There are two research paper where words are divided into 500 qualitative and 500 quantitative. Their are some questions below research paper answer those questions with intext citation please don't...

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There are two research paper where words are divided into 500 qualitative and 500 quantitative. Their are some questions below research paper answer those questions with intext citation please don't miss intext citation

2. Provide full references and the ABDC journal ranking category (rating A*, A, B or C) of each selected articles in this individual assignment. Submit a pdf copy of the journals or provide the URL access link if a pdf copy is not available.Analyse the rationale given by the authors for the technique employed in data collection in each of the business research studies. In your analysis, determine whether the data collection technique is appropriate in each study.

3. Evaluate the differences in data collection procedure and instrument used in each of the techniques.

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages reported by the authors in using the respective technique in data collection? Are there any advantages or/and disadvantages not reported by the authors? Assess how these disadvantages may negatively impact the study and recommend strategies to overcome or mitigate the impact from these disadvantages.

5.Briefly describe the data analysis techniques used in these studies. Evaluate the differences in data format and data analysis methods between the studies.

6. Critically assess secondary data as a substitute and as a supplement to data collected through the quantitative and qualitative techniques in the studies

Why do women not use skilled birth attendance service? An explorative qualitative study in north West Ethiopia RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Why do women not use skilled birth attendance service? An explorative qualitative study in north West Ethiopia Biruhtesfa Bekele Shiferaw1,2* and Lebitsi Maud Modiba1,2 Abstract Background: Having a birth attendant with midwifery skills during childbirth is an effective intervention to reduce maternal and early neonatal morbidity and mortality. Nevertheless, many women in Ethiopia still deliver a baby at home. The current study aimed at exploring and describing reasons why women do not use skilled delivery care in North West Ethiopia. Methods: This descriptive explorative qualitative research was done in two districts of West Gojjam Zone in North West Ethiopia. Fourteen focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted with pregnant women and mothers who delivered within one year. An inductive thematic analysis approach was employed to analyse the qualitative data. The data analysis adhered to reading, coding, displaying, reducing, and interpreting data analysis steps. Results: Two major themes client-related factors and health system-related factors emerged. Factors that emerged within the major theme of client-related were socio-cultural factors, fear of health facility childbirth, the nature of labour, lack of antenatal care (ANC) during pregnancy, lack of health facility childbirth experience, low knowledge and poor early care-seeking behaviour. Under the major theme of health system-related factors, the sub-themes that emerged were low quality of service, lack of respectful care, and inaccessibility of health facility. Conclusions: This study identified a myriad of supply-side and client-related factors as reasons given by pregnant women, for not giving birth in health institution. These factors should be redressed by considering the specific supply-side and community perspectives. The results of this study provide evidence that could help policymakers to develop strategies to address barriers identified, and improve utilisation of skilled delivery service. Keywords: Home delivery, Skilled delivery service, Health system-related factors, Maternal mortality, Client-related factors, Ethiopia Background Globally, the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) reduced by 38%, that is from 342/100,000 live births in 2000 to 211/100,000 live births in 2017. However, 295,000 ma- ternal deaths occurred in 2017 worldwide. Unsurpris- ingly, developing countries accounted for about 86% of the estimated maternal deaths in the same year, with sub-Saharan countries alone accounting for 66% of the maternal deaths [1]. Likewise, though the MMR in Ethiopia reduced substantially from 871 deaths/100,000 live births to 412 deaths/100,000 live births between 2000 and 2016, the MMR is still very high [2]. The overwhelming maternal deaths happened due to haem- orrhage, hypertensive disorders, sepsis, abortion, embol- ism, complications of anaesthesia, and peripartum cardiomyopathy [3, 4]. © The Author(s). 2020 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. * Correspondence: [email protected] 1Department of Health Studies, University of South Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2Department of Health Studies, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa Shiferaw and Modiba BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2020) 20:633 mailto:[email protected] A variety of clinical and community-level strategies and interventions should be put into practice across the continuum of care to reduce maternal mortality. Among these, skilled maternity care could avert a substantial proportion of women’s death during and following preg- nancy and delivery [5–7]. Besides, the availability and provision of emergency obstetric and neonatal care (EmONC) in health institutions, to treat life-threatening complications, is an essential requirement to avert of a significant proportion of the maternal deaths [6, 8, 9]. Based on the United Nations (UN) recommended mini- mum standard (5 EmONC facilities/500,000 population), the availability of functioning EmONC in heath facility in Ethiopia was found to be only 40%. The met need for EmONC was also very low (18%) [10]. As stated in the Ethiopian mini demographic and health survey 2019, the percentage of live births attended by a skilled provider has substantially increased from 5% in 2005 to 48% in 2019. Nevertheless, the percentage of live births that occurred in health institutions is still low [11]. Several studies conducted in Ethiopia identified multitudinous bottlenecks and challenges to skilled de- livery service use though a significant share of the evi- dences emanates from quantitative studies. Low maternal education, being rural residents, multiparty, lack of awareness of ANC, remoteness /lack of transpor- tation to health institution, inexperience of obstetric complications and care in previous delivery, lack of birth preparedness and complication readiness, poor decision making power women, and low awareness of obstetric care were identified as deterrents to skilled delivery ser- vice use [12–17]. Furthermore, a qualitative study con- ducted in southern Ethiopia revealed that reliance on traditional birth attendant over skilled maternity care provider, low quality of service, disallowing companions to enter labour and delivery room, socio-cultural factors, economic factors, lack of privacy, information gap, poor reception, poor knowledge and skills of staffs, shortage of staff, and negative health facility childbirth experience discerned these factors to be deterrents to skilled deliv- ery service use [18, 19]. Many countries including Ethiopia registered tremen- dous achievements in majority of the Millennium Devel- opment Goals (MDGs), and targets during the 15 year period (2000–2015). Leaders from 189 countries desired to build on the successes of the MDGs and go further, and created an ambitious plan called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The new sets of goals with specific targets, i.e. SDGs that lasts between 2015 and 2030, has been developed with 17 goals. These goals build on the gains and successes of the MDGs and fur- ther accelerate the global development. Hence, the inter- national community is on a crusade to reduce MMR to less than 70/100,000 live births by 2030, which is a target set to be achieved during the SDGs period [20]. Since Ethiopia adopted the SDGs and aspires to achieve these goals and targets the Ethiopian government has set a target of reducing MMR from 420 to 199/100,000 live births between 2015 and 2020, in the national five years health sector transformation plan. Thus, a set of high impact interventions and strategies including family planning, focused ANC, skilled birth service, early postnatal care, improved health facility coverage, and expansion of emergency obstetric services are being im- plemented to reduce maternal mortality [21]. Many quantitative studies have been conducted in Ethiopia to find out why mothers prefer for home child- birth. A few qualitative research studies were also under- taken to explore the barriers and deterrents for skilled delivery service use in the study districts. Therefore, the objective of this study was to make an in-depth explor- ation and describe why pregnant mothers choose for home childbirth in North West Ethiopia. The results of this study aim to provide inputs to the development of strategies to improve skilled delivery ser- vice uptake, and corresponding declines in maternal morbidity and mortality. Methods This study was part of a bigger research project by the researchers (Biruhtesfa Bekele and LM Modiba) and details of the research methods have been published elsewhere [22]. Study setting The research was done in two rural districts (Womberema and Burie Zuria) of the Amhara region in North West Ethiopia. Primarily, the Amhara regional state was selected for this study because of the low coverage of skilled deliv- ery service (27.1%) [2]. By selecting this region, which was identified as having low performance in skilled delivery service, the study intended to inform designing of strat- egies that will help in improving utilization of skilled deliv- ery care. By doing so, an in-depth understanding of reasons for poor or no utilization of skilled delivery care, was critical. As data acquired from regional routine health management information system (HMIS) reports evi- denced, there was a variation in coverage of skilled deliv- ery performance among health institutions and district health offices in the study region. Though several districts had low performance, a few of them were performing well. Our study focused on the districts with low performance in skilled delivery care. Well-performing districts in skilled delivery care were excluded from the study, because this research was not a comparison study. Each of the study districts comprised of 20 rural kebeles, 4 health centers, and 20 health posts. We pur- posively selected 7 kebeles for this study, 4 of them were Shiferaw and Modiba BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2020) 20:633 Page 2 of 14 from Burie Zuria District and the remaining three kebeles were from Womberema district. The detail of the sampling of the research sites is portrayed in Fig. 1. Study design, participants and sampling procedure A qualitative descriptive explorative study design was employed to explore and describe why pregnant women in North West Ethiopia do not use skilled delivery ser- vice. A descriptive qualitative research was done because the phenomenon of interest in the current study has been well-defined, and because of the need to describe the subject of study accurately and present a detailed picture or accounts of the phenomenon of interest [23]. In view of this, the coverage of utilization of skilled de- livery care in the study districts and region has been well known and many quantitative researches have been con- ducted on the subject under study. Therefore, this de- scriptive qualitative research was done aimed at describing and presenting a detailed accounts or pictures on why mothers do not use skilled delivery care in the study areas. To capture reasons for home childbirth, data were col- lected from pregnant women, and mothers who deliv- ered in the past one year. The research participants were purposively included in the study if they had previously given birth once or more at home, in health institution or both. The study subjects were identified through health extension workers (HEWs), who work in the se- lected kebeles and serve the community by providing basic promotive, preventive, and selected curative ser- vices. We also corroborated whether the selected partici- pants fulfilled the inclusion criteria
Answered 1 days AfterMay 13, 2021

