, and professional achievement in the communications field Prompt Recently, you submitted an application to be considered for a newly created �ommunication Specialist position at !�� !thletics/ This position reports to the �ommunications Director who has previously worked alone to handle all of the communication needs of the company/ Due to increased sales and the many demands aligned with social media and the digital environment, !�� has approved the hiring for this new position/ Within your application, you explained that you are currently pursuing a master’s degree in �ommunication/ You were granted an interview with the �ommunication Director Sally Jones and did very well/ You have been asked to come back for a second interview to present a PowerPoint presentation before Ms/ Jones, the Human Resources Director, Ron Green, and the owner of the organization, John Smith/ During the presentation, you have been asked to cover topics to highlight your current knowledge of �ommunication, showcase your potential as a contemporary communicator, and to outline your planned development process with the realm of �ommunication/ Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed. I. Personal Mission Statement and SWOT Analysis 1 A. Compose a personal mission statement that defines your career objectives as a communications professional. B. Create an outline of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) that can support goal achievement or deter success. C. Develop a personal outline for goal attainment through delivery of measureable objectives within a specific timeline/ II. Communication Theory and Concepts A. Illustrate the basic communication theories and concepts within contemporary communication efforts. Consider demonstrating examples of global communication, digital communication, and efforts to address diverse, cultural audiences in your response. B. Discuss communication theory and concepts and how they impact the core of traditional communication efforts (print, radio, TV). C. Assess the value of developing new media messaging strategies that align with established communication theories and concepts. III. Ethical Communication Methods A. Explain the value of ethics in delivering accurate and balanced communications in a fast-paced contemporary environment. Support your explanation with specific examples. B. Illustrate the need for empathy and compassion in creating specific communication efforts in support of culturally diverse audiences to ensure comprehension. C. Identify recent, contemporary examples in which ethics were not considered in the communication messages, and suggest recommendations for correcting these situations and ensuring that ethical communications are created and distributed in the future. IV. Evolution of Communication and Technology A. Select a contemporary advancement in communication technology and explain how this evolution has impacted the family environment, relationships, and personal face-to-face communication efforts. Provide examples of both positive and negative outcomes due to this transition. B. Assess current communication and technological advancements in the educational realm. Provide examples to support your response. C. Explain the value of technology in the classroom as a mode for delivery of planned educational efforts, and the power of students to obtain scheduled education in the virtual realm. D. Explain the evolution of communication and technological advancements in the contemporary workplace as a mode for receipt and delivery of strategic messages. E. Compare the pros and cons of a digitally connected always-on work environment. V. Digital Media as Tools A. Identify industry-specific digital media formats and explain how they could be incorporated into a communications professional’s toolbox. B. Evaluate the use of digital media for networking and collaboration efforts—for example, its use in humanitarian efforts, international awareness, crises, and so on. C. Illustrate the value of digital media for communicating with cross-cultural, diverse global audiences. 2 VI. Goal Planning and Support A. Determine your support system and resources available to assist you with the accomplishment of your career goals/ �onsider potential role models, guides, and mentors, as well as any academic resources, professional groups, networks, and societies that could support your goals/ Provide a rationale for these determinations/ Deliverables Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading One �ommunication Theory and �oncepts Four Graded separately- Milestone One Rubric Two Ethical �ommunication Models Five Graded separately- Milestone Two Rubric Three Evolution of Communication and Technology Seven Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric Final Submission. Interview Presentation and Speaker Notes Nine Graded separately- Final Project Rubric Final Project Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your PowerPoint presentation must be 18–20 slides in length (plus a title slide and references) and must include !P! citations where necessary/ The speaker notes or transcript that you include with your presentation in a separate Microsoft Word document should be informed by your work on the critical elements outlined and all milestone assignments, as well as instructor feedback you received throughout the course/ Include at least three scholarly references outside of the resources given in this course, cited in !P! format on the reference slide/ Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Personal Mission Statement and SWOT !nalysis: Personal Mission Statement Meets “Proficient” criteria, and mission statement is exceptionally clear and contextualized �omposes a personal mission statement that defines career objectives as a communications professional �omposes a personal mission statement that defines career objectives as a communications professional, but statement has issues of clarity, or some objectives are unattainable Does not compose a personal mission statement
Answered 2 days AfterAug 06, 2022

Answer To: Table of ContentsModule Nine9-2 Final Project Presentation and Speaker Notes Submission 9-2 Final...

Banasree answered on Aug 08 2022
72 Votes
PowerPoint Presentation
Communication Specialist
S.W.O.T Analysis – Personal Mission
MAX – MAX Strategy
MAX Strategy
MAX – MIN Strategy
MIN – MIN Strategy
Strength – Organization core strength to compete the opponent.
WEAKNESS– Identify and develop a plan to improve upon
OPPORTUNITITIES – Analysis the market trends
THREATS – On which point competitor takes advantage of the organization
S.W.O.T – Goal Attainment
Goals, and Strategies
External Analysis
Internal Analysis
When experts consider the strategy, they must include the realistic approaches on basis of the external data and their resources and the capabilities. This will formulate the strategies including the corporate, competitive and the operational.
Contemporary Communication
High Expectations of Self
High Expectations of Employers .
Ongoing Learning
Immediate Responsibility
Goal Oriented
Traditional Communication
New Media Messaging Strategies
Customer / Stakeholder
Firm Wealth
Value of Ethics
Make sure the sheerness and morality
Recognize the firm Audience
Respect the client confidentiality...

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