The company is Amazon. I have attached the challenge that has been selected, please review. we are now in Incharge of section 3 which is "two related actions towards its implementation". I have also...

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The company is Amazon. I have attached the challenge that has been selected, please review. we are now in Incharge of section 3 which is "two related actions towards its implementation". I have also included the TWO finalized related actions. All that's left to do is make 2 -4 full power point slides actually going into depth with the two related actions explained in text message in the attachment.
so the problem/ challenge is given .

the 2 related actions all ready given .

all left to do is 2-4 slides on the 2 selected related actions that's are already chosen. please dont change them just expand and convert into 2-4 power point slides. include citations


What are we discussing today? We will talk about one serious challenge that AMAZON is facing Secondly we will talk 0 about how we can mitigate this issue. Thirdly we will discuss two related actions towards its implementation. Lately, let's share a fun fact! A CHALLENGE: Extreme Competition &® As Amazon has extremely low entry barriers, TOO 7 & , MANY SELLER are entering the market by selling the SAME PRODUCTS. .. Leading to a Price War Let's dive in and get to know some interesting facts! | think this is one of the actions "Only Amazon Products” area, which will focus on the seller's products that are only sold on Amazon. " 12:12 PM we can just expand more on that 12:13 PM Another one could be: Through data collection systems, we can put a restriction on how many sellers with the same product can apply to the Amazon business platform - this increases the entry barrier and forces potential sellers to become more innovative with their products and differentiate them from other sellers
Answered 3 days AfterNov 12, 2023

Answer To: The company is Amazon. I have attached the challenge that has been selected, please review. we are...

Ayan answered on Nov 15 2023
27 Votes
Slide 1
Section 3
Mitigation Action 1: "Only Amazon Products" Area
The goal of the suggested mitigating measure of creating a special "Only Amazon Products" area is to carve out a niche for distinctive and inventive products in response to the growing challenge of increased competition and
an increasing prevalence of identical products on the Amazon marketplace. This section is purposefully created to highlight products that are only available on Amazon, which helps to create a feeling of exclusivity, boost awareness, and possibly lessen the negative consequences of a pricing war.
Implementation Steps
Identification of Eligible Products: Establishing the standards for products that qualify to be included in the "Only Amazon Products" section is an essential first step in launching this program. This could include goods that are only available on Amazon, products that are the result of special partnerships with the website, or goods that have unique qualities that aren't found anywhere else. It takes a committed team or an automated method to thoroughly review submissions and make sure that the goods that are chosen meet the requirements for exclusivity (Bloodstein & Ben).
Communication with Sellers: It is essential to inform vendors about this endeavor in an effective manner. The advantages of having their items displayed in this special area, which include improved visibility, the possibility of higher sales, and a competitive advantage, should be understood by sellers. Ensuring that product submission procedures are well-defined and supported can help provide a seamless onboarding experience.
Regular Updates: Updates on a frequent basis are necessary to keep the "Only Amazon Products" section lively. This guarantees that the department stays interesting and appealing to consumers, enticing them to browse and find novel and distinctive products. It is possible to establish periodic evaluations of the products on display to guarantee continued compliance with qualifying requirements.
Promotion and Marketing: The aggressive marketing of the "Only Amazon Products" section is a crucial component of the execution. Targeted marketing initiatives on and off the Amazon platform can help achieve this (Lee, Kwok Hao & Leon Musolff). Utilizing email newsletters, social media, and other platforms will help spread the word about this special area and draw visitors.
Monitoring and Feedback: Putting in place a strong mechanism to track user reviews is essential to the "Only Amazon Products" area's long-term viability. Analyzing client happiness and comments on a regular basis will give light on how effective the program is. This feedback loop can help determine what needs to be changed in terms of the eligibility requirements or the general caliber of the products that are highlighted.
Potential Benefits:
Product Differentiation: Sellers are encouraged to introduce distinctive and inventive products to the market by...

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