Unit 6 2 Freud and Neo-Freudians rely 2 Write an initial substantive response of 80 words in length. Begin your response with a restatement of the question/prompt, and include in-text citation(s) and...

Unit 6 2 Freud and Neo-Freudians rely 2

Write an initial substantive response of 80 words in length.

Begin your response with a restatement of the question/prompt, and include

in-text citation(s) and a reference for each scholarly source used according to

the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide located in the Student Success

Center. The restatement of the question/prompt, the references, and the

citations are not included in your response word count.

Freud, Jung, and other Neo-Freudian such as Erikson, Horney,

or Anna Freud are identified as some of the founding theorists in helping to

shape the concept of personality in psychology. In viewing the short clips on

Freud by clicking here, Jung by clicking here, and other Neo-Freudians by

clicking here, please choose either (meaning just ONE) Freud, Jung, or other

the video on other Neo-Freudians to help answer the following questions in

addition to the material provided in your book:

What is at least 1 idea/concept that you learned about the

theorist(s) that you found particularly fascinating. Why? Please share details

and an example.

Why do you think that the idea/concept is helpful in the

study of psychology? Please share details and an example to help demonstrate

your viewpoint and understanding.

Do you think that the idea/concept is still relevant in

today’s society? Please explain your thoughts.

Diquietta Watson

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is known for his psychoanalytic

approach. One idea that I find interesting was that the human psyche

(personality) has more than one aspect. The three stages were Id (or it), Ego

(or I), and Superego (or above I). I find these interesting because it names

three parts of human personality. Id is the raw, unorganized, inborn part of

personality whose sole purpose is to reduce tension created by primitive drives

related to hunger, sex, aggression, and irrational impulses (Feldman 2013). Ego

means the part of the personality that provides a buffer between the id and the

outside world (Feldman 2013). Superego, according to Freud, the final

personality structure to develop; it represents the rights and wrongs of

society as handed down by a person’s parents, teachers, and other important

figures (Feldman 2013). The concept of id and super-ego are still valid in

psychology today it’s most fundamental interpretation, the id is simply

unconscious desires/processes and the super-ego is the rational-self.

Feldman, R. (2013).

Essentials of understanding psychology (10th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

May 15, 2022

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