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Assessment event 3 of 3: Workplace portfolio Criteria Unit code, name and release number CHCLEG001 - Work legally and ethically Qualification/Course code, name, and release number CHC42021 I Certificate IV in Community Services Student details Student name Student number Document titleVersion 1.0Page 1 of 3 Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled. Please check to ensure this is the latest version. © 2011 Department of Education and Communities, TAFE NSW eLearning Hub | Version: 0.0 | Created: dd/mm/2011 Document title: CHCLEG001_AE_Prt3of3Page 10 of 11 Resource ID: POP_23_001_CHCLEG001_AE_Prt3of3 Version:20230619 Date created:19 June 2023 © TAFE NSW 2023 RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E This assessment can be found in the TAFE NSW Learning Bank. The content in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2023 and should not be reproduced without the permission of TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is correct at time of printing: 13 November 2023. For current information please refer to our website or your teacher or assessor as appropriate. Assessment instructions Assessment details Instructions Instructions for the teacher and assessor This assessment involves the student collecting evidence of their application of required skills and knowledge of the unit. This document is in one part: 1. Portfolio Short answer questions. And is supported by: A submission checklist Assessment feedback Note: This assessment may contain links to external resources. Access to the long URL is provided via the External resources – Links and URLs section located at the end of this document. Unit assessment guide Refer to the unit assessment guide (UAG) before attempting this assessment event. The UAG contains information including assessment requirements and how to achieve a satisfactory result. Submission instructions When you complete this assessment, submit it for marking: keep a copy of all the electronic and hardcopy assessments you submit to TAFE NSW make sure you have completed the assessment declaration before you submit. Portfolio of evidence Answer the questions to demonstrate how you fulfil your legal and ethical responsibilities whilst undertaking work activities. This task can be demonstrated from your work placement, TAFE classroom/simulated organisation or from previous exposure in a work environment. For each question, your response must: · address all parts of each question with examples as appropriate · use clear and concise language to ensure the intended meaning is understood · provide references where required, using either the Harvard or APA style · stay within the suggested word count where given. Once completed, submit this assessment to your Teacher/Assessor for marking. Short answer portfolio of evidence questions 1. Identify a work practice and related policy or procedure that you think could be improved to better meet legal requirements or responsibilities. a) Outline the work practice and related policy or procedure you identified and explain why you think improvements are needed to better meet the organisation's legal responsibilities or requirements. (Your answer must be 50 – 100 words.) b) Outline how you pro-actively shared your concerns with your colleagues and supervisor so that improvements to this work practice and policy or procedure could be developed. (Your answer must be 25 – 75 words.) Assessor feedback ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory [Insert comments] 2. Identify a work practice and related policy or procedure that you think could be improved to better meet ethical conduct requirements. a) Outline the work practice and related policy or procedure you identified and explain why you think improvements are needed to better meet ethical conduct requirements. (Your answer must be 50 – 100 words.) b) Outline how you (or would) pro-actively shared your concerns with your colleagues and supervisor so that improvements to this work practice and policy or procedure could be developed. (Your answer must be 25 – 75 words.) Assessor feedback ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory [Insert comments] 3. Describe 2 different situations in which you completed your work activities in accordance with legal requirements relevant to your role. (Your answer must be 75 – 100 words.) Assessor feedback ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory [Insert comments] 4. Describe 2 different situations in which you completed your work activities in accordance with ethical requirements relevant to your role. (Your answer must be 75 – 100 words.) Assessor feedback ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory [Insert comments] 5. Explain what you would have done if you had overheard or observed a colleague verbally or physically abusing a client. (Your answer must be 50 – 100 words.) Assessor feedback ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory [Insert comments] 6. Explain what you would have done if you had observed your colleagues having a conversation about their own personal issues while assisting a client. (Your answer must be 50 – 100 words.) Assessor feedback ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory [Insert comments] 7. Explain what you would have done if a colleague told you that a client just gave them $50 as a gift for "being my favourite carer". Your answer must be between. (Your answer must be 50 – 100 words.) Assessor feedback ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory [Insert comments] Submission checklist Submit the following for marking: ☐This completed Assessment event 3 of 3: Workplace portfolio ☐Written questions External resources – Links and URLs Long URLs and permalinks are provided for access to content when the assessment is not used digitally, for example, not clickable. Table 2 Long URLs Resource Name Long URL Learning Bank https://share.tafensw.edu.au/share/home.do TAFE NSW Assessment Guidelines https://share.tafensw.edu.au/share/items/d36df03f-9651-4d43-8c9d-a299699e8585/0/?attachment.uuid=30e52f91-8a9f-4df1-bf7f-91168307cfb9 Research and referencing skills https://tafensw.libguides.com/research/referencing This page is not required for online assessment submissions. Student assessment declaration This assessment is my original work and has not been: copied from any source without proper referencing written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been approved by a teacher or assessor. Student signature and date Reasonable adjustment ☐ Reasonable adjustment was in place for this assessment event. If so, please provide details of any reasonable adjustment strategies that were implemented: [Insert reasonable adjustment strategies] Assessment outcome ☐ Satisfactory☐ Unsatisfactory Comments [Insert comments] Assessor name, signature and date Student acknowledgement of assessment outcome [Would you like to make any comments about this assessment?] Student name, signature and date
Answered 4 days AfterNov 13, 2023

