Have attached the screenshot of the chapters 6-9 and conclusion. I don't know how many pages it will take to complete it. Please just answer the whole correctly and counting on you guys.Directions:...

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Have attached the screenshot of the chapters 6-9 and conclusion. I don't know how many pages it will take to complete it. Please just answer the whole correctly and counting on you guys.

Directions: Respond to each question in 2-3 full paragraphs (remember each paragraph is 6-8 sentences). Question #2 will require more than one paragraph as a response. Upload your examination to CANVAS as an attachment.

1. Chapter 7

You have a manipulative new supervisor who has made promises to the leadership team and staff. You discover that these promises are often broken and your capability as a staff member is challenged by the supervisor. How do you maintain your relationship with the supervisor? How do you prepare to engage h/she knowing the trust is non-existent? Do you confront the supervisor or report him/her to higher supervision?

2. Chapters 6-8

Summarize the three stages highlighted in chapters 6, 7 and 8 in your own words. How is each stage significant?

3. Chapter 9

As a current manager or future manager how would you define your role? Incorporate elements learned through the text that you found to be meaningful.

4. Final Question

List the five most significant take-a-ways that you discovered in Paul Marthew’s Capability at Work text.

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Answered 3 days AfterJun 08, 2023

Answer To: Have attached the screenshot of the chapters 6-9 and conclusion. I don't know how many pages it will...

Deblina answered on Jun 12 2023
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