SM - Assessment 1_Trade Me Analysis by Diogo Cris De Lara Submission date: 23-Jun XXXXXXXXXX:11PM (UTC+1200) Submission ID: XXXXXXXXXX File name:...

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ASSIGNMENT 1-B and 2 are combined assignment on the basis of ass-1 which is uploaded on the link given by the expert monica in chat box.the assignment is all about stake holders of the industry to make it competitive.and u can use the references from ass-1 also.

SM - Assessment 1_Trade Me Analysis by Diogo Cris De Lara Submission date: 23-Jun-2018 06:11PM (UTC+1200) Submission ID: 976950064 File name: 60256_Diogo_Cris_De_Lara_SM_-_Assessment_1_Trade_Me_Analysis_540315_774456297.pdf Word count: 3964 Character count: 23192 7% SIMILARITY INDEX 1% INTERNET SOURCES 0% PUBLICATIONS 6% STUDENT PAPERS 1 1% 2 1% 3 1% 4 1% 5 1% 6 1% 7 <1% 8=""><1% 9="" sm="" -="" assessment="" 1_trade="" me="" analysis="" originality="" report="" primary="" sources="" submitted="" to="" auckland="" institute="" of="" studies="" student="" paper="" submitted="" to="" mfh="" international="" institute="" student="" paper="" submitted="" to="" university="" of="" sydney="" student="" paper="" submitted="" to="" embry="" riddle="" aeronautical="" university="" student="" paper="" submitted="" to="" victoria="" university="" of="" wellington="" student="" paper="" submitted="" to="" anglia="" ruskin="" university="" student="" paper="" submitted="" to="" university="" of="" auckland="" student="" paper="" submitted="" to="" massey="" university="" student="" paper="" submitted="" to="" city="" university="" of="" hong="" kong=""><1% 10=""><1% 11=""><1% 12=""><1% 13=""><1% 14=""><1% exclude quotes of f exclude bibliography of f exclude matches of f student paper submitted to bryan college student paper submitted to turun yliopisto student paper internet source enrico bonetti. "the effectiveness of meta‐ brands in the typical product industry: mozzarella cheese", british food journal, 2004 publicat ion submitted to british school of commerce - colombo student paper sm - assessment 1_trade me analysis by diogo cris de lara sm - assessment 1_trade me analysis originality report primary sources auckland international campus cx770020 strategic management page | 6 assessment 1: part b instructions (individual) write an individual report that demonstrates critical reflection around the following: stakeholders and wider issues 1. consider the expectations of stakeholders by discussing a wide range of relevant issues, such as environmental sustainability, ethics, leadership, culture, the global environment, and making workplaces fit for humans. 2. how could responding to these expectations and issues, to create competitive advantage for a business? report structure your report could have the following structure:  title page (includes title of the proposal, name of the person the report is for, date submitted)  table of contents  introduction  stakeholders and wider issue o stakeholders expectation and wider issues o responding to create competitive advantage  conclusion note that you must use appropriate referencing (in text and a reference list). referencing the source of concepts, tools and techniques is an important aspect to enhance the credibility of your evaluation. word count the word count excludes your reference list and appendix. plagiarism plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty. cases of dishonesty are regarded as serious by otago polytechnic. see the course outline and opaic policies about this. minimum achievement requirement you must achieve a combined minimum of 40% for the individual reports (assessment 1: part b and assessment 2) for a mark below 40% the lecturer will reduce the marks for all other assessments (assessment 1: part a, and assessment 3) to the same level, unless compelling evidence exists of the student’s contribution to these assessments. for a mark between 40% and 50% the lecturer may also reduce the marks for all other assessments (assessment 1:part a, and assessment 3) to the same level. the lecturer