Answer To: I have attached file

Deblina answered on Nov 17 2023
37 Votes
Assessment event 3 of 3: Workplace portfolio
Unit code, name and release number
CHCLEG001 - Work legally and ethically
Qualification/Course code, name, and release number
CHC42021 I Certificate IV in Community Services
Student details
Student name
Student number
Document title    Version 1.0    Page 1 of 3
Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled. Pl
ease check to ensure this is the latest version.
© 2011 Department of Education and Communities, TAFE NSW eLearning Hub | Version: 0.0 | Created: dd/mm/2011
Document title: CHCLEG001_AE_Prt3of3    Page 10 of 11
Resource ID: POP_23_001_CHCLEG001_AE_Prt3of3
Version:    20230619
Date created:    19 June 2023
© TAFE NSW 2023
RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E
This assessment can be found in the TAFE NSW Learning Bank.
The content in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2023 and should not be reproduced without the permission of TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is correct at time of printing: 17 November 2023. For current information please refer to our website or your teacher or assessor as appropriate.
Assessment instructions
    Assessment details
    Instructions for the teacher and assessor
    This assessment involves the student collecting evidence of their application of required skills and knowledge of the unit.
This document is in one part:
1. Portfolio Short answer questions.
And is supported by:
A submission checklist
Assessment feedback
Note: This assessment may contain links to external resources. Access to the long URL is provided via the External resources – Links and URLs section located at the end of this document.
    Unit assessment guide
    Refer to the unit assessment guide (UAG) before attempting this assessment event. The UAG contains information including assessment requirements and how to achieve a satisfactory result.
    Submission instructions
    When you complete this assessment, submit it for marking:
keep a copy of all the electronic and hardcopy assessments you submit to TAFE NSW
make sure you have completed the assessment declaration before you submit.
Portfolio of evidence
Answer the questions to demonstrate how you fulfil your legal and ethical responsibilities whilst undertaking work activities. This task can be demonstrated from your work placement, TAFE classroom/simulated organisation or from previous exposure in a work environment.
For each question, your response must:
· address all parts of each question with examples as appropriate
· use clear and concise language to ensure the intended meaning is understood
· provide references where required, using either the Harvard or APA style
· stay within the suggested word count where given.
Once completed, submit this assessment to your Teacher/Assessor for marking.
Short answer portfolio of evidence questions
1. Identify a work practice and related policy or procedure that you think could be improved to better meet legal requirements or responsibilities.
a) Outline the work practice and related policy or procedure you identified and explain why you think improvements are needed to better meet the organisation's legal responsibilities or requirements. (Your answer must be 50 – 100 words.)
    One work practice that could benefit from improvement relates to data handling and privacy policies within an organization. The existing policy might lack specific guidelines for handling sensitive data, leading to potential breaches of privacy laws. Strengthening this policy by implementing clearer protocols for data encryption, access control, and regular audits could better align the organization with legal requirements like GDPR or other data protection regulations. Improvements in this area are crucial to safeguarding individuals' privacy rights and avoiding legal repercussions for mishandling sensitive information.
b) Outline how you pro-actively shared your concerns with your...

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