Assessment 2: Reflective Writing Assessment type Essay Word limit / length 1,500 Words Weighting 30% Due date Monday of week 4 27 July 2020, 5 pm Learning outcomes This assessment task is aligned to...

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Assessment 2: Reflective Writing Assessment type Essay Word limit / length 1,500 Words Weighting 30% Due date Monday of week 4 27 July 2020, 5 pm Learning outcomes This assessment task is aligned to the following learning outcome: 1. Reflect critically on your own professional practice and learning Assessment Overview You are required to write a reflective essay on your perceptions of your professional identity, your personal values and beliefs and finally how these elements have shaped your professional philosophy of practice. Assessment details and structure Write a 1500-word essay in the reflective writing style that includes your personal values and beliefs, professional identity, and a statement of professional philosophy. Please be advised that there can be variations in preparing your discussion. However, the outline below can be considered in your presentation: - Use relevant sub-headings as suggested below - Personal Values and Beliefs (approx. 500 words) - Professional Identity (approx. 500 words) - Statement of Professional Philosophy (approx. 500 words) - Please refer to Reflective Writing - Use appropriate and relevant peer reviewed literature to enhance your reflective writing (approx. 5 to 10 sources) - It is highly advised to post your contributions to the activities in PERCI for those weekly activities (Week 2) so that you may gain valuable feedback from your peers to aid in your reflective practice and writing. Please also contribute to your online peers’ posts in a similar way. Submission format This essay should be submitted in Word or PDF through the assessment link ‘Upload Assessment 2 here’ in Blackboard via the ‘Assessment tasks and Submissions’ link. Turnitin settings, checking similarities and word counts [CMM91010 Professional Portfolio] 11 All students are expected to check the similarity (originality) of assignments prior to final submission. Use this information for Plagiarism prevention (see further detail in the Avoiding Plagiarism link on Blackboard). Please be advised that there is only one general DRAFT submission point to permit you to have unlimited submissions. You can upload as many versions of any of your assignments as you like. ASSIGNMENTS UPLOADED TO THIS SITE WILL NOT BE GRADED please use the relevant "Assignment upload" portal to upload the final version. Please make sure you check your word count via draft submission to ensure you have not exceeded 500 words over the word count (this includes the reference list). If it does exceed the word count by 500 and over the paper will NOT be graded
Answered Same DayJul 08, 2021CMM91010Southern Cross University

Answer To: Assessment 2: Reflective Writing Assessment type Essay Word limit / length 1,500 Words Weighting 30%...

Dilpreet answered on Jul 16 2021
141 Votes
Running Head: Reflective Essay        1
Reflective Essay         
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Personal Values and Beliefs    3
Professional Identity    4
Statement of Professional Philosophy    6
Conclusion    7
References    8
    For a person to be successful in personal and profess
ional life and to create equilibrium between the personal and professional life it is essential to perform self evaluation and to enhance self awareness by knowing the personal character. Personal values and beliefs, professional identity and professional philosophy of an individual are intangible qualities that are worth processing because of their importance, desirability and usefulness. Through this essay I shall reflect upon my personal values, professional identity and professional beliefs.
Personal Values and Beliefs
    Personal values and beliefs reflect on what we think is important in our lives. There are many values that I hold close to my heart. I have realized that I am still developing and growing. I believe the culture, customs and traditions, in which an individual is brought up greatly influences the values and beliefs of an individual. My behaviour as a citizen of the society and as a healthcare professional is largely impacted by my personal values and beliefs. My parents have always tried to imbibe values that can help me grow as a responsible citizen of the society with self-satisfaction.
    The value, which I consider to be most important, is loyalty. This is something that I gained over a period and I believe that loyalty shall not be given and received until and unless it is backed up by a sound reason. This value of mine has a great influence on the actions I take. Another important value of my personality is trustworthiness, which has helped me grab a number of opportunities in my life. I believe that my ability to win the trust of people and to maintain it has helped me build several relations I can cherish throughout my life. Without these relations life would have been lonely and dull (Ward, 2017). I am person who tries to be realistic all the time. Therefore, this value of mine has helped me to be flexible and has helped me to adapt to the outcomes of many incidents with dignity and integrity.
    Decisiveness is another value that takes an important place in my life. This quality of mine has helped me take a number of decisions in my life that have helped me grow as a sensible and responsible human being. Being decisive has helped me make many important decisions of my life. Another value, which I take as strength of mine is my ability to consider ideas and emotions in a non-judgmental manner. This has always helped to act effectively and decisively in various situations I have come across my life. I also consider myself to be a culturally sensible person. I believe that, who respects the cultural differences existing in the society. I believe that no two people in the society may have same sets of personal values and therefore, all we can do is to respect the values of others in order to maintain our dignity as well as the dignity of others.
    I also consider...

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