may make a determination about this adjustment based on the individual’s contribution to group work in class, attendance and other factors indicating individual effort and contribution. the lecturer could also assign additional work, or a resubmission of all or selected parts of the assignment. however, such determination will be the exception, and is at the discretion of the lecturer. auckland international campus cx770020 strategic management page | 7 submission the reports for assessment 1: part b, and assessment 2 will be submitted as one combined report on moodle. this is done to simplify the submission process of these individual reports for students. marking rubric – individual report p e rf e c t e x c e lle n t v e ry g o o d g o o d a b o v e a v e ra g e a v e ra g e b e lo w a v e ra g e in a d e q u a te p o o r v e ry p o o r % 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 percentages are indicative introduction: purpose of the report, key focus of this report, brief description of the organisation. 5 introduction judged by how well it prepares the reader for the content of the report. stakeholders and wider issues 1- stakeholders and wider issues analysis 50 a range of relevant stakeholders and issues are discussed. indicative issues include environmental sustainability, ethics, leadership, culture, the global environment, and making workplaces fit for humans. 2- responding to create competitive advantage 40 an analysis is done of how responding to these expectations and issue create competitive advantage for a business? presentation: presentation supports understanding of the report. 5 how well does the presentation of the report support understanding of the report by a reader (e.g. a busy manager or ceo). indicative aspects to consider could include: physical appearance, length, writing style, grammar, spelling and punctuation, referencing, use of figures, headings and summaries, use of appendices. strategic management assessment 2 - critical review - term 3 2018 auckland international campus bachelor of applied management graduate diploma in applied management cx770020 strategic management assessment 2 individual critical review and planning study block 3: 2018 due: week 6, day 1 weighting: 15% type: individual assessment report length: 1,000 – 2,000 words submit: electronically (no hard copy) to the moodle site for this paper. important note: you must achieve a combined minimum of 40% for the individual reports (assessment 1: part b and assessment 2). in other words 40% minimum across assessment 1b and assessment 2. auckland international campus cx770020 strategic management page | 2 objectives this assessment is designed to allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts, tools, and techniques fundamental to strategic management. you will critically consider how the concepts, tools, techniques and the overall approach to strategic management could be adjusted to take into account stakeholder’s needs and related issues. learning outcomes 1. think critically regarding the application of relevant concepts, tools, and techniques of strategy instructions – all assessments see in report 1 instructions. assessment 2 instructions (individual) you are expected to write an individual report that demonstrates critical reflection around the following: you are required to: 1. reflect on the analysis done in assessment 1. did this adequately consider the needs of stakeholder and wider issues? what could make it more responsive to these needs and issues? refer to your analysis done on 1a above. 