This essay will be about houston food bank and I have attached the requirements and questions that need to be answered on the image. This is due Friday 04/07/23 at 7Am

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This essay will be about houston food bank and I have attached the requirements and questions that need to be answered on the image. This is due Friday 04/07/23 at 7Am

(WX 8 FX 1 y Ze A Il ST XW, AY Please make sure you include: 1. The reflection paper (In PDF format) 2. The volunteer paper from Houston Food Bank or another Non-Profit Organization (Image or PDF format) Here are the requirements of the Service Learning Writing Assignment (Reflection Paper) Service Learning Writing Assignment o Critical Reflective Essay (25pts) » Service Learning attendance (25) Total points for project LVN 1. Service Learning Critical Reflection Writing Assignment A. Provide a 2 — 3 page (at least 1000 words) summary of your service learning field experience with the Houston Food Bank (HFB). Be sure to include at least the following elements: o How are the following terms similar and how are they different: service learning, volunteerism and community service o A brief overview/history/mission of the community partner (Houston Food Bank or HFB) o What project were you assigned at the HFB and what were your duties o As you reflect on the service teams with HFB, give consideration to the following terms reviewed in your course. Specifically, each student should define the term and provide examples of how the person was involved in it during the service learning experience o Teamwork o Communication o Networking o In closing, the student's final paragraph should reflect and describe how this experience has influenced his or her world view(e.g. enhanced sense of personal values and civic responsibility)
Answered 1 days AfterApr 06, 2023

Answer To: This essay will be about houston food bank and I have attached the requirements and questions that...

Deblina answered on Apr 07 2023
30 Votes
Houston Food Bank: Reflection Paper         2
Table of Contents
Organization Overview    3
Reflection    3
References    7
Organization Overview
The Houston Food B
ank is a non-profit making organization that provides food for individuals and families in the Houston region of Texas. This foodbank was founded in 1982 and has since then grown into one of the largest food banks in the country. Presently the organization operates to distribute food to over 1500 community partners in 18 counties in the southeast of Texas serving more than 800,000 individuals every year. The organization collects on distributes food donations from individuals, groceries, restaurants, and other sources and they also purchase food to supplement their inventory (Schuler et al., 2019). In addition to distributing food, they also offer nutrition education programs and other services to help families and individual to improve their health and well-being.
I have been a part of a service-learning program with the organization and have learned about the issues related to food insecurity and hunger in the area where the organization operates. Through hands-on experience and volunteering at the food bank, I obtained an understanding of the logistics involved in distributing food to those in need. The operation in the organization included sorting and packaging donated food items and organizing the food driver and delivery of food to the partner agencies and the community centres. I have also learned about the challenges faced by families and individuals whose struggle with food security and the impact that access to healthy food and have on the overall health and well-being of the families and individuals. In this particular organization, I had been a part of a project that was focused on developing a social media campaign to raise awareness about food insecurity and the work of the Houston Food Bank (Ranjit, 2020). The campaign in which I had been path was supposed to undertake a social media campaign that involved creating social media posts and graphics that highlight the issue of hunger and promote food bank services and volunteer opportunities. The project involved researching effective social media strategies and developing a content calendar that included a variety of posts and Statistics about food insecurity and personal stories from individuals who have received assistants from the Food Bank. These were...

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