u. Submitting your work (cont.) What is the format for assessment document name? uAT number - Task Name u (Here "AT" stands for "Assessment Task") u e.g. AT1 - Knowledge Questions u AT2 - Project...

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u. Submitting your work (cont.)

What is the format for assessment document name?

uAT number - Task Name

u (Here "AT" stands for "Assessment Task")

u e.g. AT1 - Knowledge Questions

u AT2 - Project Portfolio

uWhat is the format for attached document name?

uAT2 x.y - appendix name

uHere ”AT” stands for “Assessment Task”, x for Section number and y for attachment number

u e.g. AT2 1.2 - Policies and Procedures

u AT2 3.3 - Meeting presentation

u1. Complete the table outlining reliable information relevant to workplace processes.

Sourceof Information


Way of procurement


Fairwork Act, Corporations Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act (Choose one or two)

Search online

Consulting lawyers


CEO, CFO, managers, suppliers, clients

Consultation, interview, survey

Organisational policies & procedures

code of conduct, performance review policy, invoices

Coaching, training, mentoring

u2. Describe how legislation may be applicable to workplace problems (provide an example as part of your answer).


uYou may want to consider the following logic to think of:

u1) what legislation really is all about,

u2) why we need rules at all, and

u3) how we can apply rules to workplace problems.

3. Describe how organisational policies and procedures may be applicable to workplace problems (provide an example as part of your answer).


uThe logic here is similar to the one in the previous question (Questions 2) we have just discussed. We may think of

u1) what organisational policies and procedures actually are,

u2) why they are there at all, and

u3) how we apply them.

4. Identify and describe two critical thinking methods that may be used to identify complex issues in the workplace using the table below (there is an example to get you started).




This method uses a formal or informal interview process to obtain information about a workplace issue (such as how a product is used). It asks relevant questions to relevant stakeholders and documents the answers.

uAlternatively, refer to the following web pages for methods of critical thinking:




5.Identify and describe two critical thinking methods that may be used togenerate solutionsto complex issues in the workplace using the table below (there is an example to get you started). (cont.)


uRefer to the following web pages for methods of critical thinking:




6. Summarise the steps associated with a decision-making process. You may answer using a written paragraph or diagram.

uRefer to the following web pages for steps of decision-making:




7.List three advantages of addressing complex issues in the workplace.


uRefer to the following web pages for advantages of addressing complex issues in the workplace

u8. Complete the table outlining the different types of risk that may be associated with pursuing a complex issue in the workplace.

Strategic risk

Compliance risk

Financial risk

Operational risk

u8. Complete the table outlining the different types of risk that may be associated with pursuing a complex issue in the workplace. (cont.)


uFor definitions of strategic risk and operational risk:



9.List three barriers to effective decision-making


uRefer to the following web pages for barriers to effective decision-making:




10.Summarise the requirements for the development and presentation of a brief and feedback register


uFor a discussion of developing and presenting a brief:




uA very common way of creating and presenting a feedback register is by using a feedback form. There are lots of templates fora feedback form on the Web. Simply by summarising the common features of those templates, we can get the following components of a feedback form:

11. List four bodies you may be required to seek approval from to develop and implement solutions.


uWhat does the‘bodies’mean?

uHere the bodies means
a group of people who work or act together, often for an official purpose, or who are connected in some other way”.Therefore, in the context of this question, the bodies means a group of people who have a certain legal or political authority and who work together to decide whether an approval should be granted to people who apply for the approval of some project or action.

uIn a business sense, the bodies that grant approvals for developing and implementing solutions may include:

uboard of directors of an organisation

uthe executive committee

uregulatory bodies

umanagers/department leaders

uenvironmental bodies

Answered 2 days AfterSep 18, 2021

Answer To: u. Submitting your work (cont.) What is the format for assessment document name? uAT number - Task...

Somprikta answered on Sep 20 2021
144 Votes
Running head: WORKPLACE PROCESSES        1
The source of information includes legislation, stakeholders, and organizational policies and procedures. For the source of information like legislation, the examples incorporate the acts and laws like the fair work act, corporations act, and the occupational he
alth and safety act. The prominent ways of procurement of this legislation in the workplace include consulting the lawyers as they would be providing potential information regarding how the legislation could be handled. For the workplace processes, another source of information is the stakeholders that include the CEO, CFO, managers, suppliers as well as clients. In this process, the way of procurement includes consultation, interviews, and surveys. Another source of information in this context is gained through organizational policies and procedures it holds on the areas like code of conduct, performance review policy, and invoices. The way of procurement in this context includes coaching, training as well as mentoring (Auchter, 2018).
· Legislation is all about inducing purposes and these purposes imply to regulate, to outlaw, to authorize, to provide, to sanction, to grant, to declare, or to restrict. Legislation is all about enacting laws and making the public ready to adhere to the laws. Like in the workplace the employees and employers have adhered to different kinds of laws.
· We eventually need rules to prevent any illegal activities and actions. Rules bind a person to follow a framework that is preferable for all and is right in the eyes of law. We need rules to maintain a basic system that governs appropriate activities.
· We can apply rules to workplace problems by formulating a proper framework and legislation that implies what are the basic guidelines that the employees need to adhere to. To solve the workplace problems rules can be applied essentially with the consent of the employers and the upper management (Alamrani, Alammar, Alqahtani & Salem, 2018).
· The organizational policies and procedures are the basic guidelines that are formulated to strengthen the decision-making in the organization and to shape how the organizational work is carried out. It is a clear well-written set of rules that prominently need to be followed within the organization.
· The organizational policies and procedures are inclined and present within the workplace so that it could enhance the decision-making within the work environment and also let the employees follow a structured format of rules. It is present to enhance discipline and routine work in the organization (Blocxham, 2018).
· The organization's policies and procedures are applied by identifying the needs, gathering the information, drafting policies, and then running those policies and procedures within the workplace. To apply the policies and procedures the consent from the upper management is taken and also the policies are approved by them.
The critical thinking methods that would be used to identify the complex issues in the workplace include-
    Risk Assessment
    Risk assessment is one of the most prominent critical thinking methods that is used to identify complex issues as the method uses several techniques and ways to assess the risks pertaining in the workplace. It also takes into account evolving several strategies that would be giving information regarding the risk factors existing in the workplace and...

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