2. given your stakeholder analysis, state (1) what the key determinants of competitive advantage would be, and (2) how you would formulate a strategy in report 3, for instance its structure, and what tools, concepts, approaches etc. could be used in this formulation. report structure your report could have the following structure:  title page (includes title of the proposal, name of the person the report is for, date submitted)  table of contents  introduction  reflecting and planning o report 1 reflection  needs of stakeholders and wider issues  being more responsive to these needs and issues o report 3 reflective planning – stakeholder focused  key determinants of competitive advantage  strategy to improve competitive advantage  conclusion note that you must use appropriate referencing (in text and a reference list). referencing the source of concepts, tools and techniques is an important aspect to enhance the credibility of your evaluation. auckland international campus cx770020 strategic management page | 3 word count the word count excludes your reference list and appendix. plagiarism plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty. cases of dishonesty are regarded as serious by otago polytechnic. see the course outline and opaic policies about this. minimum achievement requirement you must achieve a combined minimum of 40% for the individual reports (assessment 1: part b and assessment 2). for a mark below 40% the lecturer will reduce the marks for all other assessments (assessment 1: part a, and assessment 3) to the same level, unless compelling evidence exists of the student’s contribution to these assessments. for a mark between 40% and 50% the lecturer may also reduce the marks for all other assessments (assessment 1:part a, and assessment 3) to the same level. the lecturer may make a determination about this adjustment based on the individual’s contribution to group work in class, attendance and other factors indicating individual effort and contribution. the lecturer could also assign additional work, or a resubmission of all or selected parts of the assignment. however, such determination will be the exception, and is at the discretion of the lecturer. see in the course outline how these evaluations will be done by the lecturer (see heading “determining whether a student contributed to group work, and whether their individual marks should be adjusted”). the peer reviews will also affect this determination. note that the preference is always to make no changes, and this intervention is to ensure that any freeloading or free rider behaviour is prevented, or that exceptional performance is rewarded more. it is not intended to make small changes based on minimal differences between group members. submission the reports for assessment 1: part b, and assessment 2 will be submitted as one combined report on moodle. this is done to simplify the submission process of these individual reports for students. auckland international campus cx770020 strategic management page | 4 marking rubric – individual report p e rf e c t e x c e lle n t v e ry g o o d g o o d a b o v e a v e ra g e a v e ra g e exclude="" quotes="" of="" f="" exclude="" bibliography="" of="" f="" exclude="" matches="" of="" f="" student="" paper="" submitted="" to="" bryan="" college="" student="" paper="" submitted="" to="" turun="" yliopisto="" student="" paper="""" internet="" source="" enrico="" bonetti.="" "the="" effectiveness="" of="" meta‐="" brands="" in="" the="" typical="" product="" industry:="" mozzarella="" cheese",="" british="" food="" journal,="" 2004="" publicat="" ion="" submitted="" to="" british="" school="" of="" commerce="" -="" colombo="" student="" paper="" sm="" -="" assessment="" 1_trade="" me="" analysis="" by="" diogo="" cris="" de="" lara="" sm="" -="" assessment="" 1_trade="" me="" analysis="" originality="" report="" primary="" sources="" auckland="" international="" campus="" cx770020="" strategic="" management="" page="" |="" 6="" assessment="" 1:="" part="" b="" instructions="" (individual)="" write="" an="" individual="" report="" that="" demonstrates="" critical="" reflection="" around="" the="" following:="" stakeholders="" and="" wider="" issues="" 1.="" consider="" the="" expectations="" of="" stakeholders="" by="" discussing="" a="" wide="" range="" of="" relevant="" issues,="" such="" as="" environmental="" sustainability,="" ethics,="" leadership,="" culture,="" the="" global="" environment,="" and="" making="" workplaces="" fit="" for="" humans.="" 2.