This is an INDIVIDUAL, WRITTEN assessment. You are required to design an A2-sized poster to demonstrate your visualisation, summarising, prioritising and synthesising skills (these are all key skills...

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This is an INDIVIDUAL, WRITTEN assessment. You are required to design an A2-sized poster to demonstrate your visualisation, summarising, prioritising and synthesising skills (these are all key skills in Design Thinking!). An effective poster is a communication tool that utilises structure, graphics and text to clearly convey complex messages, while being visually appealing and engaging; text, albeit important, is used sparingly. It is the responsibility of the poster's designer to ensure that the poster is self-explanatory and does not require extensive interpretation from the audience.

In order to complete this assessment, you are required to design a poster, which clearly addresses the following question:What is personal reflection and why is it so important for Design Thinking?Being able to self-reflect is important for self-growth and maturity. Self-reflection allow us to re-run moments in our thinking and learn from them. Self-reflection assists in improving our communication, helps inform our decisions, and further strengthens the way we can visualise outcomes by our actions. It is a process that develops meaning from experience. It is a critical factor in helping to solve Design Thinking problems.

To be successful in this assessment, you are required to research academic/scholarly (published in peer-reviewed journals) literature and make use of effective and suitable visualisation techniques in order to design a carefully constructed and logical poster, which clearly displays your answer to the above question.
More specifically, your poster should:

  • clearly address the question;

  • be logically structured and aesthetically pleasing;

  • refer to correct material you have read in the literature (you should include a MINIMUM of 3 scholarly references - in-text references and a reference list in APA style must be included on the poster; please see Moodle for some examples of how this can be achieved in a visually pleasing manner);

  • present a clear and concise message (in title and other content);

  • contain sufficient detail that a layperson (without specific background in Design Thinking) can understand what you are trying to say;

  • use relevant visualisation techniques* to visually display the message and content of your poster; and

  • use text sparingly (a MAXIMUM of 300 words, excluding reference list, is permitted).

*NOTE:This may include graphics, but you need to remember that this does NOT mean cutting and pasting graphics from the internet or other sources - plagiarism of visual content will be treated in the same manner as plagiarism of text. You must use ONE SINGLE PowerPoint slide as your poster (see template on Moodle)
Answered Same DayAug 02, 2021MGMT20144Central Queensland University

Answer To: This is an INDIVIDUAL, WRITTEN assessment. You are required to design an A2-sized poster to...

Azra S answered on Aug 06 2021
149 Votes
Design Thinking
Design Thinking
Importance for Design Thinki
All stages rely on Reflection or Incubation
Empathy starts with reflecting on the way customer feels.
Reflecting after Ideation is also a part of Reflection
Prototyping and testing are done in order to reflect on outcome
Helps solve Design Thinking problems (Welsh & Dehler, 2013)
Reflection of the subconscious mind in relation to a stimuli.
Takes time, maybe days or weeks,
Very important for design
Is core of creative practice and competence (Liedtka, 2015)
It is a process of thinking that understands customers, challenges conventions and creates innovation in relation to a product or a problem (Razzouk & Shute, 2012).

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