Task 1 – Operational Plan Development This assessment task requires development of an operation plan for a business you have access to or for a simulated business. How to prepare the operational plan?...

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Task 1 – Operational Plan Development This assessment task requires development of an operation plan for a business you have access to or for a simulated business. How to prepare the operational plan? The operational plan details how the organization will accomplish the goals, objectives and strategies outlined in the strategic plan. It includes the actions to be undertaken in line with them strategic plan objectives, who are responsible for carrying out these actions, and the time frames, costs and key performance indicators associated with these actions. The operational plan should apply to the life of the strategic plan, but should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure sufficient progress is being made towards achieving the objectives and so priorities can be revised as necessary. The operational plan must include each of the elements stated below: · Business introduction and operation, service or project · Executive Summary (overview of the operational plan) · Business strategies/ objectives · Actions (key actions or component that you need to address with your operational plan so you will succeed with your planning. Think about resources planning, HR planning, quality, safety… 1. Plan physical resources effectively and efficiently. --> obj: increase production capacity by 50% end 2021 · Operational plan objectives (SMART) from you action above define objectives that are related to each action, you need to specify quantity and when you want the objective to be accomplished 1. Action: Plan physical resources effectively and efficiently. --> obj: increase production capacity by 50% end 2021 KPI are your objective represented proportionally into small time frames: 50%/10 months = increase production 5% per month · Consultation strategies, Prioritizing actions Stakeholders (who) Role in the consultation Priority level, engagement level Consultation method Employees Suggestions for improvement Low /high? · Process planning (steps of your operation) check power point, provide sequence of your operation steps/tasks · Production planning (number of services or units a day. Please provide formula and calculations) Average sales forecast per month= $ 25,200.00 Price per unit= $ 15.00 Number of output per month= $ forecast per month/ $ Price per unit= Decide on number of working days per month: 24 days, 30? The amount of output to be produced per day is: number of outputs per month/ number of working days= units/ services per day · Physical Resources needed Raw material needed for your operation of service Quantity per unit Total quantity based on production * calculated above Safety quantity Total quantity Cost per unit/kg/ Total cost Total cost Raw material ( add all costs) · Equipment and machinery List of equipment needed Equipment needed and machine Quantity need per unit Total quantity equipment needed based on daily production Extra equipment/ machinery Total quantity Cost unit Total cost Total cost equipment + machinery Calculation of the quantity Planned Rate of Production per day Total machinery needed= x Machine Productive Time per day Operation hours – (Setting up time + Down Time) Standard Production Time / Unit Recommendation and specifications to make physical resources more effective and efficient · Human Resources needed Worker Standard Production Time/ unit Planned Rate of Production per day Total labor needed= x Worker Productive Time per day Working hours per day – rest time or workers idling time Staff position No. of Staff Required Number of hours / month Salary/Month Total Total cost HR Provide some strategies about recruiting, inducting and developing personnel, acquiring physical resources and services to make them more effective and efficient · Licenses/ registrations needed · protecting intellectual property · Financial Resources (budget) needed Operating Expenses Monthly Yearly Raw material cost Equipment cost Labor Payrolls HR Intellectual property Licenses/ registrations/ Rent Utilities Insurance Other expenses Marketing Total Operating Expenses Forecast Total Sales Cost of goods to sold (Raw material cost) Gross profit (total sales- cost of goods to sold) Expenses (do not add again Raw material) Total profit /loss · Action Plan Key of success Objective Resources Procedures / Actions Responsible Timeframe Budget KPI What needs to be done Why we need to do it What needs to be done, previous How we will do it Who will do it When How much money is needed Measure of control KPI · Monitoring process and measurement Monitored item Responsible Frequency Referencing documents/ Resources · Risk Management (required table) Identified risk description Priority Mitigation strategy, prevention Contingency strategy Responsible Timeframe · Communication Plan (use table or paragraph description) Stakeholder/ audience Key interest and issues Method of communication Frequency · Review/ evaluation process · Approvals needed · Appendix (if any) pg. 2
Answered 6 days AfterFeb 25, 2021BSBMGT517Training.Gov.Au

Answer To: Task 1 – Operational Plan Development This assessment task requires development of an operation plan...

Moumita answered on Mar 03 2021
141 Votes
Running Head: OPERATION PLAN         1
Executive Summary
    The operation plan will be how to set up a cafe and ensure that the consumers are happy with the services. The cafe will be in the centre of town. The operation plan of the cafe will include the materials needed, the goals they need to achieve, the various strategies that will go into keeping the company worki
ng and sustaining itself and actions that will be done in order to set up the cafe. The operation plan will also have the period and key performance indicator in place to understand if the goals are being achieved and if the operation plan is successful.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary    2
Business introduction and operation, service or project    4
Business strategies/objectives    4
Actions    4
Operational plan objectives    5
Process planning    7
Production planning    7
References    18
Business introduction and operation, service or project
    The business is going to be a Cafe. The Cafe will be in the centre of town and be a combination of a Library and a cafe. It will be a space where people can do their work and there will be special rooms for conferences as well. This Cafe will cater to people who are looking to do work in a cafe environment, people who want to have a relaxing day in the library and corporate looking for teams. This cafe will have a continental menu along with a bakery and different types of coffee such as black, frappes and cappuccinos.
Business strategies/objectives
    The first action would be to secure a place. The goal is to find a place in the centre of town close to the centre of the business. The centre of town will make it easier for the different people across the city to be able to come. The location is integral to the success of the cafe. This is why it is important for the location to be convenient and accessible.
    The second action would be the décor (Skowrońska-Szmer & Węgrzyn, 2020). The decor would have to be setting up the library portion of the cafe. This will include ordering the books and setting up the book drawers. The decor will also include the conference rooms, kitchen, dining table and the library section of the cafe.
    The third action would be setting up the kitchen and the coffee machine. This is very important to the consumers visiting again (Kim et al., 2020). The kitchen and the coffee machine will give rise to the menu. This another action would lead to designing the menu. The menu will determine the consumer basis.
    The fourth action would be to build the relationship with the suppliers. The suppliers will be key to the food being made. The supplier relations are very important and only if the relationship is strong, will the cafe sustain itself.
    The fifth action would be to hire the right people (Yu et al., 2020). The servers, the chefs and other staff are also important. This is why hiring should be done well and the staff should be excellent, loyal and hardworking.
Operational plan objectives
    The objectives will be based on the actions that were previously planned
· The first objective is to find a location in central part of town
· The second objective is to find a location within the budget of the firm
· The third objective is to start putting out job alerts for the employees
· The fourth objective is to create a hiring process for the employees
· The fifth objective is to find a supplier
· The sixth objective is to form a relationship with the supplier and create a contract for 6 months as a preliminary trial of the supplies
· The seventh objective is to order the books and decide the genres that will be kept
· The eight objective is to decorate the cafe
· The ninth objective will be to decide the furniture and amount of people that can be seated at once at the cafe.
· The tenth objective is to set up the coffee machine and the kitchen and enable it to cook items on the menu
· The eleventh objective is to create and design a menu.
Consultation strategies and Prioritizing actions
    Stakeholders (who)
    Role in the consultation
    Priority level, engagement level

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