="" how="" could="" responding="" to="" these="" expectations="" and="" issues,="" to="" create="" competitive="" advantage="" for="" a="" business?="" report="" structure="" your="" report="" could="" have="" the="" following="" structure:="" ="" title="" page="" (includes="" title="" of="" the="" proposal,="" name="" of="" the="" person="" the="" report="" is="" for,="" date="" submitted)="" ="" table="" of="" contents="" ="" introduction="" ="" stakeholders="" and="" wider="" issue="" o="" stakeholders="" expectation="" and="" wider="" issues="" o="" responding="" to="" create="" competitive="" advantage="" ="" conclusion="" note="" that="" you="" must="" use="" appropriate="" referencing="" (in="" text="" and="" a="" reference="" list).="" referencing="" the="" source="" of="" concepts,="" tools="" and="" techniques="" is="" an="" important="" aspect="" to="" enhance="" the="" credibility="" of="" your="" evaluation.="" word="" count="" the="" word="" count="" excludes="" your="" reference="" list="" and="" appendix.="" plagiarism="" plagiarism="" is="" a="" form="" of="" academic="" dishonesty.="" cases="" of="" dishonesty="" are="" regarded="" as="" serious="" by="" otago="" polytechnic.="" see="" the="" course="" outline="" and="" opaic="" policies="" about="" this.="" minimum="" achievement="" requirement="" you="" must="" achieve="" a="" combined="" minimum="" of="" 40%="" for="" the="" individual="" reports="" (assessment="" 1:="" part="" b="" and="" assessment="" 2)="" for="" a="" mark="" below="" 40%="" the="" lecturer="" will="" reduce="" the="" marks="" for="" all="" other="" assessments="" (assessment="" 1:="" part="" a,="" and="" assessment="" 3)="" to="" the="" same="" level,="" unless="" compelling="" evidence="" exists="" of="" the="" student’s="" contribution="" to="" these="" assessments.="" for="" a="" mark="" between="" 40%="" and="" 50%="" the="" lecturer="" may="" also="" reduce="" the="" marks="" for="" all="" other="" assessments="" (assessment="" 1:part="" a,="" and="" assessment="" 3)="" to="" the="" same="" level.="" the="" lecturer="" may="" make="" a="" determination="" about="" this="" adjustment="" based="" on="" the="" individual’s="" contribution="" to="" group="" work="" in="" class,="" attendance="" and="" other="" factors="" indicating="" individual="" effort="" and="" contribution.="" the="" lecturer="" could="" also="" assign="" additional="" work,="" or="" a="" resubmission="" of="" all="" or="" selected="" parts="" of="" the="" assignment.="" however,="" such="" determination="" will="" be="" the="" exception,="" and="" is="" at="" the="" discretion="" of="" the="" lecturer.="" auckland="" international="" campus="" cx770020="" strategic="" management="" page="" |="" 7="" submission="" the="" reports="" for="" assessment="" 1:="" part="" b,="" and="" assessment="" 2="" will="" be="" submitted="" as="" one="" combined="" report="" on="" moodle.="" this="" is="" done="" to="" simplify="" the="" submission="" process="" of="" these="" individual="" reports="" for="" students.="" marking="" rubric="" –="" individual="" report="" p="" e="" rf="" e="" c="" t="" e="" x="" c="" e="" lle="" n="" t="" v="" e="" ry="" g="" o="" o="" d="" g="" o="" o="" d="" a="" b="" o="" v="" e="" a="" v="" e="" ra="" g="" e="" a="" v="" e="" ra="" g="" e="" b="" e="" lo="" w="" a="" v="" e="" ra="" g="" e="" in="" a="" d="" e="" q="" u="" a="" te="" p="" o="" o="" r="" v="" e="" ry="" p="" o="" o="" r="" %="" 100="" 90="" 80="" 70="" 60="" 50="" 40="" 30="" 20="" 10="" percentages="" are="" indicative="" introduction:="" purpose="" of="" the="" report,="" key="" focus="" of="" this="" report,="" brief="" description="" of="" the="" organisation.="" 5="" introduction="" judged="" by="" how="" well="" it="" prepares="" the="" reader="" for="" the="" content="" of="" the="" report.="" stakeholders="" and="" wider="" issues="" 1-="" stakeholders="" and="" wider="" issues="" analysis="" 50="" a="" range="" of="" relevant="" stakeholders="" and="" issues="" are="" discussed.