Assessment Three: Narrated PowerPoint PresentationType:PresentationWeighting:40%Method:IndependentLength:Total presentation length is to be 7 to 10 minutesSubmission...

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Assessment Three: Narrated PowerPoint Presentation







Total presentation length is to be 7 to 10 minutes

Submission type:

Video file (.mp4 or .mov)

Assessment description

The purpose of the assignment is to expand students' understanding of digital health and innovation in healthcare practice. Furthermore, this Power Point presentation will enhance students' research presentation skills that will prepare them to communicate their research project in national and international conferences. This assessment will be focused on:

Module 7: Digital health and promoting innovation in healthcare

Module 8: Translation of evidence

Assessment instructions

1. Search the health databases using University of Canberra Library site

2. Use these keywords to find research paper: Nurs* AND any of the following keywords:

Clinical decision support systems OR Digital health literacy OR electronic health record OR health information system for nurses OR Telehealth.

3. Your search must look like this Nurs* AND "Clinical decision support systems"

4. Include screenshot of the search you used such as:

IScreenshot 2023-08-23 at 10.37.15 am.png

5. Select one (1) research paper that examines digital health in nursing (cannot be the same as paper used for AT2)

6. Research papers must be published within 5 years and published in english language.

7. No methodology restriction - Qual, Quan, Mixed-methods, RCT and SR are eligible. No editorial and discussion papers please! this paper must be peer-reviewed

8. Present your critique of the research using the UC PPT template (provided below).

9. Imagine you are presenting this research paper at a nursing conference

10. Record your voice over the PPT to explain to the audience in your own words:

  • How the study was conducted?

  • Critique the methods used to answer the research question

  • What were the findings?

  • Why are the findings significant to the nursing profession?

  • How does the research findings translate in nursing practice?

  • Provide suggestions about the potential for future research based on the topic

11. Maximum of 10 slides - 7 - 10 Minutes.

12. Submit the presentation on Canvas.

Target Audience

New Graduate Nurses and Registered Nurses


The presentation is to be a total of (10) slides, including a title slide and reference slide (for the selected article). Any content presented after (10) minutes, will not be marked. Penalties related to duration will be applied in line with the marking rubric provided on canvas. Students are strongly encouraged to avoid presentations that do not meet the minimum duration of (7) minutes, it is unlikely that the assessment will address the requirements of the assessment as set out in the marking rubric.

Rubric and University of Canberra PPT template

You can access the Rubric from here

AT3 Rubric 11851 - FINAL .pdf

Download AT3 Rubric 11851 - FINAL .pdf

You can access the UC PPT slides here

PPT Presentation - UC template .pptx

Download PPT Presentation - UC template .pptx


Students are required to submit both:

  1. The PowerPoint presentation into canvas as a video assessment.

  • Students are required to save their assessment using one of the following file extensions .mp4 or .mov

  • Please save your submission as STUDENTID_11851_AT3

For additional enquiries and support, students are encouraged to make a time to meet anASK (Academic Skills and Knowledge) AdvisorLinks to an external site.


  1. A copy of their transcript with relevant citations.

  • Students are required to save their assessment using the following file extension .docx

  • Please save your submission as STUDENTID_11851_AT3_Transcript for example u123456_11851_AT3_Transcript

  • This component is to be submitted to Ouriginal for text matching purposes.Please note this assessment will be reviewed by the University’s plagiarism checking software (Ouriginal) and, with reasonable grounds, be subject to further inquiry through the Office of the Associate Dean of Education.

  • Adhere to APA7th referencing style

  • Cover sheet withUC ID and presentation title

  • Students' names are not to be included on any assessment tasks/submissions. Only student ID numbers should be included (as per theAssessment Policy


    Assessment Procedures).

  • Please note this assessment will be reviewed by the University’s plagiarism checking software (Ouriginal) and, with reasonable grounds, be subject to further inquiry through the Office of the Associate Dean of Education.


Students are encouraged to submit this assessment before the due date and time, to allow sufficient time for students to seek support in the event that they experience technical difficulties when finalising their assessment. Students who identify that they require assistance or who experience any technical difficulties must contact the University of Canberra Digital Information and Technology Management (DITM) support service. This service is available Monday to Friday (0600-2200hrs) and weekends (1300-1700hrs). Students may also elect to visit the IT service Counter for technology-related questions and problems, this service is available in Building 1, level B (1000-1400hrs) during the semester.


Support resources

If you’re facing extenuating circumstances that are affecting your ability to complete an assignment on time, you canapply for an extension.Your assignment extension request will be considered, and you’ll be notified of the outcome via your student email account.

