OCR Document Department of Business Page 1 of 6 HND Assignment Brief Session: February 2019 Programme title BTEC Level 5 RQF HND in Hospitality Management Unit number and title 3 Professional Identity...

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 The work you submit must be in your own words. If you use a quote or an illustration from somewhere you must give the source.  Include a list of references at the end of your document. You must give all your sources of information.  Make sure your work is clearly presented and that you use readily understandable English.  Wherever possible use a word processor and its “spell-checker”.

OCR Document Department of Business Page 1 of 6 HND Assignment Brief Session: February 2019 Programme title BTEC Level 5 RQF HND in Hospitality Management Unit number and title 3 Professional Identity and Practice Assignment number & title 1 of 1 Personal Skill Audit and Professional Development Plan Unit Leader David Boyd Assessor (s) David Boyd Issue Date Final assignment submission deadline 10-15 June 2019 Late submission deadline 17-22 June 2019 The learners are required to follow the strict deadline set by the College for submissions of assignments in accordance with the BTEC level 4 – 5 submission guidelines and College policy on submissions. Resubmission deadline TBA Feedback In-class feedback will be available from formative assessment of the initial submissions based on each learning outcome. Final feedback will be available within 2 – 3 weeks of the assignment submission date. General Guidelines  The work you submit must be in your own words. If you use a quote or an illustration from somewhere you must give the source.  Include a list of references at the end of your document. You must give all your sources of information.  Make sure your work is clearly presented and that you use readily understandable English.  Wherever possible use a word processor and its “spell-checker”. Internal verifier Signature (IV of the brief) * Date Department of Business Page 2 of 6 ICON College of Technology and Management Pearson BTEC Level 5 RQF HND in Hospitality Management Unit 3: Personal and Professional Development (Level 4) Session: February 2019 This Unit will be assessed by a written assignment and a mock job interview. Assignment Context and Scenario This assignment is aimed at assessing the learner’s ability to demonstrate the role and significance of continuous professional development and its benefits to both the employees and the employers. This also requires the learner to assess her or her own skills and competences as well as the different learning and development approaches so that a professional development plan can be constructed and implemented. The learner is also required to demonstrate the ability to prepare himself or herself to apply for jobs and face interviews professionally and meet the expected standards and required transferable skills, whether in hospitality or travel and tourism industry. The learner will carry out this assignment under the four learning outcomes as follows: The activities in this coursework assignment are all based on the scenario provided above but your discussion should also be supported by relevant theories and concepts whenever deemed necessary. Learning Outcome 1: Explore the importance of on-going professional development and self-directed learning to enhance professional identity and career opportunities Discuss the role of on-going professional development in an organisation and examine its benefits to the employees and employers in an organisation of your choice. For a specific travel and tourism or hospitality organisation, investigate the employer expectations of professional skills and standards. Evaluate the importance of on-going professional development and the associated professional skills requirements within the context of your chosen organisation. Critically evaluate your own skills and competencies to meet the employer expectation of professional skills required for employment within a specific job role you have chosen. Learning Outcome 2: Assess own skills, competences and the different learning and development approaches For a specific job role in your sector, systematically assess your skills, abilities and competences using appropriate methods and techniques. Review a range of learning theories or models and approaches used to explain personal and professional development process. Evaluate your own skills and competencies and the most appropriate developmental approach to develop personal and professional skills for the chosen job role. Department of Business Page 3 of 6 Learning Outcome 3: Design a professional development plan, within a specific work context Based on the skills and competences reviewed in learning outcome 2, construct a professional development plan to enhance chosen skills and competences within a specific work context. Provide a detailed development plan that applies underpinning learning and development theory, in