="" indicative="" issues="" include="" environmental="" sustainability,="" ethics,="" leadership,="" culture,="" the="" global="" environment,="" and="" making="" workplaces="" fit="" for="" humans.="" 2-="" responding="" to="" create="" competitive="" advantage="" 40="" an="" analysis="" is="" done="" of="" how="" responding="" to="" these="" expectations="" and="" issue="" create="" competitive="" advantage="" for="" a="" business?="" presentation:="" presentation="" supports="" understanding="" of="" the="" report.="" 5="" how="" well="" does="" the="" presentation="" of="" the="" report="" support="" understanding="" of="" the="" report="" by="" a="" reader="" (e.g.="" a="" busy="" manager="" or="" ceo).="" indicative="" aspects="" to="" consider="" could="" include:="" physical="" appearance,="" length,="" writing="" style,="" grammar,="" spelling="" and="" punctuation,="" referencing,="" use="" of="" figures,="" headings="" and="" summaries,="" use="" of="" appendices.="" strategic="" management="" assessment="" 2="" -="" critical="" review="" -="" term="" 3="" 2018="" auckland="" international="" campus="" bachelor="" of="" applied="" management="" graduate="" diploma="" in="" applied="" management="" cx770020="" strategic="" management="" assessment="" 2="" individual="" critical="" review="" and="" planning="" study="" block="" 3:="" 2018="" due:="" week="" 6,="" day="" 1="" weighting:="" 15%="" type:="" individual="" assessment="" report="" length:="" 1,000="" –="" 2,000="" words="" submit:="" electronically="" (no="" hard="" copy)="" to="" the="" moodle="" site="" for="" this="" paper.="" important="" note:="" you="" must="" achieve="" a="" combined="" minimum="" of="" 40%="" for="" the="" individual="" reports="" (assessment="" 1:="" part="" b="" and="" assessment="" 2).="" in="" other="" words="" 40%="" minimum="" across="" assessment="" 1b="" and="" assessment="" 2.="" auckland="" international="" campus="" cx770020="" strategic="" management="" page="" |="" 2="" objectives="" this="" assessment="" is="" designed="" to="" allow="" you="" to="" demonstrate="" your="" understanding="" of="" the="" concepts,="" tools,="" and="" techniques="" fundamental="" to="" strategic="" management.="" you="" will="" critically="" consider="" how="" the="" concepts,="" tools,="" techniques="" and="" the="" overall="" approach="" to="" strategic="" management="" could="" be="" adjusted="" to="" take="" into="" account="" stakeholder’s="" needs="" and="" related="" issues.="" learning="" outcomes="" 1.="" think="" critically="" regarding="" the="" application="" of="" relevant="" concepts,="" tools,="" and="" techniques="" of="" strategy="" instructions="" –="" all="" assessments="" see="" in="" report="" 1="" instructions.="" assessment="" 2="" instructions="" (individual)="" you="" are="" expected="" to="" write="" an="" individual="" report="" that="" demonstrates="" critical="" reflection="" around="" the="" following:="" you="" are="" required="" to:="" 1.="" reflect="" on="" the="" analysis="" done="" in="" assessment="" 1.="" did="" this="" adequately="" consider="" the="" needs="" of="" stakeholder="" and="" wider="" issues?="" what="" could="" make="" it="" more="" responsive="" to="" these="" needs="" and="" issues?="" refer="" to="" your="" analysis="" done="" on="" 1a="" above.="" 2.="" given="" your="" stakeholder="" analysis,="" state="" (1)="" what="" the="" key="" determinants="" of="" competitive="" advantage="" would="" be,="" and="" (2)="" how="" you="" would="" formulate="" a="" strategy="" in="" report="" 3,="" for="" instance="" its="" structure,="" and="" what="" tools,="" concepts,="" approaches="" etc.="" could="" be="" used="" in="" this="" formulation.