Hi I need someone to call me so can explain my assignment. I have attached task pictures. But i need to provide more material to helo with writing the assignment. Dont forget to attach filled evidence...

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Hi I need someone to call me so can explain my assignment. I have attached task pictures. But i need to provide more material to helo with writing the assignment. Dont forget to attach filled evidence sheet as mentioned in the task. Any questions please contact me. Pls make sure to write good assignment.
Answered 7 days AfterAug 12, 2021

Answer To: Hi I need someone to call me so can explain my assignment. I have attached task pictures. But i need...

Somprikta answered on Aug 13 2021
136 Votes
Personal Goals
The different aspects such as pollution, food safety,
unhealthy conditions, and sewerage overflow and so on affect the wellbeing of the environment in diverse ways. I have been concerned about these conditions that have a severe impact on the environment from early childhood. This concern induced me to undertake a degree in environmental health, so that I could understand the subject area properly as well as...

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