Word cOunt 2500MAR034-3 Global Marketing StrategyYour task is to report to the board ofHolland & Barrett(https://www.hollandandbarrett.com) regarding a planned expansion intoRomania.

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Word cOunt 2500

MAR034-3 Global Marketing Strategy

Your task is to report to the board of

Holland & Barrett



) regarding a planned expansion into


A1 Structure template and concepts you may want to include in your plan: 1. Introduction 2. Situational analysis (internal and external factors influencing brand’s expansion to Country X). Choose one or some of the followings (not all!): a. PESTLE analysis for (Country x) market that could affect brand’s expansion b. Hofstede's Cultural dimensions c. SWOT analysis for the brand (what characteristics and attributes of the brand can influence brand expansion in the certain country?) d. Porter’s 5 forces or the Dimond Model to analyse the supermarkets competitiveness in Country x 3. Set specific objectives for your plan · SMART Objectives 4. Segmentation-Targeting-Positioning (STP) · Possible segments in Country X · Target Audience in Country X– what are the main segments you are planning to attract and why? (Define the target audience characteristics – age, income, habits) - Justify your choice · Brand Positioning in Country X · Research brand's competitors in Country X · Perceptual map with the brand and 3 main competitors · Define USPs for the brand in Country X and create a positioning statement 5. Mode of entry · Internalization modes, Intermediaries modes or Externalization modes (how much risk is the brand able to take in Country X? - Adaptation or Standardization?) Choose one mode from the one discussed: · Export: Direct or Indirect · Contractual agreements: Licensing or Franchising · Joint Ventures · Wholly owned subsidiaries: Greenfield or Acquisition The chosen mode/modes of entry need/s to be justified through the situational analysis (see above points a.b.c.d ) 6. Propose an integrated Marcomms plan with a campaign tagline (you can add a communication model e.g. AIDAS) · Create a tagline and discuss the marketing strategy · Discuss the 4Ps · Product: what are the products the brand is selling in Country X, packaging? · Price: What are the pricing strategies you are planning in Country X? · Place: Where in Country X are you planning to sell? How? · Promotion (detailed discussion on Promotion) · How are you communicating to your target audience in Country X? · What promotional mix are you planning? · What advertising programmes could be used? · What channels are you using and how? · Add a budget for your activities and a schedule 7. Discuss implementation and success measures (How do you know that your activities are successful? Are you collecting any data/feedback?) 8. Reference list (10-20 references – at least 50% academic sources) Submission Deadline Marks and Feedback Before 10am on: Week 7 20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7) 15 working days after deadline (L6) 10 working days after deadline (block delivery) Click or tap to enter a date. Unit title & code MAR034-3 Global Marketing Strategy Assignment number and title Assignment 1 Assessment type Coursework - Individual Report Weighting of assessment40% Size or length of assessment 2500 words Unit learning outcomes 1. Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of a range of global marketing concepts, theories and frameworks and the manner in which these are deployed, dependent on the market and the target audiences. 2. Demonstrate a systematic understanding and application of global marketing concepts to propose feasible solutions to global marketing challenges. What am I required to do in this assignment? Your task is to report to the board of Holland & Barrett (https://www.hollandandbarrett.com ) regarding a planned expansion into Romania. You have to write a global marketing strategy plan for the brand’s expansion, outlining the followings 8 parts: 1. Introduction 2. Situational Analysis (internal and external factors influencing brand’s expansion in the specific market/country) 3. Specific objectives for your plan to enter this country (SMART objectives) 4. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) (with a focus on defining your customer profile and explaining the position of the brand in the market) 5. Mode of Entry (justified through your situational analysis and STP) 6. An integrated Marcomms plan with a campaign tagline (discussion of 4PS; specifically for the county of entry with costs and a Gantt chart, and justification why this plan would work) 7. Brief discussion on implementation and success measures 8. Reference list (10-20 references; with at least 50% academic sources)* To prepare for the task you will need to read about the brand - https://www.retail-week.com/companies/holland-and-barrett. You will need to prepare for your assignment based on in-class discussions in the classroom, Breo materials and private study. *You must reference your work using the Harvard referencing system. Apply marketing concepts and theories for higher grades. More information