If you are looking for more information about support and requirements for completing your assessments, review the

Studying at UC: Resources for Students

page as this connects you with a wider range of information and services available to you as a UC student.

If you have a question about this assessment, please post it on the Assessment Q&A discussion.

Submission details

To submit, select the 'Start Assignment' button which will then allow you to upload the files you need to submit.

Below are some general FAQ guides to support you in completing this task:

Remove/add relevant submission guides here


AT3 Rubric

AT3 Rubric


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Selection of research paper

- Research paper (with data collection and data analysis)
- Article focused on digital health in nursing profession
- Published in the last 5 years



Outstanding - HD

Meets all of the selection criteria for this assessment



2.5 satisfactory - P

2.5 Pts Satisfactory - P Meets some of the selection criteria for this assessment (1 or 2 errors in the selection of the paper)



0 Unsatisfactory - NX

No article selected The selected article is NOT focused on digital health in nursing profession Invalid article was selected and published > 5 years has not sufficiently met the selection criteria for the assessment



This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Search strategy

- Clearly stated the health/nursing/medical database searched to allocate the search article
- Used the provided keywords to search for evidence
- Screenshot of the search strategy is included with clear search strategy



5 Outstanding - HD

Meets all requirements for this criteria for this assessment



2.5 - satisfactory - P

Meets some requirements for this criteria (1 or 2 errors)



0 Unsatisfactory - NX

Has not met the requirements for this criteria



This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Aim and methodology

- Describes how the study was conducted
- States the purpose/aim of the study
- Appraise the research method used to answer the RQ


to >4.19


Outstanding - HD

Outstanding description of the aim and the methodology, including how the study was conducted with jus2fica2on of why the methodology is appropriate for the research question. The appraisal includes evidence informed recommendations for alternative methodological approaches and/or limitations of the approach used indicatng depth of understanding.


to >3.69


Superior - D

Superior description of the aim and the methodology, including how the study was conducted with justification of why the methodology is appropriate for the research question. The appraisal includes evidence informed recommendations for alternative methodological approaches or limitations of the approach used.


to >3.19


Good - C

Good description of the aim and the methodology, including how the study was conducted with justification of why the methodology is appropriate for the research question. The appraisal identifies some limitations of the approach used.


to >2.48


Satisfactory - P

Satisfactory description of the aim and the methodology, including how the study was conducted with justification of why the methodology is appropriate for the research question, indicating a basic level of understanding of research methods concepts.


to >0


Unsatisfactory - NX

Unsatisfactory description of the aim and the methodology, including how the study was conducted with justification of why the methodology is appropriate for the research question. Insufficient understanding of research concepts presented.



This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Nursing profession

- Summarise the research findings and describe why theses are significant to nursing


to >4.19


Outstanding - HD

Excellent and comprehensive explanation of the findings of the selected study, with a sophisticated and well- informed justification of the significance to the nursing profession, integrating other literature that supports analysis


to >3.69


Superior - D

Very good explanation of the findings of the selected study, with a sound jus2fica2on of the significance to the nursing profession integrating other literature that supports analysis


to >3.19


Good - C

Good explanation of the findings of the selected study with a clear jus2fica2on of the significance to the nursing profession with reference to other literature that supports this analysis


to >2.48


Satisfactory - P

Satisfactory explanation of the findings of the selected study and with a basic justification presented for the significance to the nursing profession, this may be generic and/or offer little further informed analysis beyond what is presented in the chosen paper.


to >0


Unsatisfactory - NX

Unsatisfactory explanation of the findings of the selected study no clear justification of the significance to the nursing profession



This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Translation of evidence

- How do the research findings translate in nursing practice?

- Provide suggestions about the potential for future research based on the topic / or make independent suggestions


to >4.19


Outstanding - HD

Outstanding explanation of how the findings of the research paper translate into nursing practice with logical suggestion of research ideas based on the selected topic


to >3.69


Superior - D

Superior explanation of how the findings of the research paper translate into nursing practice with logical suggestion of research idea based on the selected topic


to >3.19


Good - C

Good explanation of how the findings of the research paper translate into nursing practice with logical suggestion of research idea based on the selected topic


to >2.48


Satisfactory - P

Satisfactory explanation of how the findings of the research paper translate into nursing practice with logical suggestion of research idea based on the selected topic


to >0


Unsatisfactory - NX

Unsatisfactory explanation of how the findings of the research paper translate into nursing practice with logical suggestion of research idea based on the selected topic



This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Presentation Quality: Audio

Presentation reflects the requirements of the assessment instructions including but not limited to clarity of spoken communication, time adherence, speed and delivery of narration.