Answer To: There are two research paper where words are divided into 500 qualitative and 500 quantitative....

Jose answered on May 14 2021
152 Votes
The University of Queensland
Running Head: Management
Article Analysis
Student Submitting:
Due Date: 14/5/2021
1.0 Introduction
There exist a clear difference between the qualitative
and quantitative research study. The data and tools used in the qualitative and quantitative research studies are different. In this research paper we are analysing two journal articles one is qualitative and the other one quantitative, we are also analysing differences in data format and data analysis methods between the studies.
2.0 Body
2. Analysing the Rationale Given by the Authors for the Technique Employed in Data Collection in Each of the Business Research Studies
While analysing the quantitative research study we can understand that technique used by the authors are effective for understanding more about the problem. The authors collected data from two distant sites by using observation and site visit methods. The data collection technique used by the authors appropriate for understanding the sublethal effects
of air pollution on pollinators (Mullen et al 2020,p.20653).
While analysing the qualitative research study we can understand that authors used descriptive explorative qualitative research for studying the reasons why women do not use skilled delivery care in North West Ethiopia (Modiba et al 2020, p.1). The authors conducted fourteen focused group discussions and an inductive thematic analysis approach was used for analysing the data. From the article, it is clear that the researcher used more than one tool for collecting data from different sources and it helped for getting more information about the problem.
3. Differences in Data Collection Procedure and Instrument Used in Each of the Articles
While analysing both articles we can understand that the data collection procedure and instrument used is different. Most of the researchers stated that while selecting the data collection tool or procedure for conducting a research study we have to understand the nature and scope of the topic.
    Data Collection Procedure and Instrument Used
    Quantitative Research study
    Observation method, site visit, Laboratory rearing rooms, used Welch ANOVA test and Dunnett’s T3 multiple comparisons test
    Qualitative Research Study...

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