Business Law Earlier in May, Jack made an inquiry at "The Cliffs," a mountain resort owned by Cliff. In Cliff's absence, Joe, one of Cliff's caretaker, had shown Jack two available rental houses,...

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Business Law

Earlier in May, Jack made an inquiry at "The Cliffs," a mountain resort owned by Cliff. In Cliff's absence, Joe, one of Cliff's caretaker, had shown Jack two available rental houses, "Hi-Vu" and "Lo-Vu," owned by Cliff, which Joe stated were listed for rent at $6,000 and $3,000 respectively, for one season.

On May 15, Jack received a letter from Cliff which read,

"This confirms statements by Joe. You may have Hi-Vu at $6,000,

or Lo-Vu at $3,000, for the season June through August, all services

included, payable in equal monthly installments."

On May 17, Jack wrote to Cliff as follows,

"I think your prices are high. Will you take $5,000 for Hi-Vu?

If not, then I'll have to settle for Lo-Vu, and I agree to pay the

$3,000 you ask, only I hope you may be willing to consider some

concession if I pay the whole $3,000 in advance."

On May 18, Cliff received Jack's letter and Cliff immediately telegraphed Jack,

"No change in prices. See my letter of the 16th."

Jack received Cliff's telegram the same day, May 18; and later that day Jack also received Cliff's letter of May 16, which read,

"Our deal is off."

The normal course of post between Jack and Cliff was one day. What rights, if any, does Jack have against Cliff?

Answered 1 days AfterFeb 21, 2022

Answer To: Business Law Earlier in May, Jack made an inquiry at "The Cliffs," a mountain resort owned by Cliff....

Garima answered on Feb 22 2022
107 Votes
Business Law:
The case study presented here is regarding a legal rental agreement between landlord
and the tenant for the possession of property on rental basis. In the case discussed, the tenant, Mr. Jack, wanted to have a property for rent for 3 months. In this connection, Mr. Joe (caretaker of the property), showed two rental properties to Jack - Hi-Vu at $6,000, and Lo-Vu at $3,000. Later, Joe received a letter from the landlord (Mr. Cliff) himself offering Joe to choose the rental property that he desires. But before, Jack could take or leave the offer, without...

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