a specific work context. Produce a comprehensive development plan that sets out clear and achievable targets, strategies and outcomes of learning and training within a specific work context. Learning Outcome 4: Demonstrate a range of service industry and transferable skills for a job application Activity: Mock Interview (Learner may present a portfolio of credential, including an updated CV) Prepare and apply for a suitable travel and tourism sector job and undertake a job interview in a controlled environment and review key strengths and weaknesses of the job interview process. Evaluate the job interview process emphasising on the obstacles and the challenges your may have to overcome and produce a detailed and coherent critical reflection of the interview process and your own abilities during the process. Department of Business Page 4 of 6 Relevant Information 1. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria Learning Outcome Pass Criteria Merit Criteria Distinction Criteria LO1 Explore the importance of on-going professional development and self-directed learning to enhance professional identity and career opportunities P1 Examine the key benefits of on-going professional development for different stakeholders within a specific organisation P2 Investigate professional employer expectations of skills and competencies within a specific organisational context M1 Evaluate the importance of on-going professional development and the associated professional skills requirements within a specific organisational context. D1 Critically evaluate own skills and competencies to meet the employer expectation of professional skills required for employment within a specific job role. LO2 Assess own skills, competences and the different learning and development approaches P3 Assess own abilities, skills, and competences for a specific job role P4 Review a range of learning theories and approaches used for personal and professional development processes M2 Evaluate own skills and competences and the most appropriate development approach to develop personal and professional skills for a specific job role LO3 Design a professional development plan, within a specific work context P5 Construct a development plan to enhance chosen skills and competencies within a specific work context M3 Provide a detailed development plan that applies underpinning learning and development theory, in a specific work context D2 Produce a comprehensive development plan that sets out clear and achievable targets, strategies and outcomes of learning and training within a specific work context LO4 Demonstrate a range of service industry and transferable skills for a job application P6 Undertake a job interview for a suitable service industry role P7 Review key strengths and weaknesses of an applied interview process M4 Evaluate a job interview process and the obstacle and challenges to overcome D3 Produce a detailed and coherent critical reflection of an interview process and own abilities during this process Department of Business Page 5 of 6 2. Preparation guidelines of the Coursework Document a. All coursework must be word processed. b. Document margins must not be more than 2.54 cm (1 inch) or less than 1.9cm (3/4 inch). c. Font size must be within the range of 10 point to 14 point including the headings and body text (preferred font size is 11). d. Standard and commonly used type face such as Arial should be used. e. All figures, graphs and tables must be numbered. f. Material taken from external sources must be properly refereed and cited within the text using Harvard standard g. Do not use Wikipedia as a reference. h. Word limit must be strictly followed. 3. Plagiarism and Collusion Any act of plagiarism or collusion will be seriously dealt with according to the College regulations. In this context the definition and scope of plagiarism and collusion are presented below: Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort. Collusion is copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism or collusion will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the college procedure. (For details on Plagiarism & Collusion please see the student hand book) 4. Submission a. Initial submission of coursework to the tutors is compulsory in each unit of the course. b. Student must check their assignments on ICON VLE with plagiarism software Turnitin to make sure the similarity index for their assignment stays within the College approved level. A student can check the similarity index of their assignment three times in the Draft Assignment submission point located in the home page of the ICON VLE. c. All Final coursework must be submitted to the Final submission point into the unit (not to the Tutor). A student would be allowed to submit only once and that is the final submission. d. Any computer files generated such as program code (software), graphic files that form part of the coursework must be submitted as an attachment
Answered Same DayMay 23, 2021UNIT 3