="" report="" structure="" your="" report="" could="" have="" the="" following="" structure:="" ="" title="" page="" (includes="" title="" of="" the="" proposal,="" name="" of="" the="" person="" the="" report="" is="" for,="" date="" submitted)="" ="" table="" of="" contents="" ="" introduction="" ="" reflecting="" and="" planning="" o="" report="" 1="" reflection="" ="" needs="" of="" stakeholders="" and="" wider="" issues="" ="" being="" more="" responsive="" to="" these="" needs="" and="" issues="" o="" report="" 3="" reflective="" planning="" –="" stakeholder="" focused="" ="" key="" determinants="" of="" competitive="" advantage="" ="" strategy="" to="" improve="" competitive="" advantage="" ="" conclusion="" note="" that="" you="" must="" use="" appropriate="" referencing="" (in="" text="" and="" a="" reference="" list).="" referencing="" the="" source="" of="" concepts,="" tools="" and="" techniques="" is="" an="" important="" aspect="" to="" enhance="" the="" credibility="" of="" your="" evaluation.="" auckland="" international="" campus="" cx770020="" strategic="" management="" page="" |="" 3="" word="" count="" the="" word="" count="" excludes="" your="" reference="" list="" and="" appendix.="" plagiarism="" plagiarism="" is="" a="" form="" of="" academic="" dishonesty.="" cases="" of="" dishonesty="" are="" regarded="" as="" serious="" by="" otago="" polytechnic.="" see="" the="" course="" outline="" and="" opaic="" policies="" about="" this.="" minimum="" achievement="" requirement="" you="" must="" achieve="" a="" combined="" minimum="" of="" 40%="" for="" the="" individual="" reports="" (assessment="" 1:="" part="" b="" and="" assessment="" 2).="" for="" a="" mark="" below="" 40%="" the="" lecturer="" will="" reduce="" the="" marks="" for="" all="" other="" assessments="" (assessment="" 1:="" part="" a,="" and="" assessment="" 3)="" to="" the="" same="" level,="" unless="" compelling="" evidence="" exists="" of="" the="" student’s="" contribution="" to="" these="" assessments.="" for="" a="" mark="" between="" 40%="" and="" 50%="" the="" lecturer="" may="" also="" reduce="" the="" marks="" for="" all="" other="" assessments="" (assessment="" 1:part="" a,="" and="" assessment="" 3)="" to="" the="" same="" level.="" the="" lecturer="" may="" make="" a="" determination="" about="" this="" adjustment="" based="" on="" the="" individual’s="" contribution="" to="" group="" work="" in="" class,="" attendance="" and="" other="" factors="" indicating="" individual="" effort="" and="" contribution.="" the="" lecturer="" could="" also="" assign="" additional="" work,="" or="" a="" resubmission="" of="" all="" or="" selected="" parts="" of="" the="" assignment.="" however,="" such="" determination="" will="" be="" the="" exception,="" and="" is="" at="" the="" discretion="" of="" the="" lecturer.="" see="" in="" the="" course="" outline="" how="" these="" evaluations="" will="" be="" done="" by="" the="" lecturer="" (see="" heading="" “determining="" whether="" a="" student="" contributed="" to="" group="" work,="" and="" whether="" their="" individual="" marks="" should="" be="" adjusted”).="" the="" peer="" reviews="" will="" also="" affect="" this="" determination.="" note="" that="" the="" preference="" is="" always="" to="" make="" no="" changes,="" and="" this="" intervention="" is="" to="" ensure="" that="" any="" freeloading="" or="" free="" rider="" behaviour="" is="" prevented,="" or="" that="" exceptional="" performance="" is="" rewarded="" more.="" it="" is="" not="" intended="" to="" make="" small="" changes="" based="" on="" minimal="" differences="" between="" group="" members.="" submission="" the="" reports="" for="" assessment="" 1:="" part="" b,="" and="" assessment="" 2="" will="" be="" submitted="" as="" one="" combined="" report="" on="" moodle.="" this="" is="" done="" to="" simplify="" the="" submission="" process="" of="" these="" individual="" reports="" for="" students.="" auckland="" international="" campus="" cx770020="" strategic="" management="" page="" |="" 4="" marking="" rubric="" –="" individual="" report="" p="" e="" rf="" e="" c="" t="" e="" x="" c="" e="" lle="" n="" t="" v="" e="" ry="" g="" o="" o="" d="" g="" o="" o="" d="" a="" b="" o="" v="" e="" a="" v="" e="" ra="" g="" e="" a="" v="" e="" ra="" g="">
Answered Same DayJul 06, 2020CX770020

Answer To: SM - Assessment 1_Trade Me Analysis by Diogo Cris De Lara Submission date: 23-Jun XXXXXXXXXX:11PM...

