Assignment 1 (Report) XXXXXXXXXXCIS5200 Due date: Refer to Study Desk Value: 20% Description: Report Objectives: The assignment’s overall objective is that the students should acquire an overview of...

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  1.  Define and explain the fundamental concepts methods and techniques used in information systems analysis and design.

  2.  Apply contemporary information systems analysis and design methods and techniques to real-world case studies.

  3.  Apply systems analysis and design concepts, modeling and project management techniques to real-world case studies.

  4.  Effectively communicate systems analysis and design methods and techniques to real-world problems.

Assignment 1 (Report) CIS5200 Due date: Refer to Study Desk Value: 20% Description: Report Objectives: The assignment’s overall objective is that the students should acquire an overview of principles, methods and techniques of systems development, and gather experience from a development project in which a specific development method is used. On successful completion of this assignment students should be able to: 1. Define and explain the fundamental concepts methods and techniques used in information systems analysis and design. 2. Apply contemporary information systems analysis and design methods and techniques to real world case studies. 3. Apply systems analysis and design concepts, modelling and project management techniques to real-world case studies. 4. Effectively communicate systems analysis and design methods and techniques to real world problems. This assignment must be all your own work. It is acceptable to discuss course content with others to improve your understanding and clarify requirements, but solutions to assignment questions must be done on your own. You must not copy from anyone, including tutors and fellow students, nor allow others to copy your work. All assignments will be checked using collusion monitoring tools to ensure that each assignment is the original work of the submitting student. Assignments that do not adhere to this requirement will be deemed as being the result of collusion or plagiarism. This may lead to severe academic penalties as outlined in USQ Policy Library: Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure. It is your own responsibility to ensure the integrity of your work. Refer to the USQ Policy Library for more details:  Academic Integrity Policy  Academic Integrity Procedure Assignment 1 Details Students are expected to identify their “real-world” organisation. If some students do not have access to a “real-world” organisation, a fictitious organisation based on a real world organisation will be acceptable. Finding a “real-world” organisation:  If you are linked to an organisation (government or private organisation for an example) ask what the need for improving the performance level or the process flow (for example; sales, order, or payment process), choose the highest priority and work around that.  Do you have any family or friends involved in the business organisation, or do you know anyone with a business organisation? Ask them about the performance level or the process flow type that they need (keep it simple).  Otherwise, do you have any friends with ideas for a business organisation? What would be the major performance level or the process flow type that they need for this organisation?  Do not try to solve all the problems for the organisation in the few weeks you have and just focus on one problem.  TASK 1: Organisation Background Briefly introduce your chosen organisation in terms of name, the industry it operates within, products and services, clients, major competitors and competing for products/services, major processes, ownership, key personnel and key issues/challenges.  TASK 2: Time Management Plan Students are required to provide an effective time management plan that will lead to successful submission of your assignment 1 (Report), and the completion of the required activities that included in this assignment.  TASK 2.1: Work Breakdown Structure Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) for your project with date, and summary of project activities. Use a table with columns for activity number, start date, finish date, activity name, activity description, planned action, status, and any other notes. The purpose of WBS is to identify each task in your project and include an estimated duration.  TASK 2.2: Task-Sequencing Approaches After work breakdown structure (WBS) has been designed, students need to present the project details that are mentioned in the WBS using one of the following Task-Sequencing Approaches:  Network Scheduling  PERT Chart  Gantt Chart  TASK 3: Fact-Finding Develop a fact-finding for planning and analysis in order to determine improvements in organisational processes. This fact-finding plan should include: interviews, documentation review, observation, questionnaires, and research.  TASK 4: Organisation Chart Review and draw the organisation chart for your chosen organisation. Then, list the individuals (working at various levels of organisational structure) and their roles for those who you would like to interview. Prepare a list of objectives for each of the interviews you will conduct.  TASK 5: “AS IS” Process Provide an “AS IS” process diagram by using Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) or Unified Modelling Language (UML) notation. The “AS IS” diagram should explain the process flow of your chosen organisation. Then, explain which process flow in this diagram that you want to improve.  TASK 6: Report to Top Management Assume you have completed the planning and analysis phases of your project for your chosen organisation. Write a report to the top management (CEO). This report at a minimum should include the objectives, background, processes undertaken, scope, and recommendations to the top management (CEO).  TASK 7: Presentation/Report Structure This task includes providing a cover page (title page) for your report and writing up your report with clarity and professionalism.  TASK 8: References All documents cited in your assignment must list in a single alphabetical list at the end of the assignment. The following USQ Library Resources to assist you with referencing correctly using the Harvard Referencing System: agps-referencing-guide. Endnote Bibliography Software for managing referencing is available to you for free as a USQ Student: bibliographic-software Finally, there is no word limit for this assignment. We are looking for the quality, not for the quantity.  Submission Requirements You need to submit your assignment 1 via the assignment 1 submission link on your CIS5200 Study Desk. Do not email your work to the course leader. If you are unable to upload, notify the course leader of the issue so that it may be resolved for you to upload the assignment. Note: You need to use Microsoft Project and Visio that provided by USQ to create your business models. Assignments that did not use this software will not be accepted. Also, you need to submit your assignment in one file (Word or PDF). Assignment with separate different files will not be accepted. Please note that:  The following is the USQ Assessment – Assignment (Late Submission) and Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances procedure that relate to Extensions and Late Assignments. They can be found under the following links:  Assessment – Assignment (Late Submission) Procedure:  Assessment of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedures:  Students seeking extensions for any Assignment work must provide appropriate documentation to support their request before the due date of the assignment (see points 4.3 and 4.4 in the Assessment of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedures above to see what is considered as Compassionate and Compelling reason for an extension and the level of documentation that will be needed).  An Assignment submitted after the due date without an approved extension of time will be penalised. The penalty for late submission is a reduction by five percent (5%) of the maximum Mark applicable for the Assignment, for each University Business Day or part Business Day that the Assignment is late. An Assignment submitted more than ten (10) University Business Days after the due date will have a Mark of zero recorded for that Assignment.  The StudyDesk Assignments submission tool will accept late assignments up until 23:55pm on the 10th University Business Day after the due date. Good Luck
Answered Same DayDec 12, 2019CIS5200