to >2.0


Outstanding - HD

Outstanding presentation that reflects the requirements of the assessment instructions. No error or omissions


to >1.5


Superior - D

Superior presentation that reflects the requirements of the assessment instructions in relation. Minor errors or areas for improvement noted.


to >1.0


Good - C

Good presentation that reflects the requirements of the assessment instructions for the most part. Further practice at oral delivery of content would strengthen your work.


to >0.5


Satisfactory - P

Satisfactory presentation that reflects the requirements of the assessment somewhat. Further practice at oral delivery of content, particularly speech pace OR pronunciation of key terms, would strengthen your work


to >0


Unsatisfactory - NX

Unsatisfactory presentation of student work. Clarity of spoken word hinders communication of ideas. Further practice at oral delivery of content, particularly speech pace AND/OR pronunciation of key terms would strengthen your work.



This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Visual elements

Clear presentation of information on each PowerPoint slide, with consideration given to graphic design including use of colour, fonts and imagery.


to >2.0


Outstanding - HD

Outstanding PowerPoint slides which add contextual information and support the narration to an outstanding level.


to >1.5


Superior - D

Superior PowerPoint slides which add contextual information and support the narration to a superior level.


to >1.0


Good - C

Good quality PowerPoint slides which add contextual information and support the narration to a level of good quality.


to >0.5


Satisfactory - P

Satisfactory PowerPoint slides which add contextual information and support the narration to a satisfactory level.


to >0


Unsatisfactory - NX

Unsatisfactory PowerPoint slides which add limited contextual information. There is unsatisfactory support of the narration.



This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Scholarly approach

to the identification and integration of evidence to inform arguments, support definitions and an ethical approach to using the ideas and academic work of others. Key points identified for the audience in the PowerPoint and narration content are evidenced by high-quality peer reviewed academic sources


to >4.19


Outstanding - HD

Outstanding use of evidence to inform arguments, support definitions and adhere to an ethical approach when using the ideas and work of others. Both PowerPoint and narration are evidenced to an outstanding standard with no errors or omissions.


to >3.69


Superior - D

Superior use of evidence to inform arguments, support definitions and adhere to an ethical approach when using the ideas and work of others. Both PowerPoint and narration are evidenced to an outstanding standard with minor/infrequent errors or omissions which do not detract from the academic validity of the presentation.


to >3.19


Good - C

Good use of evidence to inform arguments, support definitions and adhere to an ethical approach when using the ideas and work of others. Both PowerPoint and narration are evidenced to a good standard with some errors and/or omissions which minorly detract from the academic validity of the presentation.


to >2.48


Satisfactory - P

Satisfactory use of evidence to inform arguments, support definitions and adhere to an ethical approach when using the ideas and work of others. Both PowerPoint and narration are evidenced to a satisfactory standard with frequent errors and/or omissions which detract from the academic validity of the presentation.


to >0


Unsatisfactory - NX

Unsatisfactory use of evidence to inform arguments, support definitions and adhere to an ethical approach when using the ideas and work of others. Both PowerPoint and narration lack evidence with consistent and significant errors and/or omissions which seriously detract from the academic validity of the presentation.



This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Academic approach

Follows conventional academic approach - including academic language, grammar, spelling, punctuation and syntax.


to >2.0


Outstanding - HD

Outstanding adherence to academic language principles including (but not limited to) spelling, grammar, punctuation, and terminology.


to >1.5


Superior - D

Superior adherence to academic language principles including (but not limited to) spelling, grammar, punctuation, and terminology.


to >1.0


Good - C

Good adherence to academic language principles including (but not limited to) spelling, grammar, punctuation, and terminology.


to >0.5


Satisfactory - P

Satisfactory adherence to academic language principles including (but not limited to) spelling, grammar, punctuation, and terminology.


to >0


Unsatisfactory - NX

Unsatisfactory adherence to academic language principles including (but not limited to) spelling, grammar, punctuation, and terminology.



This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

UC APA7th Referencing

Adherence to APA 7th edition reference style.


to >2.0


Outstanding - HD

Outstanding adherence to APA 7th edition with no errors or omissions.


to >1.5


Superior - D

Superior adherence to APA 7th edition with minimal, minor errors or omissions.


to >1.0


Good - C

Good adherence to APA 7th edition with some errors or omissions.


to >0.5


Satisfactory - P

Satisfactory adherence to APA 7th edition with frequent errors or omissions.


to >0


Unsatisfactory - NX

Unsatisfactory adherence to APA 7th edition with no errors or omissions



Total points:


Answered Same DayOct 18, 2023

Answer To: Assessment Three: Narrated PowerPoint...

Deblina answered on Oct 19 2023
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