Parul answered on Jul 07 2020
159 Votes
Strategic Management Assessment 2&3- Trade Me Analysis
Introduction    2
Organisation Overview    3
Different Types of Stakeholders    4
Expectations of Stakeholders    4
Ethical Aspects    4
Risk Management    4
Leadership    5
Consumers    5
Environment & Community    5
Employees    6
Key determinants of competitive advantage    8
Strategy to improve competitive advantage    8
Conclusion    9
References    9
Leadership and top management is accountable for thinking innovative ideas and implementing those ideas that can provide competitive edge to the organisation and assist in achieving strategic g
oals keep a conscious tab on the risk taken after consulting the benefits of all the stakeholders. There is no denying to the fact that for any business to be successful requires support, dedication and buying from all its stakeholders. For this overall objective it is imperative that board develops productive relationships with all its contributor and ally that motivate to engage with the organisation. Trade Me retain stakeholders by providing them information and keeping healthy communications. Taking reference from the annual reports of the organization (Trade Me, 2017), there is regular reporting to NZX and ASX that in turn provides platform for healthy flow communication. Moreover, organisation furnishes presentations in public forums like print media and on social platforms that provides information on any new developments in the business, any head wings or challenges that might be faced in the future and what are new areas of focus. Furthermore, organisation also provide detail analysis of organisation's revenue, net income and savings along with new products and service in pipelines. Also, bring out the shareholding patterns by the virtue of annual reports and meetings to the shareholders. Leaders of Trade Me inspires their shareholder to frequently visits company's websites to stay updated with small yet important updates. By the virtue of this report I will be explaining what are the different expectations of stakeholders in Trade Me. Identifying and analysing range of issues that are quite relevant for the shareholders for instance like environmental sustainability, ethics, leadership, culture, the global environment and making workplaces fit for humans. Moreover, this report also provides expectations of each stakeholder and what are the issues with the expectations. In conclusion, I have explained how can Trade Me utilise present resources to match and exceed the expectations that would in turn create competitive advantage for a business.
Organisation Overview
If we want to identify what are different expectations of various stakeholders and critically comprehend their expectations, it is extremely essential that one understand the business and its growth Trade Me is one of the well know online auction websites headquartered in New Zealand. Established in the year 1999 by Sam Morgan and is listed publicly. As explained in the assignment 1, this organisation is quite dominant in the local market. Statistic presented in the annual reports (Trade Me, 2015) primary website of the organisation is one of top most visited websites in the country that has ranked it one thousand eight hundred fourth four according to reports by Alexa Internet. With the reference to the information analysed from the annual reports (Trade Me, 2016) it is quite evident that organisation in FY 2016 has resulted in tremendous and returned profit after a time of regular and supportive investment. As per the annual reports revenue rose up to 9.2% comparing the revenue from the previous year resulting in steady and stable five year CAGR of 8.9%. Swelling rise of 9.4% is observed in second quarter since growth was higher than what was attained in H2 especially growth observed in general items that has exhibited growth in revenue in three years. On the other hand, expense has declined.
With the reference to the information analysed from the annual reports (Trade Me, 2016) and deep diving into revenue one can analyse that there are huge sales in general item, with growth of 7% that is driven by escalating sales in gross merchandise. As per the detailed mentioned in the assignment1 and reference from the annual reports we can see the revenue been broken into following segments.
Different Types of Stakeholders
Stakeholders and partners can influence or be influenced by the association's activities, targets and strategies. With the reference to the information analysed from the annual reports (Trade Me, 2017) primary stakeholders are of the Trade Me organisation are the one who have certain stake in the organisation which implies that if the company grows their value and wealth increases while if the company goes south similar would be the condition of such partners. Hence, it is safe to say that growth of the organisation becomes absolute essential for the stakeholders. Below are the few stakeholders of Trade Me organisation
· Investors
· Employees
· Partners
· Consumers
· Government
· Financial Institutions
· Environment
· Community
Expectations of Stakeholders
Leaders and top management like directors of the organisation needs to chalk exclusive standards of moral conduct and ethical behaviour and then model this conduct and empower management such that ownership and accountability for delivering standards that are set all across.
Ethical Aspects
In order to meet this ethical aspect of expectation that all the stakeholders, organisation has outlined their rules and process that sets out the moral and ethical conduct that gauges all the employees even the executives and directors. Each and every employee, executives, staff and partners are likewise anticipated that would maintain the code of conduct set by the organisation with best of their capabilities. As an organisation, it values and acknowledges the quality that is brought by honesty and dedication towards the work that is in turn imperative for organisation to succeed and so as their stakeholders. This code of conduct of the organisation attracts its qualities in employees, staff, partners and consumers.
Risk Management
The motivation behind risk administration for Trade Me is to distinguish and oversee both existing and any new risk in an...

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