Answer To: Assignment 1 (Report) XXXXXXXXXXCIS5200 Due date: Refer to Study Desk Value: 20% Description: Report...

David answered on Dec 24 2019
141 Votes
Mount hospital        14
Real World Organization - Project Management Report
Submitted By
Table of Contents
Abstract    3
Task 1    3
Organization Background    3
Organizational Challenges -    4
Task 2    4
Time Management Plan    4
Work Breakdown Structure    5
Gantt Chart Images    7
Task 3    7
Fact Finding    7
Questionnaire -    7
Interviews –    8
Documentation Review    9
Observation    9
Research    9
Task 4    10
Organization Chart    10
Task 5    11
AS IS Process    11
Task 6    12
Objective    12
Scope    12
Processes Undertaken    12
Recommendation    13
Conclusion    14
References    15

The objective of this work is to introduce an outline of the utilization and advancement of wellbeing data frameworks revealing the experience of the IT division of a healthcare center. The execution of information system has received better noticeable quality. The patient's change procedure can be advanced with the presentation of the patient's history by electronic means, among different advances. The significance of finding administration duty on all the administration levels is featured in this analysis. Sufficiently intensive planning of the undertaking and the task internal strategies are besides imperative for venture achievement. Taking care of the information relocation, dealing with the collaboration with the accomplices, and recognizing the dangers identified with overoptimistic plans are in addition found to have a place on the list of critical achievement factors. In this report, we will discuss various stages of project management of implementing information systems in healthcare center. (Valle, S., W. & Olieira, B., D., 2011).
Task 1
Organization Background
I would like to consider Australian hospital i.e Mount hospital. At Mount Hospital, patients are served on priority basis. This hospital has been giving amazing medicinal services to Australian resident for more than 30 years. Having 224 patient-beds Mount is one of the biggest private hospital in Perth that gives overnight, multi-day and same-day strategies and gives a far reaching scope of administrations crosswise over most grown-up strengths. Being a topmost private supplier of heart services in Western Australia, that offers a 24-hour need admission services for patients who experience intense cardiovascular or respiratory issues (chest torment and breathing troubles). Patients are look after by on location medicinal officers as well as on call cardiologists. There is 24-hours crisis access to cardiovascular catheter labs and the biggest private Critical Care Unit in Western Australia. Mount Hospital prides itself on being one of the main suppliers of private cardiovascular care in the state. This hospital is notable for the provision of a wide scope of surgical and therapeutic care. Mount Hospital is a part of Healthscope and offers a promise to the availability of quality healthcare services. In this report, we will include various steps that are required to implement information systems. (, 2017).
Organizational Challenges - Healthcare associations have needed to adjust to many changes in their world, from propels in demonstrative and remedial techniques to the development of managerial advancements like oversaw care and the creation of new data innovations. Despicable payments done by assurance affiliations or external payers happen due to the mistake or any extortion. Mishandling consolidates training that isn't consistent with the targets of giving patient administrations that are restoratively fundamental, meet professionally apparent models, and are effortlessly assessed. The nonappearance of systems, or inadequately plot structures, and the consequent nonattendance of reconciliation inside Mount hospital. (Joudaki, H., Rashidian, A., 2015).
Task 2
Time Management Plan
Time Management alludes to overseeing time viably with the goal that the ideal time is distributed to the right activities. Compelling time administration enables people to relegate particular time schedules to activities according to their significance. Time Management alludes to making the best utilization of time as time is constantly restricted. Time Management assumes a vital part in associations as well as in our own lives. Time Management incorporates:
· Powerful Planning
· Defining objectives and targets
· Setting deadlines
· Delegation of responsibilities
· Organizing exercises according to their significance
· Investing the correct energy in the correct action (, 2017).
Work Breakdown Structure
A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a key undertaking deliverable that plans the cooperation into sensible segments. The WBS is intended to help break down a task into sensible parts that can be viably assessed and directed. (Bright Hub Inc., 2012).
1. Project Initiation – The reason for this stage is to give starting planning and arrangement of the implementation of information system. The means of this stage help recognize and design the essential areas to be viewed as like objective, feasibility study, extension, plan and meaning of venture group. The result is the project charter.
2. Project Planning – The reason for this stage is to make the business plan, which is a point by point documentation of the hierarchical structure and business forms assembled during prerequisites interviews. It will permit the usage venture group to unmistakably characterize their degree, and just concentrate on the processes of information system expected to run the association business. Also, during this process, we will estimate budget analysis, risk identification etc.
3. Project Execution – During this process, various network connections will be analyzed. Also, this is for hardware and network set up, configuring database server. Various design processes will be implemented...

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