Answer To: OCR Document Department of Business Page 1 of 6 HND Assignment Brief Session: February 2019...

Akansha answered on May 27 2021
136 Votes
Personal Skill Audit and Professional development plan    1
Hospitality Industry
Professional identity
Personal skill audit and professional development plan
Name of the child                _______________________________
Student ID                     _______________________________
Name of the University                ________________________________
Hospitality Industry    1
Introduction    3
Ongoing professional development and its benefits at Ramada    3
Evaluation of skills and competencies    4
Assessment of skills and abilities using learning theories and models to explain the personal/professional development process    5
The self-management technique    6
Metacognitive theory of learning    6
The social learning theory    6
Evaluating own skills a
nd competencies    7
Constructing a Professional development plan    7
Table for Professional development plan    9
Outcomes of a professional development plan    9
CV sample and obstacles and challenges faced in the interview    9
Review of strengths of job interview process    10
Obstacles and challenges faced    11
Conclusion    11
References    12
Ramada chain of hotels is a UA certified multinational chain of hotels which is owned by Wyndham Hotels and Resorts. They have long chain of around 800 hotels widespread in 63 countries with its headquarters in New Jersey, USA. Ramada Jarvis is a 4-star chain of Ramada hotels based in UK, and few hotels of its chain are managed on international levels. The hotel serves its expertise in the hospitality industry and the headquarters are based in High Wycombe, England. They have around 15 branches based in UK. The hotels tend to serve their best hospitality in terms of ambient rooms and suites, sleek and relaxed rooms, lounge bars and restaurants, swimming pools for recreation and entertainment. Ramada by Wyndham is an exquisite brand that has been serving the travellers and people coming for business trips since 1954. The hotel is portraying being unique with every branch they place, their highly inspirational designs legacy of the food served and contemporary working staff. They strive to make the stay a memorable experience. The brand has become an attractive option among the travellers (Bavik, 2016).
Ongoing professional development and its benefits at Ramada
Ongoing professional development for any hospitality company is a method of evaluating the knowledge and skills as well as the experience which is gained from formal and informal sources, without any official training. Experience the things and implementing it into the business is an on gong professional development. It helps the individuals to stay in competition throughout their profession. Ramada hotel, whose parent owner is Wyndham, specializes in presenting a highly valuable and comprehensive benefits for the employees. Their goal, as a hospitality company is to leverage the size and approach to simplify the daily operations that take pace in the hotel, reducing the costs of doing business wherever required etc (El-Sayed and El-Ghobashy, 2010).
The employees at Ramada, use an extensive approach, e commerce, concrete PR and sales teams, development of pilot programs an strive to deliver the best experiences for their guests. The Ramada Revolution, justifies the continuous professional development. The management team at Ramada have joined hands to stay competitive to enhance the market share of the hotel, and improving the overall quality of the services offered. To accomplish this, the team has implemented a Personal Best hospitality program which is being uniquely designed to handle all the challenges of quality, simultaneously meeting the needs of the employees as well as of the organization. The benefits of CPD can be seen from the perspective of both the employers and employees. Ramada employees have enhanced their skills using CPD. It also assures of the fact that the qualifications are up to date. It has helped them in developing their confidence and the courage to cope with the challenges positively (Haq, 2012).
An ongoing professional development has made Ramada maintain the standards overseas. The company is working consistently to improve by using an efficient work management force who are committed to their professions. As they have a number of employees at various branches, undertaking CPD for their employees also inculcates the feeling of sharing of skills and experiences along with motivational support. CPD has also contribute to increase Ramada’s staff potential, boost their morale, and set a benchmark in the market. The senior managers are consequently using it for improvement of the standards of the hotel (Khajeh Nobar and Rostamzadeh, 2018).
Evaluation of skills and competencies
I chose to be a Senior Hotel Manger at Ramada in one of the branches of UK. The hospitality industry has a wider concept and requires lot of hard work in convincing, pleasing and satisfying the customers. Holding this role, I would be responsible for handling the hotel executive team and other targets, to ensure the best hospitality and a memorable experience for the guests. Managing profitability will be an integral part of my role. As I will be leading the hotel and the entire responsibility lies on my shoulders, my skills would include the following (Lee, 2017):
· Excellent communication, and knowledge of foreign languages- More effective the communication is, healthy will be the business. It also helps in achieving business goals, and better understanding with the customers. It allows all the team members to be specific in what they communicate.
· Capability to work as a team- The Manager of any firm must have the potential to bind all the employees as a team and work in cohesion. He must possess the capability to establish a right goal-oriented team. The team must possess a working attitude, which works in the right direction, saves time which will yield better results in future.
· Highly motivational for my teammates
· Ability to keep discipline amongst my team
· How to stay cool under work pressure.
· Helps make the team oriented towards a common goal
· Set clear goals with a broader visibility – The team members of any organization must have a clarity of the possible changes. A small part of democracy can be implemented, in which all the team members can be asked to focus on the goals set by the organization.
· Using of innovative techniques- All the employees must be encouraged to display their thoughts and capabilities. Specially, when the organization is in need, they must be allowed to express freely. All the employees must use latest techniques and methodologies, they must not possess the fear, that if they are ridiculed by the organization, they will fear to speak freely, when there is brainstorm in any firm, a bright idea seems not working at first sight, but at the end of the day, such ideas lead to grand decisions.
Assessment of skills and abilities using learning theories and models to explain the personal/professional development process
Under the job role that I have taken, I need to balance various responsibilities and duties assigned to me. My skill set would include all the attributes that make me successful and competitive. This would include communication, team building, financial skills...

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