Discussion: Ethical Considerations of Health Care Marketing Research When conducting market research, health care organizations use a variety of methods to collect and report data. From how this data...

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Discussion: Ethical Considerations of Health Care Marketing Research When conducting market research, health care organizations use a variety of methods to collect and report data. From how this data is collected to who collects it, when they collect it, and how they report it, it is essential for organizations to establish ethical standards for the research process. For this Discussion, you examine ethics in market research and recommend strategies to address unethical behaviors. To prepare: Select a data collection or reporting method used in health care marketing research and reflect on related ethical considerations. Note:For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by selecting the “Post to Discussion” link and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clickingSubmit! By Day 3 Posta cohesive response to the following: Analyze ethical considerations for the data collection or reporting method you selected. Then, recommend strategies to address unethical behaviors that may occur when using this method in health care marketing research. Defend or argue your recommendations. Support your response by identifying and explaining key points and/or examples presented in the Learning Resources. Reada selection of your colleagues’ postings. Consider how your colleagues’ postings relate to the information presented in the Learning Resources and to your own posting.
Answered Same DayJan 01, 2021

Answer To: Discussion: Ethical Considerations of Health Care Marketing Research When conducting market...

Soumi answered on Jan 02 2021
157 Votes
Table of Contents
Data Collection Method used in Healthcare Marketing Research    3
Reflecting on Associated Ethical Considerations    3
Recommendations for Addressing Unethical Behaviors during using Chosen Method    3
References    5
Data Collection Method used in Healthcare Marketing Research
In healthcare sector, collecting data and reporting about them is a common practice in order to understand the patterns, prevalence as well as causes of health issues. Based on them, the suitable marketing methods are determined that help the patients and service users be aware of their required care services (Hill & Brierley, 2017). Such a method of collecting data is conducting survey questionnaire, in which a target population sample is asked quantitatively about their opinions or preferences. Questions are closed-ended multiple choice-types or in...

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