on referencing: https://lrweb.beds.ac.uk/a-guide-to-referencing/ What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF) · Demonstrate an understanding of global marketing concepts, theories and frameworks. · Analyse the specific market and consumer preferences in the specific market using various frameworks and examples. · Produce an informed response to the marketing challenge by proposing a comprehensive expansion plan and considering cross-cultural challenges How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade? We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you. How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions? The assignment task draws on and explores your understanding of various aspects of global marketing strategy that we explore in class. How will my assignment be marked? Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page. You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit. 3rd Class – 40-49% Lower 2nd – 50-59% Upper 2nd – 60-69% 1st Class – 70%+ Demonstrating a clear understanding of the purpose of the exercise (20%) Satisfactory… Show a barely adequate understanding of the purpose of the exercise. Addresses part of the tasks. Some errors/omissions in content/theory. Inconsistent application of some theory/principles/ frameworks/ concepts. Good… Show an adequate understanding of the exercise. Addresses most of the tasks but some small inconsistencies are present. Integration of examples and examples into work is appropriate to the context and attempts to be consistent. Very good… Show a clear understanding of the exercise. Addresses all tasks well. Breath, depth and integration of literature, examples into work are above average. Excellent... Show a thorough understanding of the purpose of the exercise. Addresses all task exceptionally well. Breath, depth and integration of literature and examples into work is impressive. Knowledge, Integration of literature and application of concepts and theories (30%) Satisfactory… Theories/literature/examples are presented but not consistently discussed or applied. Most ideas need to be developed or clarified. Good… Theories/Frameworks/ literature/examples are presented but small inconsistencies are present in the discussion/application. Some concepts could be developed further. Very good… Theories/ Framework /Consumer insights and literature/examples are well discussed but some/ a few ideas/points could benefit from further development/ or evaluation/ comparisons. Excellent… Theories/ Framework /Consumer insights/literature/examples are well discussed in all four tasks. A holistic approach to the task/problem is presented. The best work will be highly developed and focused. Creativity and appropriateness of the task (30%) Satisfactory… No real evidence of connection between the brand’s target audience, the market analysis, the brand objectives, 4Ps and rationale and measures. The creative ideas and recommendations are basic but will have some relevance or appropriateness for the medium/brand/audience. Good… Attempt at making a connection between brand’s target audience, the market analysis, the brand objectives, 4Ps and rationale and measures. The creative ideas and recommendations have some merit but lack creativity and flair and may only be partially workable for the medium/brand/audience. Very good… Some evidence of connection between brand’s target audience, the market analysis, the brand objectives, 4Ps and rationale and measures. Attempts at offering creative conceptual ideas. The creative tasks have potential, but are not fully formed for the medium/brand/audience Excellent … A clear connection between brand’s target audience, the market analysis, the brand objectives, 4Ps and rationale and measures. Creativity is evident in the conceptual ideas and implementation of the task. Highly appropriate idea for the medium/brand/audience Presentation, Style and Structure (20%) Satisfactory… Basic structure for all tasks; Not always written clearly or/and has grammatical / or spelling errors. The reference list is present but with many inconsistencies. Good… Clear presentation with all tasks. Writing is mainly clear but some spelling/ or grammatical errors. The reference list follow UoB guides but some inconsistencies are present. Very good… Clear presentation with all tasks and with a table of content; Structure, titles and subtitles, paragraphing, fluent academic writing style. Very few/ some grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. The reference list follow UoB guides but has some errors. Excellent Clear presentation with all tasks and with a table of content; Structure, titles and subtitles, paragraphing, fluent academic writing style. Only minor errors. The reference list follow UoB guides and has no/ or very minor errors. 3 Marks and feedback Marks and feedback Submit assignment Completing Your Assignment Marks and Feedback
Answered Same DayOct 26, 2023

Answer To: Word cOunt 2500MAR034-3 Global Marketing StrategyYour task is to report to the board ofHolland...

Bidusha answered on Oct 27 2023
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